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Reply to "Not a Sermon only a Thought"

God is a Spirit and so are you. Allow me to explain, please! I am irreligious and consider ALL religion as nonsense! However, I believe in Jesus' definition of God as given in the Gospel according to John, Chapter 4, Verse 24: God is a Spirit, or Intangible Living Energy, out of whom ALL the intangible living energies such as us and ALL life, and ALL the tangible latent energies such as our bodies and ALL matter, come! And we, intangible living energies, realizing that we are such, and that God is the Source of our being such, we must worship God, Intangible Living Energy, by being truthful, for out of God can only come TRUTH or REALITY, not untruth or unreality! Energy is neither created nor destroyed! Whatever is, was, and will always BE! There is NO death, just a separation of the spirit or intangible living energy from its tool, tangible latent energy, the body, matter! ALL is experience, whether personally acceptable or not, whether in this physical world of matter or in the world of energy or spirit!! The only change is the choice of matter, in this world of matter, for new experiences, according to the experiences desired! Jesus NEVER started ANY religion! He taught TRUTH not religion! 'Christianity' was Paul's creation to corrupt Jesus' teachings! Better corrupt than persecute, especially when you can't find them to persecute! Paul was a Pharisee, a materialist, just like the Zionist Jews of today! Jesus spoke against the Pharisees, calling then 'children of their father' the devil (an alien! Read Exodus 25, 30 and 31 and decide for yourself if this was God)! Paul was born before Jesus! Why didn't he persecute Jesus' followers when Jesus was alive? Because he feared Jesus' powers and the people who followed Jesus! People who hate ALL Jews are mistaken. There are thousands, maybe millions, of Jews who are against the Zionists, even in Israel! I believe that those Jews who were killed in the Holocaust were against the Zionists' plans so they left them to the criminal Nazis! The Nazis killed all they could find as they trusted NO Jew! I could tell you more but only if you're interested!

The only real possessions each of us has are our memories, our labour and our power to choose! Our memories are dependant on what we input into our brains from our five senses; we labour, whether physically or mentally to support our physical bodies; our power to choose we always have, whether in this physical world of matter or in the world of spirit or energy! We visit the world of spirit when we dream, temporarily, or for a longer while when we leave our bodies in the state we call 'death'! The body doesn't 'die', does it? It just decomposes and is used by other life forms! The spirits of our loved ones are still with us but do not interfere with our experiences unless to warn symbolically when we are in danger of doing something which could end our experiences here in this world of matter!

Heaven is the world of spirit where we no longer have to support a body! There is NO Hell! Is God a masochist or sadist! God is Spirit or Intangible Living Energy out of whom come ALL the intangible living energies such as us and ALL life, and ALL the tangible latent energies, such as our bodies and ALL matter!

Ananias, never heard of before or after, was a part of Paul's plot! "Paul, receive thy sight!" which he had never lost!

Now, because of Paul, Jesus' God, a Spirit, has become conflated with the 'god', an alien, of the Jewish high priests and the goyim (cattle), the Gentiles, mistakenly worship a false 'god'! Jesus called him the devil and those who worship him his children! No wonder there has been so many wars with the Jewish financiers, like Rothschild, profitting from both warring sides!

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