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Sean give it a rest, go play with them picknee or go trench and fish.  Better yet go and pray at the Trump Murtie in your pooja room or are you praying too much at the Trump statue that's why you turn stupid.

Sean in his permanent position adoring and praying to Trump ...

Image result for Man from India worshipping Trump

Last edited by Former Member

Fact is, those Ads featuring Obama espousing the leadership virtues of Bloomberg directly contributed to the rise in Bloomberg poll numbers while the biggest loser was Biden.  When this is over and Biden loses, watch story. I’m sure Obama was paid handsomely.

Biden was a loyal foot soldier to Obama and got his payback.  Don’t trust any politician, they all have a price.


Obama warned Biden: “don’t do it Joe”

He knew that he had to cash in, Bloomberg paid up. 

Obama is featured in ads released by a racist while GNI bottom house crew one love bais come here to Cuss Kulies and hang on their race crutches to label them as racists.

Obama is riding on the backs of GNI one love bottom house crew.

Is he who put He Mattie Granger deh. 

hey hey hey 


Last edited by Former Member

Doesn’t matter. Fact is Obama put a knife in his back for a few dollars.  

I was actually surprised when I heard Obama talking up Mr Stop and Frisk and “black neighborhoods caused the financial crisis” against his own loyal Democrat insider.  Don’t think that has been lost on Trump. His team probably dissecting all those ads and see how to leverage.

Democrats getting themselves bound up in hypocrisy.


That's why Bloomberg will not be the Democratic candidate , he has too many baggage . Now that Tom and Pete dropped out, their supporters will go to Joe. After super Tuesday Mike,Amy and Elizabeth will drop out and it will be a two Man race, Biden and Saunders.

By Wednesday we will have a clearer picture of the race.

 Joe Biden is Trump's Biggest Nightmare.


Democrats minds are like clocks.

Mon - Tuesday It’s Biden

Wed - Thurs It’s Bloomberg

Fri - Sat It’s Warren

Sunday - It’s  Bernie

 Next Week, god knows which other racist rich guy will show up to “save” them. Obama will show up supporting another stop and frisk guy ads. Dems are a crooked lot. 

 Biden is walking around with a knife that Obama put in his back.

hey hey hey 


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