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Reply to "Document - Indian Immigration to British Guiana."

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Caribj is not a reader of Indian history. His personal experience far outweighs whatever other may have to say.

I recall you were the one screaming that former slaves were given millions of pounds by the British gov't when they freed.  That must have been from one of the KKK books that you love to read.

In fact Indian indentures had redress in front of the courts and apparently made much use of this.  African slaves had no more rights in the courts than did horses or donkeys as they were seen as also being farm animals.

As bad as indentureship was it was considerably better than slavery.

The same white ppl who fought for the end of slavery, also gave in the establishments of churches, schools, education supplies, teachers, etc, etc, etc. Maybe not millions of pounds(doan recall seying so, however I know you have imaginings) but what was given cost lots of money. And that effort made the Blacks into the Business Class until the Putagees rab alyuh of dat. The health sector, the teaching profession, police force, civil service etc, etc, all from th noble efforts of the abolitionists.

Until the Indians leff the plantations and the blacks educated them under the British Rule. Then Blacks start loosing dem jobs.

Under slavery, blacks had no rights.

More power to you today.  
