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Former Member

1) Impeachment 24/7. The “inquiry,” supposedly prompted by President Trump’s Ukrainian call, is only the most recent coup seeking to overturn the 2016 election.

Usually, the serial futile attempts — with the exception of the Mueller debacle — were characterized by about a month of media hysteria.

2) False whistleblowers. The “whistleblower” is no whistleblower by any common definition of the noun. He has no incriminating documents, no information at all. He doesn’t even have firsthand evidence of wrongdoing.

Instead, the whistleblower relied on secondhand water-cooler gossip about a leaked presidential call. Even his mangled version of the call didn’t match that of official transcribers.

3) First-term impeachment. The Clinton and Nixon inquiries were directed at second-term presidencies, when there were no more electoral remedies for alleged wrongdoing. By contrast, Trump is up for election in less than a year. Impeachment, then, seems a partisan exercise in either circumventing a referendum election or in damaging a president seeking re-election.

4) No special-counsel finding. In the past, special counsels have found felonious presidential behavior, such as cited in Leon Jaworski’s and Ken Starr’s investigations. By contrast, special counsel Robert Mueller spent 22 months and $35 million, and yet his largely partisan law and investigative team found no “collusion” and no actionable presidential obstruction of that non-crime.

5) No bipartisanship. There was broad bipartisan support for the Nixon impeachment inquiry and even some for the Clinton impeachment. There is none for the Schiff impeachment effort.

6) No high crimes or misdemeanors. There is no proof of any actual crime. Asking a foreign head of state to look into past corruption is pro forma. That Joe Biden is now Trump’s potential rival doesn’t exculpate possible wrongdoing in his past as vice president, when his son used the Biden name for lucrative gain.

7) Thought crimes? Even if there were ever a quid, there is no quo: Unlike the case of the Obama administration, the Trump administration did supply arms to Ukraine, and the Ukrainians apparently did not reinvestigate the Bidens.

8) Double standards. There is now no standard of equality under the law. Instead, we are entering the jurisprudence of junta politics. If an alleged quid pro quo is an impeachable offense, should Biden have been impeached or indicted for clearly leveraging the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor for dubious reasons by threats of withholding US aid?

9) The Schiff factor. Schiff is now de facto chief impeachment prosecutor. He has repeatedly lied about the certainty of impending Mueller indictments or bombshells. He flat-out lied that he and his staff had no prior contact with the whistleblower. He made up a version of the Trump call that didn’t represent the transcript, and when called out, he begged off by claiming he was offering a “parody.”

10) Precedent. The indiscriminate efforts to remove Trump over the past three years, when coupled with the latest impeachment gambit, have now set a precedent in which the out party can use impeachment as a tool to embarrass, threaten or seek to remove a sitting president and reverse an election. We are witnessing constitutional government dissipating before our eyes.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bai Base, the case is laid out for a coup by the hapless Democrats. They should have done a practice run in toppling the PNC before attempting this. They miscalculated the unity on the Right. This will backfire on them and they might end up in wilderness for a very long time. Pelosi and Shifty Schiff miscalculated. 

Baseman posted:

10 reasons why this impeachment ‘inquiry’ is really a coup

2) False whistleblowers. The “whistleblower” is no whistleblower by any common definition of the noun. He has no incriminating documents, no information at all. He doesn’t even have firsthand evidence of wrongdoing.

Instead, the whistleblower relied on secondhand water-cooler gossip about a leaked presidential call. Even his mangled version of the call didn’t match that of official transcribers.

Misconstruing the fundamental issue and protection of "Whistleblower" under the US Statutes and laws.

Below is a part of the reference on the protection of "whistleblower".


Whistleblower Protection Act

Source and Rest of Article -- https://searchcompliance.techt...lower-Protection-Act

The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 is a law that protects federal government employees in the United States from retaliatory action for voluntarily disclosing information about dishonest or illegal activities occurring in a government organization.

This law, sometimes called the WPA, also prohibits a federal agency from taking action or threatening to take action against an employee or applicant for disclosing information that he or she believes violated a law, compliance rule or another regulation. The disclosed information could include reports of management wrongdoing, the waste of funds, an abuse of authority, and a potential risk to public health or safety.

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel has jurisdiction over allegations of federal whistleblower retaliation and investigates federal whistleblower complaints.

Who qualifies as a whistleblower?

A whistleblower is anyone who uncovers activities that could be illegal, unethical or inappropriate and then reports that activity to authorities or otherwise makes the activities known -- i.e., reporting the wrongdoing to a news outlet.

A whistleblower can be someone working in or with the public sector at the local, state or federal government level.

A whistleblower may also be someone working in or with private, for-profit companies, as well as nonprofit entities.

Many states have whistleblower laws, and those laws generally offer protections for whistleblowers in state and local government, as well as those working in the private sector. However, the WPA specifically applies to whistleblowers within the federal government.

Baseman posted:

10 reasons why this impeachment ‘inquiry’ is really a coup

3) First-term impeachment. The Clinton and Nixon inquiries were directed at second-term presidencies, when there were no more electoral remedies for alleged wrongdoing. By contrast, Trump is up for election in less than a year. Impeachment, then, seems a partisan exercise in either circumventing a referendum election or in damaging a president seeking re-election.

Immaterial whether the proceedings were conducted in the first or second term of a president.

Baseman posted:

10 reasons why this impeachment ‘inquiry’ is really a coup

10) Precedent. The indiscriminate efforts to remove Trump over the past three years, when coupled with the latest impeachment gambit, have now set a precedent in which the out party can use impeachment as a tool to embarrass, threaten or seek to remove a sitting president and reverse an election. We are witnessing constitutional government dissipating before our eyes.

Poppycock to this and the rest of the article !!!

Sean posted:

Bai Base, the case is laid out for a coup by the hapless Democrats. They should have done a practice run in toppling the PNC before attempting this. They miscalculated the unity on the Right. This will backfire on them and they might end up in wilderness for a very long time. Pelosi and Shifty Schiff miscalculated. 

I believe Nancy P must not be a happy camper!  She likely was convinced the “kingpin” (whistleblower) was solid and will hold it together as the rest of the functionaries are appended and a Victory lap down Pennsylvania Ave!   

However, the kingpin was weak and flawed, a hairpin it seems, discarded at the water cooler! Under stress and duress it squeaked and snapped and off flew the wheels of the wagon!  And all the Queen’s men and all the Queen’s horses couldn’t put waggli together again!

Now in rides Mr 2%er hoping to regroup the rag-tag army of “cretans”😀 and lead the charge onto fortress Trump!!

Oh Lordy!!!  You just can’t make this shit up!!

Last edited by Former Member

The Republicans are Cult followers, no longer a genuine political party, they follower a leader name Trump and does not defend the country he is a Russian Mole in the WH. As far as I am concerned, they are DUMB MFEs. Nunes exposed , running to Ukraine to dig up dirt on Bidens, him and Jiuliani should be jailed for life, for Treason.


Bai, the latest poll released today show that most Americans are opposed to an impeachment today by a larger number before the inquiry. All you follow dem CNN antiman down the waterfall. 
Democrat wheels are falling off.

Tek some time and watch the tens of  thousands showing up at a Trump rally in Florida !

Pelosi and Shifty Schiff are selling poisoned cool aid ! 

Last edited by Former Member

CNN released a poll showing 53% for and 47% against impeachment.  What they did not say, it was a poll which included 25% Reps, 45% Dems and 30% Independents!

They also say the majority favors impeachment 50% vs 47%.  However most of the "for" was NY and CA.  Trump cares little what NY/CA thinks!

This is why the Donkeys are fearful of a face off at the polls!  Trump will maul them!

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nancy Pelosi didn’t see Bloomberg pulling out his trump card.  Now we have to worry which billionaire will be President.

Only in America will a Republican run as a Democratic Presidential candidate to unseat a Republican President who is really a Democrat. Only in America. 😀


If Obama did one of the many crimes Donald committed, he would have been impeached and removed ten times over. What is good for the goose is not good for the gander. Trump's mouth, motives, and lies are catching up to him. If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power. What does he have to lose as he said to the black population?

skeldon_man posted:

If Obama did one of the many crimes Donald committed, he would have been impeached and removed ten times over. What is good for the goose is not good for the gander. Trump's mouth, motives, and lies are catching up to him. If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power. What does he have to lose as he said to the black population?

Nah. Trump was rejected from day 1 and efforts to snare him never stopped. Now that they ran out of ammo on 2016, the next is to thwart him in 2020!  

The Democrats have cried Wolf 🐺 so many times, many now tune them out!  I take everything they say with a grain of salt!  Even their polling data yesterday was exposed as slanted!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If Obama did one of the many crimes Donald committed, he would have been impeached and removed ten times over. What is good for the goose is not good for the gander. Trump's mouth, motives, and lies are catching up to him. If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power. What does he have to lose as he said to the black population?

Nah. Trump was rejected from day 1 and efforts to snare him never stopped. Now that they ran out of ammo on 2016, the next is to thwart him in 2020!  

The Democrats have cried Wolf 🐺 so many times, many now tune them out!  I take everything they say with a grain of salt!  Even their polling data yesterday was exposed as slanted!

If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power.


skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If Obama did one of the many crimes Donald committed, he would have been impeached and removed ten times over. What is good for the goose is not good for the gander. Trump's mouth, motives, and lies are catching up to him. If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power. What does he have to lose as he said to the black population?

Nah. Trump was rejected from day 1 and efforts to snare him never stopped. Now that they ran out of ammo on 2016, the next is to thwart him in 2020!  

The Democrats have cried Wolf 🐺 so many times, many now tune them out!  I take everything they say with a grain of salt!  Even their polling data yesterday was exposed as slanted!

If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power.


The transcripts have been released!  What documents?

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

CNN released a poll showing 53% for and 47% against impeachment.  What they did not say, it was a poll which included 25% Reps, 45% Dems and 30% Independents!

They also say the majority favors impeachment 50% vs 47%.  However most of the "for" was NY and CA.  Trump cares little what NY/CA thinks!

This is why the Donkeys are fearful of a face off at the polls!  Trump will maul them!

Democrats worse than their fellow socialist Burnham. Dem CNN antimen na get shame. 

No wonder they had crooked Hillary ahead the last election. They sampled 90 percent Democrats and 10 percent republicans. 

I wonder if they are also fudging the numbers for Democrat candidates. Talk about Yellow journalism. 

Last edited by Former Member

Trump’s only firewall is the Republican dominated Senate. In regards to elections, he has seen any advantage he had on elections night 2016 disappear piece by piece. He is only hanging on a very thin lead in the Senate. He will not win in 2020 because many Democrats and independents who were willing to take a chance on him in 2016 are now fully convinced that he was a terrible choice. But I don’t see him running again in 2020.


All you still suffering from de Hillary defeat and juss cant get over it. Bai like you got some joint from Cain, Trump ain’t running in 2020 ? Who seh so ?  O wait, CNN seh so. 

ksazma posted:

Trump’s only firewall is the Republican dominated Senate. In regards to elections, he has seen any advantage he had on elections night 2016 disappear piece by piece. He is only hanging on a very thin lead in the Senate.

He will not win in 2020 because many Democrats and independents who were willing to take a chance on him in 2016 are now fully convinced that he was a terrible choice.

But I don’t see him running again in 2020.

It is highly likely that he will loose in 2020 if he runs.

He has moved or is moving his residence to Florida; perhaps an indication of him not contesting the 2020 elections.


Bai DG, Trump refuses to live in the Socialist State of NY.

Florida will be an important sate in the next election and the man already has it locked down in his corner. Smart political move.

Imagine 99 percent elections and the Dems always win NY so why waste resources in NY ? 

Trump will win the electoral college again. Popular votes don’t count, de founding fathers made it that way and the law seh so. 

Nehru posted:

Can he contest from Prison???     


A person can indeed run for president while being in prison.

See information for Lyndon LaRouche.

Nehru posted:

Can he contest from Prison???  LOCK HIM UP!!!  LOCK HIM UP!!!!

You rass prappa wicked you know. 

I hear dat dem feds closing in on de Bidens. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If Obama did one of the many crimes Donald committed, he would have been impeached and removed ten times over. What is good for the goose is not good for the gander. Trump's mouth, motives, and lies are catching up to him. If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power. What does he have to lose as he said to the black population?

Nah. Trump was rejected from day 1 and efforts to snare him never stopped. Now that they ran out of ammo on 2016, the next is to thwart him in 2020!  

The Democrats have cried Wolf 🐺 so many times, many now tune them out!  I take everything they say with a grain of salt!  Even their polling data yesterday was exposed as slanted!

If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power.


The transcripts have been released!  What documents?

More revelations coming...You bai Giuliani is in deep shit too. If FOX Noise is the only channel you get your news, then it is not worthwhile arguing with you.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If Obama did one of the many crimes Donald committed, he would have been impeached and removed ten times over. What is good for the goose is not good for the gander. Trump's mouth, motives, and lies are catching up to him. If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power. What does he have to lose as he said to the black population?

Nah. Trump was rejected from day 1 and efforts to snare him never stopped. Now that they ran out of ammo on 2016, the next is to thwart him in 2020!  

The Democrats have cried Wolf 🐺 so many times, many now tune them out!  I take everything they say with a grain of salt!  Even their polling data yesterday was exposed as slanted!

If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power.


The transcripts have been released!  What documents?

More revelations coming...You bai Giuliani is in deep shit too. If FOX Noise is the only channel you get your news, then it is not worthwhile arguing with you.

Nah. You will see!!  There’s no arguing.  With Trump you either for or against!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

If he is not guilty, release the documents and stop hiding behind executive power.


The transcripts have been released!  What documents?

More revelations coming...You bai Giuliani is in deep shit too. If FOX Noise is the only channel you get your news, then it is not worthwhile arguing with you.

Nah. You will see!!  There’s no arguing.  With Trump you either for or against!

The man has no conscience. He throws everyone under the bus when he is implicated.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted

The transcripts have been released!  What documents?

More revelations coming...You bai Giuliani is in deep shit too. If FOX Noise is the only channel you get your news, then it is not worthwhile arguing with you.

Nah. You will see!!  There’s no arguing.  With Trump you either for or against!

The man has no conscience. He throws everyone under the bus when he is implicated.

He just like we pon GNI!!😀😀


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