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Chikungunya cases soar

  • Tuesday, 01 July 2014 20:12
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Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran on Tuesday disclosed that there are 12 more confirmed cases of the mosquito- borne disease, chikungunya.
Dr. Ramsaran told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that some results from samples sent recently for testing at the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad and Tobago were received today, and  that Dr. Morris Edwards, epidemiologist is analysing the data.
Prior to the new cases, there were 19 confirmed cases, all from the Canje, Berbice area, Region Six..
Chikungunya is an arthropod-borne virusthat is transmitted to humans by the Aedes Egyptimosquito.
While Guyana has the facility in the form of the National Public Health Reference Laboratory which is equipped, it doesn’t have staff trained to conduct tests for chikungunya, hence the samples have to be sent to Trinidad and Tobago for testing.
The Minister also revealed that the Health Ministry has secured training for a National Public Health Laboratory biomedical technologist in Atlanta, USA. That person will among other things, be trained in laboratory diagnostics for chikungunya.
Minister Ramsaran had approached the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) a few weeks ago, seeking to access training for a staff of the lab.
Guyana recorded it first cases in late May, a toddler and a woman in her forties, both from the Canje area. Immediately, the Ministry’s vector control services went into action, conducting extensive fogging of the area.
Minister Ramsaran said, public health measures are still ongoing to rid communities of mosquitoes, including indoor fogging.
Chikungunya can result in some long-term effects primarily joint pains. It usually causes moderate to severe illness. Depending on an individual’s body reaction after the incubation period, persons may experience pain even after seeking medical attention. This period can last from two to six days with symptoms lasting four to seven days after infection.
Individuals experiencing any such symptoms are asked to visit a health facility as soon as possible. Individuals are also asked to remove all containers that may retain water and breed mosquitoes and to keep their surroundings clean.
Information provided by the CDC states that up to June 27, 2014, local transmission had been identified in 22 countries or territories in the Caribbean, Central America, or South America.  A total of 259,723 suspected and 4,721 laboratory-confirmed chikungunya cases had been reported from these areas.
The disease arrived in the Caribbean in December last year. Countries and territories in the Americas where chikungunya cases have been reported are: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Maarten, Suriname, Turks and Caicos Islands, and US Virgin Islands.

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The Minister also revealed that the Health Ministry has secured training for a National Public Health Laboratory biomedical technologist in Atlanta, USA. That person will among other things, be trained in laboratory diagnostics for chikungunya.
Minister Ramsaran had approached the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) a few weeks ago, seeking to access training for a staff of the lab.

Symptoms of Chikungunya

Symptoms of Chikungunya includes debilitating arthralgia (joint pain), swelling of joints, stiffness of joints, myalgia (muscular pain), headache, fatigue (weakness), nausea, vomiting and rash and fever.

The incubation period (time from infection to illness) can be 2-12 days, but is usually 3-7 days. "Silent" CHIKV infections (infections without illness) do occur; but how commonly this happens is not yet known.

Acute chikungunya fever typically lasts a few days to a couple of weeks, but some patients have prolonged fatigue lasting several weeks. Additionally, some patients have reported incapacitating joint pain, or arthritis which may last for weeks or months. No deaths, neuro-invasive cases, or hemorrhagic cases related to CHIKV infection have been conclusively documented in the scientific literature.

CHIKV infection (whether clinical or silent) is thought to confer life-long immunity.


Spreadof Chikungunya

CHIKV is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on a person infected with CHIKV. Monkeys, and possibly other wild animals, may also serve as reservoirs of the virus. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to other humans when they bite. Aedes aegypti (the yellow fever mosquito), a household container breeder and aggressive daytime biter which is attracted to humans, is the primary vector of CHIKV to humans. Aedes albopictus (the Asian tiger mosquito) may also play a role in human transmission in Asia, and various forest-dwelling mosquito species in Africa have been found to be infected with the virus.


Treatment of Chikungunya

Effective treatment for Chikungunya is available in homeopathy.


Homeopathy has very effective treatment for Chikungunya. After diagnosis of Chikungunya, homeopathic treatment should be started as early as possible. Homeopathic treatment can also be given along with conventional treatment (allopathy) if desired. Conventional treatment consists of only symptomatic treatment of fever, stiffness, joint pain etc. of this viral illness, whereas homeopathic medicines give better and comparatively long lasting relief from the disease. Effective remedy can be chosen by a homeopathic doctor according to clinical picture of that particular case. Homeopathy works effectively in all viral diseases. Homeopathic pills are simply chewed (dissolved) on tongue and are sweet in taste. Homeopathic medicines do not cause gastric irritation, are safe on kidneys and liver even when taken for long duration.


Prevention tips:



β€’ Use mosquito repellent on exposed skin.

β€’ Wear long sleeves shirts and pants.

β€’ Have secure screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.

β€’ Get rid of mosquito breeding sites by emptying standing water from flower pots, buckets and barrels. Change the water in pet dishes and replace the water in bird baths weekly. Drill holes in tire swings so water drains out.

β€’ Additionally, a person with chikungunya fever should limit their exposure to mosquito bites in order to avoid further spreading the infection. The person should stay indoors or under a mosquito net.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

How fu cked up the Guyana Government can be? They are begging with a calabash for help, and yet that big fat pig as Minister of Foreign Affairs has turn back and bit the hand that is helping and giving them alms.

As far as you are concerned, women should be held Taliban style, right.

baseman, in typical unwitting style, i know u 'striving hard' to conjure up new classes of logical fallacies in argument deh


but dis wan already articulated and defined bai . . . look it up

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

How fu cked up the Guyana Government can be? They are begging with a calabash for help, and yet that big fat pig as Minister of Foreign Affairs has turn back and bit the hand that is helping and giving them alms.

As far as you are concerned, women should be held Taliban style, right.

Fat took over her brain. What happened to yours?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

How fu cked up the Guyana Government can be? They are begging with a calabash for help, and yet that big fat pig as Minister of Foreign Affairs has turn back and bit the hand that is helping and giving them alms.

As far as you are concerned, women should be held Taliban style, right.

Fat took over her brain. What happened to yours?

Mits, check your Dialog inbox


3 hours ago

Originally Posted by asj:

How fu cked up the Guyana Government can be? They are begging with a calabash for help, and yet that big fat pig as Minister of Foreign Affairs has turn back and bit the hand that is helping and giving them alms.

As far as you are concerned, women should be held Taliban style, right.


Wrong shithead, don't think, it may sprain your brain! When God was throwing intelligence down to the Earth, you were holding an umbrella.



Last edited by Former Member

Spread of Chikungunya virus… Situation likely to β€œget worse before it gets better,” says officials

July 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

β€œIt’s going to get much worse before it gets better,” a few senior health officials have said of the Chikungunya virus outbreak here. Initial reports out of the Ministry of Health were that the virus was first detected in Region Six, then in sections of Georgetown, and even more recent reports suggest that it has infiltrated three more Regions, with the total number of confirmed cases rising to 31.

The Aedes Aegypti mosquito which spreads the Chikungunya virus

The Aedes Aegypti mosquito which spreads the Chikungunya virus


But this publication understands that currently the number of suspected cases have amounted to a few hundreds, forcing the Health Ministry to further spread out its human resources to battle the impact of the mosquito-borne virus. Minister Bheri Ramsaran in a televised broadcast recently disclosed that moves have been made to train additional vector control workers from at least four Regions in an attempt to bolster the Ministry’s efforts to tackle the virus.  This comes even as efforts are being made to train personnel to test for the virus here at the National Reference Laboratory. Thus far, all cases here have been confirmed by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad. Several attempts by this publication to contact Dr. Ramsaran, to ascertain to what extent the efforts of the Ministry have been intensified in light of the spread of the disease were futile. Dr. Ramsaran has in recent days been filtering controlled information about his Ministry’s efforts to deal with the virus through the State’s official media outfit – the Government Information Agency (GINA). According to a GINA report, β€œthe Chikungunya virus has made its way to other parts of the country with seven of the 12 newly confirmed cases emanating from Regions Three, Four, Five and the City.” According to GINA, the Minister has said that there are three cases from the areas of Bath Settlement, Bush Lot and Number Nine Village, all in West Berbice; one each from Mahaicony and Ithaca; one from North Ruimveldt and one from Crane, West Coast Demerara. The Ministry, since the detection of the virus, has intensified its surveillance efforts, and according to reports reaching this publication, about 10 cases matching the virus’s case definition are reported on a daily basis. Its case definition include: fever, rash, headache, muscle and joint pains, and malaise. These symptoms are known to cause moderate to severe ailment that can even be life-threatening if there are certain existing pre-conditions. The Minister, who had insisted that all of the initial cases, even those among residents of Georgetown, originated in Berbice, has since disclosed that he is unaware whether the later cases had any linkage to the Ancient County. He has however noted that the Epidemiologist, attached to the Health Ministry, Dr. Morris Edwards, is tasked with analysing the acquired data. The Health Minister at the onset of the outbreak had insisted that strategic moves were being made to contain the virus to East Berbice.  However, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s Shadow Minister of Health, Dr. George Norton, had insisted that such an ambition was unrealistic, since containment measures were not in place. According to Dr. Norton, β€œwhen one takes into consideration the Chikungunya virus situation in St Lucia, we can possibly be in a worse situation here in Guyana”. Reports are that the virus, which surfaced in the Caribbean for the first time last year, has reached disturbing proportions in the Windward Island. In fact, he theorised that since the symptoms of the virus are very similar to those of dengue fever, the possibility exists that a number of Chikungunya virus cases are being passed off as dengue fever. β€œWe have the mosquito here, we have all the conditions here, and we have persons coming down with the symptoms, so we can very well have a high percentage of the Chikungunya virus right here in Georgetown,” the Shadow Health Minister speculated. In addition to raising awareness about the virus, the Health Ministry has been intensifying its fogging efforts, particularly in the city and Berbice. The Chikungunya virus is spread by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito which is prevalent in sections of Guyana. The same mosquito is also known to transmit dengue fever which is characterised by similar symptoms, all of which are treatable. However, it can result in some long-term effects primarily joint pains and paralysis. Depending on an individual’s body reaction after the incubation period, persons may experience pain even after seeking medical attention. This period can last from two to six days with symptoms lasting four to seven days after infection. Individuals experiencing any such symptoms are asked to visit a health facility as soon as possible. Also, persons are encouraged to keep their environment clean in order to reduce the breeding ability of the mosquito. According to information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as of June 27, 2014, a total of 259,723 suspected and 4,721 laboratory-confirmed Chikungunya cases had been reported in the Caribbean, Central America, or South America. The disease was first reported in the Caribbean in December 2013, and has since touched Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Maarten, Suriname, Turks and Caicos Islands, and US Virgin Islands


β€œThe Gov’t is fogging late” – Granger

July 5, 2014 12:17 pmCategory: latest newsA+ / A-


By Kurt Campbell

Fogging being done in Kitty, Georgetown in May

Fogging being done in Kitty, Georgetown in May

[] – Opposition Leader David Granger believes the government has not been truthful in warning the Guyanese people of the threat of the mosquito borne disease – Chikungunya.

He rejected the assertion that a crisis in relation to the spread of the disease in Guyana is looming.

β€œIt’s here, we are in a crisis,” he told reporters on Friday.

Granger said, β€œThe government knows very well what’s happening, why you think it’s fogging, it’s fogging late.”

He recalled that advisories from the health ministry had said that the disease was contained to east Canje, β€œthen it leaped over region five to Georgetown.”

The Opposition Leader said what is happening now is what happened earlier in the year with the spread of gastroenteritis. He recalled that the number of cases coming out of Barima Waini, Region One continued to soar until April when it reached 530.

He said after this, there was a news blackout. β€œNobody knows how many cases there after Gina stop publishing, so people depending on Gina releases got nothing. Even when deaths they declared was five, we found out it was about ten children that had died.”

He bemoaned the fact that Guyana has a lab to do the necessary testing but no lab technicians forcing the country to send selected samples to Trinidad for testing.

β€œOnly when the Health Minister was put on the spot then he admitted that the results from lab in Trinidad started to show increasing threat.”

APNU Leader, David Granger

APNU Leader, David Granger

Granger said the administration must also pay attention to other mosquito borne diseases, particularly in interior regions, such as dengue, malaria and filaria.

The diseases were confirmed in the Caribbean several months ago and so far some Caribbean countries have recorded hundreds of cases with dozens of deaths.

In Guyana, the Chikungunya virus has spread from region six where it was first detected to other parts of the country with seven of the 12 newly confirmed cases emanating from Regions 3, 4, 5 and the City.

The Government Information Agency (GINA) revealed that there were three cases from West Berbice, namely Bath Settlement, Bush Lot, and Number 9 Village, one each from Mahaicony and Ithaca, one from North Ruimveldt and one from Crane, West Coast Demerara, Region Three.

On July 1 upon receiving the results of samples that were sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad and Tobago, it was confirmed that the disease has spread. The 12 more cases of the mosquito- borne disease have brought the total number of cases to 31 thus far.

According to GINA, at the moment, it is unknown whether these individuals contracted the disease in Berbice where it first originated, however, Dr. Morris Edwards, epidemiologist is analysing the data.

Prior to these, there were 19 confirmed cases, all originating from the Canje, Berbice area, in Region Six. In late May Guyana recorded it first cases, a toddler and a woman in her forties, both from the Canje area.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by asj:

How fu cked up the Guyana Government can be? They are begging with a calabash for help, and yet that big fat pig as Minister of Foreign Affairs has turn back and bit the hand that is helping and giving them alms.


If you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.


I don't argue with idiots, especially when you're even dumber than you look.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Asj is showing the same disrespect to women just as AFC and PNC has done many times before. Men should be blessed with a vagina for a week or month to understand what it is to be woman, a mother, a daughter or a sister.

We do not see eye to eye, so I think that it would serve you better to have your vagina, and me my personal views.

Originally Posted by asj:

Guyana reports 12 more confirmed cases of  chikungunya virus


In this undated file photo provided byt he USDA, an aedes aegypti mosquito is  shown on human skin. (AP / USDA)


The count of 12 was a few weeks ago, now it can be over a hundred.


No wonder the population is fleeing that place like rats from a sinking ship. Crime, corruption and disease.


Chikungunya virus outbreak…Health Minister must lead from the front – insists APNU MP

July 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


The efficacy of fogging exercises being undertaken by the Ministry of Health to tackle the Chikungunya virus is

Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran

Minister of Health,
Dr Bheri Ramsaran

being called into question by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament, Ernest Elliott.
Elliott, during the past week, convened a community meeting in Canje, Berbice, Region Six, where the virus was first detected over a month ago. During his visit there, Elliott said that community members expressed great concerns about the mosquito borne virus.
They even shared their belief that Ministry officials have not been highlighting the real state of affairs regarding the outbreak.
β€œThe people are saying that the numbers are more than what the Minister is giving,” said Elliott, as he disclosed that reports out of the Region suggest that the ongoing fogging activities are forcing the virus carrying mosquitoes to migrate.
β€œWe are getting reports that since they started the fogging the mosquitoes have gone over to New Amsterdam and spreading…They are not killing the mosquitoes.”
The Member of Parliament is calling on Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, to travel to Berbice to better understand the situation before be seeks to pronounce on its progression.  β€œThe Minister needs to stop sitting down in his office; he has to come on the scene and see what’s happening for himself…he has to visit places like Canje and New Amsterdam,” added Elliott.
While in Berbice, Elliott recalled seeing several persons inflicted with the virus. Some of them are suffering from intense joint pains. β€œWhen I left Berbice there was one lady who was barely able to walk properly because of her pains,” recounted the Member of Parliament.
He related another woman’s story of the disease on her household. It started with her daughter, then herself, before her husband too developed the virus. They were all eventually diagnosed with the virus. β€œShe said she carried her daughter to the doctor with symptoms of the virus and by the time she returned home she too had to be taken to the doctor, and by that time her husband was on his way to get medical attention…it is a really worrying situation,” said Elliott.
β€œPeople are afraid, and they are convinced they are not getting the truth from the Ministry…it is very difficult and people are very skeptical about the information they are getting.”

Member of Parliament, Ernest Elliott

Member of Parliament, Ernest Elliott

Elliott is of the belief that the people in Canje are at a disadvantage since they are not always afforded treatment for their symptoms.
According to him, residents said that a doctor at the Goed Bananen Land clinic is only on duty there on Mondays leaving patients to travel to other facilities to access needful attention. β€œI am saying that the Minister should and must visit; be on the ground with the people and give needful information to the people…he has to be forthcoming about this situation,” insisted Elliott.
APNU members during the past week were engaged in an outreach to the Ancient County to discuss a number of issues including the need for the holding of Local Government Elections when the subject of the Chikungunya virus was raised by residents. Elliott was designated to meet with residents of Canje.
The Chikungunya virus is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito which also transmits dengue fever.
According to reports out of the Health Ministry, as at last week, there were a total of 31 confirmed cases of the virus.
Following the detection of the first cases in Region Six, the Health Minister had told this publication that efforts were being made to contain the virus to that section of the country. However, he disclosed last week that the virus has since been confirmed in Regions Three, Four and Five.
The cases of the virus were confirmed by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad since Guyana does not have trained personnel to utilise the testing equipment available at the local National Public Health Reference Laboratory.
The symptoms of the virus include headache, joint and muscle pains, high fever, nausea and rash. There is no cure for the virus but the symptoms are treatable though some may be long lasting, such as the joint pains, with death rarely occurring.
The Ministry is urging the public to take precautions by keeping their environment clean and free of water that can allow the breeding of mosquitoes and protect themselves by using insect repellent as far as possible and/or wear long clothing.


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