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Originally Posted by TI:

D2 trying to derail the woman thread or fail to understand the purpose of the video.  Now he blaming gentle Jesus.  I recommend training classes in emotional correctness.

To the contrary, I am giving her permission to feel. Emotional connectedness is not a reverse political correctness and a stiffing of one's visceral sentiments in the face of a stimulus.


I have no regard as she does for Hannity. He is one of those cretinous bubble heads ( with tinfoil coating) who believes in all sorts of conspiracy theory about centering on the white American Male ( usually the balding bot bellied one with an acute god delusion) is an endangered specie in need of conservation.


That means build a wall against the alien hordes, keep the blacks in the ghetto and give the tax brakes to the rich because they need that. No I do not have an emotional connectedness to that. You can if you please. I am sitting on my rock....emotional control against throwing it.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:

Ha Ha, most wars would have been avoided, people would have been hugging up and kissing up each other.  I wonder if D2 ever get hug up and kiss up?



"The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected." Those words, written over 2000 years ago  are among the most profound ever written.Besides the bible it is the most read book.


War by definition is the failure of semantics, ie communicating ones views despite rational attempts, a failure of facts when the other side disregards them,  and then one comes a vice grip decay to emotional connectedness ( ha ha ha), to what one think is moral and right. After all it is a matter of life or death, survival or ruin.


Mits is right, Argujna took Krishna's advice. The sinners killed themselves. They sealed their fate. Their path was the tip of a sword. His duty was to swing it.


I do not know how you presume I am without love in my life. I am the one with two baby mamas and a wife! I think I have to control farcical connectedness here for the benefit of real ones.


My point is that one is connected emotionally to ones view of right and wrong and accommodating the vile and obnoxious for some feel good pop psychological candy is not real connectedness. One must be accommodating, respectful and compassionate but that means standing up for ones values, ones family, ones god and ones country when it matters. It always matters when a pile of human wast is in the way. I have no connectedness to tha.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

Thanks for your perspective there, Rev!



* What do you think about Danyael's post above ?


* Danyael says Jesus was wimpy----if someone slapped Jesus on the right face---he would offer his left face for another slap.


* Danyael says poppycock---he is the MOSES type----as you know---if someone slapped Moses---he would slap them back/maybe bludgeon them with



Moses did not slap anybody right back. He let Joshua do it. And the moses precept does not concur with my views. I have no immortal, omnipotent being to which I am in mindless submission.

Originally Posted by TI:

Emotional intelligence and emotional correctness should not be confused with weakness, it's actually about inner strength. I don't think people really understand the concept, or what the lady is saying. 

Mira, I think you might have to break it down in simpler language



There is no simpler language. I think I grasp the graciousness of the lady in the face of obscene harangue. I also understand she feels she can make a connection to the despicable person because she is of the notion that that she can connect with the being inside that vile body. Well good luck to her...send her to Kim Jong Un or to mediate with Joseph Kony and his Lords army in the Congo. My point is the being you see may be the one you get. Seeming and being sometimes coincide. I believe in general Sun.


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:




I cannot extend an empathic ear to the Rev, Yugi, or Drugb. Those are people I would have to sterilized my mind against. I am completely disinterested in any connecting here.




* It looks like posters like Rev, yuji, and BGurd_see have psychologically maimed you over in Political.hahahaha


* Stay angry and keep bloviating my bwoy.


* Listen! It's fun reading your rambling and long-winded diatribe.


* Now that should you keep you going on this thread.



And that bullshit above makes you a superior morally centered being...not. You are the proverbial pit, the plague, the disease, the decay, the rot we fight against....a confirmed racist. I do not want as much emotional connected to you as my boot would with an ant.

Originally Posted by TI:

Jesus also said:

" not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."


I think that might be more appropriate here



Indeed it is appropriate. One cannot connect to a proverbial pig or a wild dog and some humans are as these.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are the proverbial pit, the plague, the disease, the decay, the rot we fight against....a confirmed racist.


ha ha ha ha ha


Danny Bwoy!


* Counting the Rev's sins don't make you a Saint, yuh


* By the way Danyael, I see you are hiding from amral. He offered you the admin position in Political.


* Why don't you accept the position----you can then ban the Rev for mentally torturing the COFFEE LOVERS over in political.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are the proverbial pit, the plague, the disease, the decay, the rot we fight against....a confirmed racist.


ha ha ha ha ha


Danny Bwoy!


* Counting the Rev's sins don't make you a Saint, yuh


* By the way Danyael, I see you are hiding from amral. He offered you the admin position in Political.


* Why don't you accept the position----you can then ban the Rev for mentally torturing the CUFFY LOVERS over in political.



Ted said if you are going to call us "Coffee Lovers" spell the damn label right.

Originally Posted by Miraver:

Revie, Revie, Revie,


* Good morning Miraver!


* I have a question for you.


You ever notice people who take things personally tend to fly off on a handle and be mean spirited , testy, cantankerous, ill-humored, and difficult ?


* For example, have you ever seen Danyael in good spirits on GNI ?  That boy is always whining and finding faults.


* He'll probably come here and cuss the Rev and call him racist.----Of course,  I'll thank him for the laughs.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

Revie, Revie, Revie,


* Good morning Miraver!


* I have a question for you.


You ever notice people who take things personally tend to fly off on a handle and be mean spirited , testy, cantankerous, ill-humored, and difficult ?


* For example, have you ever seen Danyael in good spirits on GNI ?  That boy is always whining and finding faults.


* He'll probably come here and cuss the Rev and call him racist.----Of course,  I'll thank him for the laughs.




A very good afternoon to you too, Senor Rev!


Yes, I have seen testy, cantankerous people. I am guilty. I even want to avoid myself sometimes


The question about Danyael being in good spirits here on GNI: The answer is yes. As one poster said, GNI is a sandbox where we all come out to play and Danyael plays in that sandbox, so of course his sense of humor will shine through



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

Revie, Revie, Revie,


* Good morning Miraver!


* I have a question for you.


You ever notice people who take things personally tend to fly off on a handle and be mean spirited , testy, cantankerous, ill-humored, and difficult ?


* For example, have you ever seen Danyael in good spirits on GNI ?  That boy is always whining and finding faults.


* He'll probably come here and cuss the Rev and call him racist.----Of course,  I'll thank him for the laughs.




I am quite certain she has seen me my funny side but with you none of that can exist. You are a racist. I am quite sure if she follows you on the other side is that is undeniable. One does not have to search for evidence here. One needs only point to your posts and receive a self affirming experience.

Originally Posted by Stinger:

one cannot be a racist on one hand and lovable on de other imho

I tried to impress on him that fundamental understanding. One cannot be moral, honorable, virtuous, lovable, understanding and all of the virtues affirmed in the bible or in the tao or any place else. It is fundamentally impossible.

Originally Posted by Miraver:

A very good afternoon to you too, Senor Rev!


Yes, I have seen testy, cantankerous people. I am guilty. I even want to avoid myself sometimes




* It is impossible for any human being to be kind and good-natured 100% of the time.




* As long as we have an EGO---we are doomed to be devilish at times.


* Anyway, Another question for you Miraver----by the way---all my questions have a bearing on the lead post.




* As humans we all get into arguments---we would not be humans if we did not argue---actually it's the EGO in us that causes us to argue.


* And as humans we all engage in discussions.


* Could you explain to the forum Mira the difference between an argument and a discussion ?


* Once we know the difference between an argument and a discussion---it will help us understand our behavior on this forum----why we argue more than we discuss on various threads---particularly in Political.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stinger:

one cannot be a racist on one hand and lovable on de other imho



* Like you honestly admitted---That is an opinion---not a TRUTH.


* Now! Keep this in mind.


* What you say about other people---like calling the kind, good-natured and polite Rev--- a blatant racist---that is your reality---not MINE.


* You can call the Rev all the nasty names in the book---NO BIGGIE!----like I said ---that is your reality---NOT MINE.


* And, by the way,  the Rev never takes anything personally.


* I am willing to wager that you take things PERSONALLY---you and Danyael---I have to include Danny---he'll feel badly if I ignore him.hahaha



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stinger:

one cannot be a racist on one hand and lovable on de other imho



* Like you honestly admitted---That is an opinion---not a TRUTH.


* Now! Keep this in mind.


* What you say about other people---like calling the kind, good-natured and polite Rev--- a blatant racist---that is your reality---not MINE.


* You can call the Rev all the nasty names in the book---NO BIGGIE!----like I said ---that is your reality---NOT MINE.


* And, by the way,  the Rev never takes anything personally.


* I am willing to wager that you take things PERSONALLY---you and Danyael---I have to include Danny---he'll feel badly if I ignore him.hahaha



Boot to ant....nothing....I just walk on you if you are in the way.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Boot to ant....nothing....I just walk on you if you are in the way.







* It looks like you ran out of bullets.


* Listen! Miraver wants us to demonstrate higher standards on her thread.


* Go re-load and see if you can ask the Rev an intelligent question. I'd be delighted to answer it for you.






Posted by Rev:  Could you explain to the forum Mira the difference between an argument and a discussion ?


Rev, why don't you go ahead and make that explanation to the board?


Here's my perspective: Argument as in a debate- you get your points across without getting your emotions involved. Hard to do though. 

Argument as in husband and wife- highly charged with emotions. You are so caught up in getting your side heard that you become myopic which can lead into a lot of hurtful words and pain. You see a lot of "defensive" behavior.


Discussion: Parties listen to each other. Really listen. Be willing to step aside and see the other person(s) perspective. Rational conversation. You have toward keeping your emotions at bay. 


Feel free to analyze my response. I am a learner.



Originally Posted by Miraver:


 Feel free to analyze my response. I am a learner.





* I must admit that I am very impressed with your answer.


* You did a excellent job explaining what an argument is---I liked the husband/wife example---you nailed it.  But you fell short in defining what a Discussion is.


* If I were to grade your response it would receive a solid



* Here is a one sentence conclusion you could have made that would have earned you a solid A


An argument is to find out who is right; A Discussion is to find out what is right.


* That one sentence sums up why arguments tend to degenerate into vulgarity and name calling and insults and over charged emotions---when people are consumed by who is right----they don't listen----they just want to be right---arguments are driven by EGOs.


* On the other hand---a DISCUSSION is about WHAT is right---no EGO is involved in discussions---just common sense and intelligence.


* OK Miraver! Think about the difference between an argument and a discussion and you'll understand why, for example, many threads on GNI, particularly Political, degenerate into insults and name calling----PPP/PNC/AFC supporters argue---they are consumed by WHO is right.


* Hope you were not hurt by your B+ grade----the Rev is a man of higher standards.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Miraver:


 Feel free to analyze my response. I am a learner.



An argument is to find out who is right; A Discussion is to find out what is right.


* That one sentence sums up why arguments tend to degenerate into vulgarity and name calling and insults and over charged emotions---when people are consumed by who is right----they don't listen----they just want to be right---arguments are driven by EGOs.


* On the other hand---a DISCUSSION is about WHAT is right---no EGO is involved in discussions---just common sense and intelligence.


Straight up F for being simplistic. That one must be simple but not simplistic is the imperative.


An argument by definition is the deployment of formal rules  of reasoning ( logical systems) to determine the validity or not of statements. Who makes them is inconsequential. Arguments are impersonal. People do not need to be in the process.  Arguments are made made by machines about states ie on off switches all the time.


Who or what is right is the domain of  ethics and these are arguable states as well but now people come into the equation.  To know who is right is about value judgements and not written in stone. The value we place on things can be domain specific and may be multidimensional.


In religion good equates to god centered ( by creed). In secular world it can be doing the best for the most or doing the best one can as an individual. There are no simple single statement to these issues.

Last edited by Former Member



* What kind of ras$hole convoluted hogwash you posted above ?


* The Rev asked Miraver a simple question. Here it is again:


Could you explain to the forum Mira the difference between an argument and a discussion ?


* Miraver gave an intelligent answer for which she received a solid B+


* You Danyael posted a whole bunch of confusing, disjointed, cockamamie bullshyt for which you got a well deserved F.


* And then you have the audacity to accuse the Rev of being simplistic ?


* Listen! No sane or rational person would understand that nutty and ridiculous nonsense you wrote.





PS. By the way Danyael---yuh slacking up---you forgot to mention how vile and racist the Rev is.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* What kind of ras$hole convoluted hogwash you posted above ?


* The Rev asked Miraver a simple question. Here it is again:


Could you explain to the forum Mira the difference between an argument and a discussion ?


* Miraver gave an intelligent answer for which she received a solid B+


* You Danyael posted a whole bunch of confusing, disjointed, cockamamie bullshyt for which you got a well deserved F.


* And then you have the audacity to accuse the Rev of being simplistic ?


* Listen! No sane or rational person would understand that nutty and ridiculous nonsense you wrote.





PS. By the way Danyael---yuh slacking up---you forgot to mention how vile and racist the Rev is.



it is standard introduction to logic. Did you skip that at your elite school? 

Originally Posted by Danyael:

it is standard introduction to logic. Did you skip that at your elite school? 




* Why do you like to complicate things ?


* Does it make you feel smarter or more complex minded ?


* And what is this craziness you're now chatting about "standard introduction to logic ?"




* The Rev asked a simple question about argument versus discussion.


* Your reply was all convoluted HOGWASH.


* Listen Danyael! The Rev will forgive you this time. But next time you respond to me be prepared to raise your standards---I don't want to read any rambling, disjointed, cockamamie, specious nonsense from you.


* By the way,  you can ask Ms Miraver to help you express your ideas more clearly, concisely and convincingly---she did a fine job answering the Rev's question.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

it is standard introduction to logic. Did you skip that at your elite school? 




* Why do you like to complicate things ?


* Does it make you feel smarter or more complex minded ?


* And what is this craziness you're now chatting about "standard introduction to logic ?"




* The Rev asked a simple question about argument versus discussion.


* Your reply was all convoluted HOGWASH.


* Listen Danyael! The Rev will forgive you this time. But next time you respond to me be prepared to raise your standards---I don't want to read any rambling, disjointed, cockamamie, specious nonsense from you.


* By the way,  you can ask Ms Miraver to help you express your ideas more clearly, concisely and convincingly---she did a fine job answering the Rev's question.



You can pretend you are smart all you want. The fact remains arguments are  about right reasoning, the process. Stay away from Google as you teacher.  That you have the gall to pretend to grade someone is a laugh. To claim I am complicating things by giving you the proper meaning of the term is just plain daft. And yes my answer is covered by an introduction course to logic. Again, logic is not "the" science. Logic is an umbrella term for many different and often incompatible systems of reasoning. Modus tollens/modus ponens, fuzzy systems, quantum logic, are all different logical systems.

Last edited by Former Member


* Hmmmm! Interesting. Very interesting.


* So as long as humans are slaves to their emotions, those who are emotionally immature will argue about things, while those who are emotionally mature will discuss things.


* Mr. Logic Danyael will never understand that, but Miraver definitely will.


* By the way, since amral sticky this thread on top---folks have been polite and well behaved all over the board----let's see if attitude and behavior will change back to usual once amral locks the thread or unsticky it.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Hmmmm! Interesting. Very interesting.


* So as long as humans are slaves to their emotions, those who are emotionally immature will argue about things, while those who are emotionally mature will discuss things.


* Mr. Logic Danyael will never understand that, but Miraver definitely will.


* By the way, since amral sticky this thread on top---folks have been polite and well behaved all over the board----let's see if attitude and behavior will change back to usual once amral locks the thread or unsticky it.



Is this your ply to get off track?  If you need to speak of what I said about emotions read  the sequence above that addresses the opening post. Do not frame positions for me. That summary in red by you is not my view.


Go and read what I said about not caring for idiots or fools who would hit me on the cheek. I would hit them right back. That is not about arguing or being a slave to anyone. It is about survival our fight or flight reflex at every level. It is about assessing the circumstance and reacting with the information.


Miraver is about rationalizing the injury and making an "emotional connection and hoping to meet at some common space in between. My point is that in instances that may be possible but some people are waste people and need to be recycled quickly into the green earth. Joseph Kony or Lil Kim in North Korea are not going to be good subjects as emotional connectors.


Are you begging for support? 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Good morning Dayael.


* Just testing your EMOTIONAL MATURITY on this lovely but cold Tuesday, February 4th 2014.


* Your response will be revealing.


* By the way, it looks like Sweet Miraver was peeved with her B+ grade----she has refused to return to her thread.



Emotional maturity? Psychobabble as usual.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Miraver:


 Feel free to analyze my response. I am a learner.





* I must admit that I am very impressed with your answer.


* You did a excellent job explaining what an argument is---I liked the husband/wife example---you nailed it.  But you fell short in defining what a Discussion is.


* If I were to grade your response it would receive a solid



* Here is a one sentence conclusion you could have made that would have earned you a solid A


An argument is to find out who is right; A Discussion is to find out what is right.


* That one sentence sums up why arguments tend to degenerate into vulgarity and name calling and insults and over charged emotions---when people are consumed by who is right----they don't listen----they just want to be right---arguments are driven by EGOs.


* On the other hand---a DISCUSSION is about WHAT is right---no EGO is involved in discussions---just common sense and intelligence.


* OK Miraver! Think about the difference between an argument and a discussion and you'll understand why, for example, many threads on GNI, particularly Political, degenerate into insults and name calling----PPP/PNC/AFC supporters argue---they are consumed by WHO is right.


* Hope you were not hurt by your B+ grade----the Rev is a man of higher standards.



Oh dear me, had I known I was going to get a letter grade for my perspective I would have culled the internet, rushed out to the library, dug into my old textbooks, penned my findings into a word document or PP presentation, added a few visuals and.... I like writing off the cuff though, as most of us do here on GNI. 


Revie, since when are we into giving each other letter grades for sharing our perspectives Next time, please provide a rubric!


Oh, in response to your statement about Miraver being peeved about the B+, I must admit that GNI is not the only place that I write 


Thanks for sharing your knowledge on discussion/argument.



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