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Reply to "The epidemic of violence against women in Guyana"

Bibi Haniffa posted:

It’s comical to see abusers of women discuss domestic violence.  Shame check please!!!!  Or y’all don’t have none?

Yes, it is comical coming from you.  You are one who claims women working on chartiable/social issues in Guyana must be sleeping around with ministers to get their agenda pushed and with rich men to get funding.  You claim they are frauds and thieves!  You are exceptionally vicious against other women in this space, not in the least Varshanie!

You are one of the most prolific verbal abuser of both men and women on this board who disagrees with you or dislike BJ.  You also abuse people not on this site and not able to defend themselves!  You even abuse the virtue of a new-born baby two years ago!

So please, spare us your crocodile tears!
