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Riff posted:
Nehru posted:

No brothers involved, right??

its only terrorism when it involves brothers....all others have mental problems

Terrorism is defined narrowly as violence for the furtherance of some superior faith  or belief rationalized and embraced by the  by the protagonist. It has connection to a social ethos or group subscribing to the same thought and they see the individual participating in the evil as  a soldier. The individual does it with the belief that he will be acknowledged. Madness has no such parameters.


When an American woman is pregnant, study shows that one in ten uses alcohol or drugs during the nine months pregnancy. The child(ren) usually would born with mental defects. This latest school shooting is due to mental or drugs related problems, or a stupid stunt for fame. Schools seem more appropriate for these wackos to take their gun-toting practice. 

D2 posted:
Riff posted:
Nehru posted:

No brothers involved, right??

its only terrorism when it involves brothers....all others have mental problems

Terrorism is defined narrowly as violence for the furtherance of some superior faith  or belief rationalized and embraced by the  by the protagonist. It has connection to a social ethos or group subscribing to the same thought and they see the individual participating in the evil as  a soldier. The individual does it with the belief that he will be acknowledged. Madness has no such parameters.

They are all murdered, and you seem to have wallaba post stick up you batty so you can't see straight.





Every time there is a mass shooting, the Democrats bring up our silly policy regarding guns. The Republicans argue that then is not the right time to talk about guns. Then there is another mass shooting and the ugly truth is that at no time between the two shootings, the Republicans did not find a right time to evaluate our gun policy. I have been hearing Republicans make the same excuse since the early nineties that if you take the guns away from law abiding people, then criminals will have the advantage. Now since the early nineties, gun manufacturers have been allowed to make millions of guns with a lot of them being assault firearms. Had those Republicans made the necessary changes back then, the number of guns in circulation today would have been much smaller. Instead we have a bigger problem with bigger guns today and in another decade, we will have an even bigger problem with even bigger guns. Guns were necessary back then when the settlers needed them to overpower and steal land from the Indians. We don't have any such situation now.

yuji22 posted:

Guns are too readily available in America. This is an issue that many try to dance around. Take a look at Canada and Great Britain and compare the rates of gun violence.


Bai, Cyanada is a small country, America is a big Country with grandiloquent problem.   That’s why Trump was elected!

The kid was bad behaved. This kid had issues and he posted it in Facebook.   Leh we see how he got guns, Gaza’s mask and smoke grenades.  

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guns are too readily available in America. This is an issue that many try to dance around. Take a look at Canada and Great Britain and compare the rates of gun violence.


Bai, Cyanada is a small country, America is a big Country with grandiloquent problem.   That’s why Trump was elected!

The kid was bad behaved. This kid had issues and he posted it in Facebook.   Leh we see how he got guns, Gaza’s mask and smoke grenades.  

Trump was selected and his campaign was paid for by the NRA and gun manufacturers.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guns are too readily available in America. This is an issue that many try to dance around. Take a look at Canada and Great Britain and compare the rates of gun violence.


The guns used in Canada comes from USA.

Illegal or legal?

Illegal, barter for drugs.

Hmm, I was unaware the Canada was a big source of drugs into America.  Trump may be building his wall on the wrong border!

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guns are too readily available in America. This is an issue that many try to dance around. Take a look at Canada and Great Britain and compare the rates of gun violence.


Bai, Cyanada is a small country, America is a big Country with grandiloquent problem.   That’s why Trump was elected!

The kid was bad behaved. This kid had issues and he posted it in Facebook.   Leh we see how he got guns, Gaza’s mask and smoke grenades.  

Trump was selected and his campaign was paid for by the NRA and gun manufacturers.

Yes, selected by the majority of college votes.  Same process by which Obama, Bush, Clinton and every other president was “s”elected.

ksazma posted:

Every time there is a mass shooting, the Democrats bring up our silly policy regarding guns. The Republicans argue that then is not the right time to talk about guns. Then there is another mass shooting and the ugly truth is that at no time between the two shootings, the Republicans did not find a right time to evaluate our gun policy. I have been hearing Republicans make the same excuse since the early nineties that if you take the guns away from law abiding people, then criminals will have the advantage. Now since the early nineties, gun manufacturers have been allowed to make millions of guns with a lot of them being assault firearms. Had those Republicans made the necessary changes back then, the number of guns in circulation today would have been much smaller. Instead we have a bigger problem with bigger guns today and in another decade, we will have an even bigger problem with even bigger guns. Guns were necessary back then when the settlers needed them to overpower and steal land from the Indians. We don't have any such situation now.

Well said.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Guyana used to have a system where only Burnham and his criminal gangs had guns so it was easier to control the violence. Now they have a system like the US where no one is safe. Same as in the US. The NRA is part of the problem. 

The Guyana NRA is the GDF and their buxton sidekicks!  

America is far safer than Guyana.  The guns in Guyana and undocumented aliens!

but I agree, too many guns out there!

Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

If Guyanese Indians had an NRA and trained and armed, buxton and PNC Africans could not pick them off like sitting ducks ðŸĶ†!

You have a habit of derailing good threads. 

I’m a believer in synchronicity and absolutism.  But America has gone a bit too far.  Guyana needs an equilibrium where Indians can mitigate Afro-sponsored terrorism and stop being victims.

But America is a bit out of balance on the other end!

However, my condolences to the family of these victims!


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