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September 6 , 2020


The bodies of two missing West Coast Berbice youths were this afternoon discovered at Cotton Tree Village.

According to information gathered, the two lads who are from Number Three Village, were reported missing since last evening after leaving home to head to the Cotton Tree backlands.

Relatives today carried out numerous searches and it was only around 5 pm that the bodies were discovered.

Police sources have indicated that the both bodies have marks of violence.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Whoever killed these boys has no feelings about killing a human.  Most likely that person has killed before.  Looking at the crime scene tells me that the boys were suddenly ambushed.  That person came upon them in silence thus he knows how to move threw bushes in silence and knows the vegetation that makes noise when a human is moving threw the bushes. Also, that person was observing the boys without the boys knowing that they were being watched.

Gordon Moseley
2 hours ago

Statement from Opposition Leader Joe Harmon on murder of teen cousins in West Berbice.

"I am sickened and horrified by the gruesome killing of two young boys - cousins, Joel Henry (19 years old) and Isaiah Henry (16 years old) – whose bodies were today found in the village of Cotton Tree, West Coast Berbice.

Today marks another horrific and tragic day in our beloved country with two boys senselessly cut down in the prime of their youth.

I, on my own behalf, and on behalf of the APNU+AFC Coalition and all Guyanese, extend deepest condolences to their parents, siblings and relatives who have been thrown into a state of shock and mourning.

The APNU+AFC Coalition calls for an immediate, full and thorough police investigation into this heinous crime and the apprehension of the killers without any delay. We commit to doing everything necessary to ensure that justice is served in this matter to the fullest extent of the law.

We recognize and understand the pain, anger and anguish the relatives and villagers of No. 3 Village (where the boys are from) are experiencing at this time. I call on them to remain vigilant but to allow the police to conduct their investigation in a timely manner.

I shall endeavour to visit with the relatives to extend condolences and offer support in person during the course of the day tomorrow, Monday.

Finally, in my capacity as Leader of the Opposition, on Thursday last, I formally wrote to the Commissioner of Police (ag) Nigel Hoppie seeking a meeting at his earliest convenience on or before Monday, September 7th. I was most disappointed with the Commissioner’s response, that he is busy and is not available to meet until Friday, September 11th. This is most regrettable and unfortunate and moreso in light of this heinous crime."

Dr. Irfaan Ali
about an hour ago


It is with a heavy heart that I was informed of the brutal and senseless murder of Isaah Henry and Joel Henry of West Coast Berbice. I have since spoken to the Minister of Home Affairs and Commissioner of Police urging them to deploy all needed resources to bring the perpetuator(s) to justice. We cannot and would not tolerate this type of brutality in our communities and country. I can understand the pain of the families and community and my prayers and thoughts are with you. Whilst we await the swift work of the police to bring those responsible to justice, I urge residents from the communities to be patient and support the police in ensuring justice is served. I ask you to act lawful and responsible in demonstrating your anger and hurt. As President, I can understand the emotions but, I ask that the police be given an opportunity to do their job. I also assure all of you that I have asked for a constant update on the progress of investigations by the Police to be shared with the media, community and country.


This is the same sort of things that happened to Indians living in the Buxton area a few years back. People killed and bodies burnt, people missing and kidnapped never to be heard of again, never.

I think the PPP was the government when those horrendous acts were taking place. They were paralyzed then. Let's see what they do this time around. I would expect Cotton Tree to be turned upside down not to upset the PNC.



@Mitwah posted:

This is a despicably repugnant act and these two young men did not deserved to die in this way. 

I don't see this as political. Ali needs to address this and not Bharat Jagdeo. The police must act swiftly to bring the murderer(s) to justice.

Condolences to the family of the two young men. Very sad. 

X is associated with occultism (voodhoo) and devil worship . From the reporting, the bodies were slashed with X. Some ppl think it is to do with voting. Never know in Guyana, ppl are crazy there. The other day, one lady stabbed a lil girl, supposedly possessed.

That country is lossing its moral soul. Government concerns about power and less about the wellbeing of the people. 

@seignet posted:

X is associated with occultism (voodhoo) and devil worship . From the reporting, the bodies were slashed with X. Some ppl think it is to do with voting. Never know in Guyana, ppl are crazy there. The other day, one lady stabbed a lil girl, supposedly possessed.

That country is lossing its moral soul. Government concerns about power and less about the wellbeing of the people. 

So far there are no reports about findings of paraphernalia associated with Voodoo rituals. 


They will not be looking there, it would be the last place they would even considered. It is assumed to be racially motivated. Sorry for the person they arrest, guilty or not. The race is to charge some one, and the way it looks, they looking for Indians.

Back in Burnham days, young children were found dead after being missing for a while.  

@seignet posted:

They will not be looking there, it would be the last place they would even considered. It is assumed to be racially motivated. Sorry for the person they arrest, guilty or not. The race is to charge some one, and the way it looks, they looking for Indians.

Back in Burnham days, young children were found dead after being missing for a while.  

There were few missing children ,turned out it was done by kidnappers .The Burnham gov't was blamed that the kids was used for rituals. Those incidents was discussed on a thread here.

@VishMahabir posted:

This event has the potential of a race war, with retaliations, given the rhetoric on social media and the APNU site. 

Hopefully, the PPP address this quickly and bring the perpetrators to justice. 

Some people don't know to keep their mouths shut ,they want one minute fame on FB. Disgraceful commentaries by some ,wanted to post here ,changed my mind.

Last edited by Django

Three now in custody over murder of teens

The blockade today [Lauristan Choy photo)

Three persons inclusive of the owner of a coconut estate have been arrested and are assisting police with investigations into the brutal murders of two cousins Joel Henry, 19, and Isaiah Henry, 16, of No. Three Village, West Coast Berbice.


The bodies of the two were found yesterday.

During a press conference this morning, acting Police Commissioner Nigel Hoppie disclosed that in addition to the owner of the coconut estate, a handyman and the owner’s son have also been arrested.

He noted further that the Criminal Investigation Department has deployed six ranks from the Major Crimes Unit and is preparing to send additional ranks to aid in the investigations.

Hoppie also stated that the ranks are currently processing the crime scene and will be using every available technology in the force to crack the case.

Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn during the press conference said that there should be no excuse for the attack on the cousins and labelled the attack as β€œvicious.” He reassured all Guyanese that no stone will be left unturned during the course of the investigation.

Benn appealed to the protesting residents of the neighbouring communities to act in the interest of law and order.


β€œWe have to bring things back to a more peaceful situation and to allow the opportunity for the police force as a whole to access areas to do their investigations,” the Home Affairs Minister stressed.

It was stated that the force will be mobilizing additional resources to remove debris left behind by protestors and work to clear the thoroughfare.

β€œI want to continue to appeal to the residents in the communities out there, those upstanding and reasonable persons in the communities to bring their influence and appeal to bring calm to this situation… Police have brought assets into the area to try to open up the roads again,” Benn underscored.

Residents of Region Five are continuing the protest along the main public road in Number 5 Village, West Coast Berbice, over the murders. 

Isaiah, 16 and Joel, 18, went missing on Saturday after they left home to head to the backlands to pick coconuts. 
After the teenagers failed to return on Saturday afternoon, a massive search was launched. The bodies with multiple injuries were found yesterday afternoon.
Residents are calling on the Guyana Police Force to conduct a thorough investigation and nab the perpetrator/s at the earliest.  


@Rochelle posted:

The Afro-Guyanese populace have reached their brink. Cars and tires are currently burning on the street. Like I said, a civil war will result.

And you will lose. Mark Phillips does not make jokes.

The PPPC government restores political and economic stability and rolls out its transformative projects to put Guyana back on track for all Guyanese. You confirmed that the PNC which is now a black party is very disruptive and very obstructionist.

@Ramakant-P posted:

And you will lose. Mark Phillips does not make jokes.

The PPPC government restores political and economic stability and rolls out its transformative projects to put Guyana back on track for all Guyanese. You confirmed that the PNC which is now a black party is very disruptive and very obstructionist.

That's what he was pulled in for ? perhaps he is toothless.

Twenty three years of governance created lots of bullies and murderers ,they ply their trade with impunity. Their mindset is "abhiee time" ,abhiee control  the Police,Judiciary and the Military ,abhiee gat protection.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

That's what he was pulled in for ? perhaps he is toothless.

Twenty three years of governance created lots of bullies and murderers ,they ply their trade with impunity. Their mindset is "abhiee time" ,abhiee control  the Police,Judiciary and the Military ,abhiee gat protection.

That is in the past.  It is what they do now that matters the most.

If you bring in 23 years of PPP rule when they completed over 3500 projects, then you will have to bring the 28 years of PNC rule where they bankrupted the country.

Last edited by Django
@Rochelle posted:

The Afro-Guyanese populace have reached their brink. Cars and tires are currently burning on the street. Like I said, a civil war will result.

It is appears to be true based on the  way these murders occured  that someone or some persons are hell bent on starting a race war.

But u appear to be rather eager about this. Let there be a full investigation, leaving no stone unturned. And whoever is responsible for this dastardly act MUST face the full brunt of the law.

The death penalty needs to be re instated. Jagdeo abolished it. Here's the time for redemption.


ERC deplores murder of teens

The Ethnic Relations Commission, (ERC) today strongly condemned the killings of the two teens, Joel Henry and Isaiah Henry at Cotton Tree, West Coast Berbice over the weekend and called for swift action by the police to apprehend those responsible.

The Commission is also pleading with Guyanese, especially those residing in the West Coast Berbice and nearby communities to remain calm and allow the Police to do their work.

β€œThe ERC remains firm that, first and foremost, the law must take its course. The Commission therefore, appeals to Guyanese to desist from any activity which can contribute to unnecessary tension as it is hopeful that those responsible will be brought to justice”, a release from the body said.

The Commission also strongly urged leaders, both nationally and at the community levels, to demonstrate responsible behaviour and to not use the pain of the tragedy to heighten racial tension. The ERC extended condolences to the relatives and friends of the young men.

It said that it remains committed to taking whatever course of action it deems necessary to assist in the de-escalation of tensions and the mending of fractured relations among citizens.

β€œThe ERC reiterates that investigations by the Police must first take precedence before the ERC acts to defuse any unwanted developments resulting from the tragic occurrences a few days ago”, the release said.


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