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Bibi Haniffa posted:
  1. Over $40 Billion for Public Security - from the PPP money left in the treasury.
  2. Lower electricity rates - for Linden and the fact that Jagdeo shame them into it because of lower fuel rates.
  3. Steps to reform constitution - NONE!!!!!!!
  4. Clean Georgetown - Money given to BK for spicing up Jubilee celebration!!
  5. Lower Crime Rates  - LIE!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. 4G Internet - PPP project that came to fruition!
  7. Increased salaries for public servants - sugar and rice workers got shafted!!!
  8. Improved Healthcare - No aspirin at Georgetown Hospital
  9. Less Flooding - LIE!!!!!
  10. 2 billion for airstrip upgrades - partially donated by Correia for airport to name after the PNC Minister in 1964 coup d'ÃĐtat of British Guiana!!



And the list continues.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

GINA Photo


Good accomplishments for one year. Let's keep moving onward and upward. The doom and gloomers will choke on their bile.



  1. Over $40 Billion for Public Security - from the PPP money left in the treasury.
  2. Lower electricity rates - for Linden and the fact that Jagdeo shame them into it because of lower fuel rates.
  3. Steps to reform constitution - NONE!!!!!!!
  4. Clean Georgetown - Money given to BK for spicing up Jubilee celebration!!
  5. Lower Crime Rates  - LIE!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. 4G Internet - PPP project that came to fruition!
  7. Increased salaries for public servants - sugar and rice workers got shafted!!!
  8. Improved Healthcare - No aspirin at Georgetown Hospital
  9. Less Flooding - LIE!!!!!
  10. 2 billion for airstrip upgrades - partially donated by Correia for airport to name after the PNC Minister in 1964 coup d'ÃĐtat of British Guiana!!



PPP money, huh. 



Did the PNC/AFC mention these things?

1. Did they mention the ethnic cleansing of Indos from all government agencies that were replaced with Afros that tow the line of the government?

2. The downturn of the economy?

3. The closing of whales sugar factory that put hundreds of family on the bread line?

4. The extortion of money from PSC for jubilee?

5. The refusal to fire Volda Lawrence and Ramjattan?

6. The hospitals without medicine and mother and child sleeping on the floor?

7. The muzzled on free press?

8. Legislation to take away for freedom of expression?

9. The crime escalation with aims to killing mostly Indians?

10. The release of criminals into society to commit repeated crimes, without the knowledge of the public of their whereabouts?

And the list goes on and on....



Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Well they had an eCONomist and they got what they deserved from the eCONomist.

During Jagdeo time the nation saw its greatest growth and development. In fact you people were have convulsions at the thought of him running for a 3rd term. 

Development happens as time passes. Regardless of who's in power, we would get TV's, cell phones and iPads. A few "businessmen" washing drugs money by putting up big buildings does not mean development. Jagdeo turning a blind eye to the drug traffickers brought the violent crime that we've seen in the last few years. He wrecked the sugar industry, our largest employer and bauxite fell in the same shit hole. We got huge debt write offs during his tenure and the national debt was back at high levels when the PPP left. The people who got rich were those belonging to his corrupt cabal who were robbing Guyana blind.

We are still at the bottom of every socio-economic index in comparison to our peers. For every step that we went ahead our neighbors took three. If Haiti did not decide to join Caricom, we'd still be at the bottom in every index. The economy was in a mess when the PPP left and is still the same as it was at independence.

Last edited by Mars
Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:m
Mars posted:

GINA Photo


Good accomplishments for one year. Let's keep moving onward and upward. The doom and gloomers will choke on their bile.



  1. Over $40 Billion for Public Security - from the PPP money left in the treasury.
  2. Lower electricity rates - for Linden and the fact that Jagdeo shame them into it because of lower fuel rates.
  3. Steps to reform constitution - NONE!!!!!!!
  4. Clean Georgetown - Money given to BK for spicing up Jubilee celebration!!
  5. Lower Crime Rates  - LIE!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. 4G Internet - PPP project that came to fruition!
  7. Increased salaries for public servants - sugar and rice workers got shafted!!!
  8. Improved Healthcare - No aspirin at Georgetown Hospital
  9. Less Flooding - LIE!!!!!
  10. 2 billion for airstrip upgrades - partially donated by Correia for airport to name after the PNC Minister in 1964 coup d'ÃĐtat of British Guiana!!



PPP money, huh. 


Correction - with the money that the PPP left in the Treasury.  1.7 billion US dollars was handed over to The PNC boys.    When they saw the number that is when the spending spree immediately started.  Beginning with the salary increases, private jet trips, jubilee celebrations, etc.  Today is one year since they took over and they are still to earn one cent.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:m
Mars posted:

GINA Photo


Good accomplishments for one year. Let's keep moving onward and upward. The doom and gloomers will choke on their bile.



  1. Over $40 Billion for Public Security - from the PPP money left in the treasury.
  2. Lower electricity rates - for Linden and the fact that Jagdeo shame them into it because of lower fuel rates.
  3. Steps to reform constitution - NONE!!!!!!!
  4. Clean Georgetown - Money given to BK for spicing up Jubilee celebration!!
  5. Lower Crime Rates  - LIE!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. 4G Internet - PPP project that came to fruition!
  7. Increased salaries for public servants - sugar and rice workers got shafted!!!
  8. Improved Healthcare - No aspirin at Georgetown Hospital
  9. Less Flooding - LIE!!!!!
  10. 2 billion for airstrip upgrades - partially donated by Correia for airport to name after the PNC Minister in 1964 coup d'ÃĐtat of British Guiana!!



PPP money, huh. 


Correction - with the money that the PPP left in the Treasury.  1.7 billion US dollars was handed over to The PNC boys.    When they saw the number that is when the spending spree immediately started.  Beginning with the salary increases, private jet trips, jubilee celebrations, etc.  Today is one year and they are still to earn one cent.

You full of jokes girl.

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Well they had an eCONomist and they got what they deserved from the eCONomist.

During Jagdeo time the nation saw its greatest growth and development. In fact you people were have convulsions at the thought of him running for a 3rd term. 

Development happens as time passes. Regardless of who's in power, we would get TV's, cell phones and iPads. A few "businessmen" washing drugs money by putting up big buildings does not mean development. Jagdeo turning a blind eye to the drug traffickers brought the violent crime that we've seen in the last few years. He wrecked the sugar industry, our largest employer and bauxite fell in the same shit hole. We got huge debt write offs during his tenure and the national debt was back at high levels when the PPP left. The people who got rich were those belonging to his corrupt cabal who were robbing Guyana blind.

We are still at the bottom of every socio-economic index in comparison to our peers. For every step that we went ahead our neighbors took three. If Haiti did not decide to join Caricom, we'd still be at the bottom in every index. The economy was in a mess when the PPP left and is still the same as it was at independence.

These are your claims, the sugar industry was not wrecked by Jagdeo, it was dead on arrival. This is why the rest of the Caribbean exited the industry and turned to tourism. 

Regardless, the country now belongs to the PNC and it is heading for the sewer as we see no evidence of any development or plans for the future economic prosperity of the nation.

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Well they had an eCONomist and they got what they deserved from the eCONomist.

During Jagdeo time the nation saw its greatest growth and development. In fact you people were have convulsions at the thought of him running for a 3rd term. 

Development happens as time passes. Regardless of who's in power, we would get TV's, cell phones and iPads. A few "businessmen" washing drugs money by putting up big buildings does not mean development. Jagdeo turning a blind eye to the drug traffickers brought the violent crime that we've seen in the last few years. He wrecked the sugar industry, our largest employer and bauxite fell in the same shit hole. We got huge debt write offs during his tenure and the national debt was back at high levels when the PPP left. The people who got rich were those belonging to his corrupt cabal who were robbing Guyana blind.

We are still at the bottom of every socio-economic index in comparison to our peers. For every step that we went ahead our neighbors took three. If Haiti did not decide to join Caricom, we'd still be at the bottom in every index. The economy was in a mess when the PPP left and is still the same as it was at independence.

These are your claims, the sugar industry was not wrecked by Jagdeo, it was dead on arrival. This is why the rest of the Caribbean exited the industry and turned to tourism. 

Regardless, the country now belongs to the PNC and it is heading for the sewer as we see no evidence of any development or plans for the future economic prosperity of the nation.

It was dead on arrival? So now you're telling me that the man invested US $200 in a faulty factory and many hundreds of millions more to bail out a dead industry. He's more of an eCONomist than I thought.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

One of your PNC boys disclosed that number to me and I verified it with my boss so don't act stupid.  Tell us where the salary increase money and the jubilee spending spree came from.  Did the PNC boys earn it?  

I was never a member of the PNC and their boys do not belong to me. You tend to believe any nonsense your hear on the street and lie about it here. The country generates income every day through taxes, Numpty. 


Oh yes.  The new taxes levied on the working class is enough for spending money!  Not to forget the voucher Money that was taken away from the school children.  Half of the cabinet including Granger and Nagamootoo are going to be in New York the first two weeks of June.  Did they earn the money that is going to be spent on the first class trips and the five star hotels?  How many secret service men will Nagamootoo have this time around?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh yes.  The new taxes levied on the working class is enough for spending money!  Not to forget the voucher Money that was taken away from the school children.  Half of the cabinet including Granger and Nagamootoo are going to be in New York the first two weeks of June.  Did they earn the money that is going to be spent on the first class trips and the five star hotels.  How many secret service men will Nagamootoo have this time around?

They don't have to depend on new taxes for income. There are already lots of revenue streams that take in money for the government. They are traveling to do the business of the government unlike Jagdeo who took trips all the time to duck curry competitions, Club Tobago, and with his boyfriend Bobby when he had to plug up his runny batty.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh yes.  The new taxes levied on the working class is enough for spending money!  Not to forget the voucher Money that was taken away from the school children.  Half of the cabinet including Granger and Nagamootoo are going to be in New York the first two weeks of June.  Did they earn the money that is going to be spent on the first class trips and the five star hotels.  How many secret service men will Nagamootoo have this time around?

They don't have to depend on new taxes for income. There are already lots of revenue streams that take in money for the government. They are traveling to do the business of the government unlike Jagdeo who took trips all the time to duck curry competitions, Club Tobago, and with his boyfriend Bobby when he had to plug up his runny batty.

Can you enlighten us on these "new revenue streams"? Does it have anything to do with the recent cocaine in fish drug bust in NY at JFK? Or the renaming of Ogle airport and honorary title given to BK?

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh yes.  The new taxes levied on the working class is enough for spending money!  Not to forget the voucher Money that was taken away from the school children.  Half of the cabinet including Granger and Nagamootoo are going to be in New York the first two weeks of June.  Did they earn the money that is going to be spent on the first class trips and the five star hotels.  How many secret service men will Nagamootoo have this time around?

They don't have to depend on new taxes for income. There are already lots of revenue streams that take in money for the government. They are traveling to do the business of the government unlike Jagdeo who took trips all the time to duck curry competitions, Club Tobago, and with his boyfriend Bobby when he had to plug up his runny batty.

Can you enlighten us on these "new revenue streams"? Does it have anything to do with the recent cocaine in fish drug bust in NY at JFK? Or the renaming of Ogle airport and honorary title given to BK?

I didn't say anything about "new revenue streams". I said that there are already lots of revenue streams that take in money for the government. Think taxes, customs duties, gold royalties, etc.

Bibi Haniffa posted


  1. Over $40 Billion for Public Security - from the PPP money left in the treasury.
  2. Lower electricity rates - for Linden and the fact that Jagdeo shame them into it because of lower fuel rates.
  3. Steps to reform constitution - NONE!!!!!!!
  4. Clean Georgetown - Money given to BK for spicing up Jubilee celebration!!
  5. Lower Crime Rates  - LIE!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. 4G Internet - PPP project that came to fruition!
  7. Increased salaries for public servants - sugar and rice workers got shafted!!!
  8. Improved Healthcare - No aspirin at Georgetown Hospital
  9. Less Flooding - LIE!!!!!
  10. 2 billion for airstrip upgrades - partially donated by Correia for airport to name after the PNC Minister in 1964 coup d'ÃĐtat of British Guiana!!





Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Well they had an eCONomist and they got what they deserved from the eCONomist.

During Jagdeo time the nation saw its greatest growth and development. In fact you people were have convulsions at the thought of him running for a 3rd term. 

Development happens as time passes. Regardless of who's in power, we would get TV's, cell phones and iPads. .

And how come the PNC managed to under develop Guyana during their first tenure?

RiffRaff posted:

How did the PPP "earn" money for the treasury? I thought they got paid to run a country and money for the treasury came from taxes, trade etc...

Did PPP ministers work and put their earnings in the treasury?

The PPP put measures and programs in place which produced earnings for the country.  If you think people put their earnings in the treasury, then you clearly do not understand how government works.  For example, Money earned from the Berbice Bridge and the Marriott goes to the government.  Jagdeo built both of those. 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:

How did the PPP "earn" money for the treasury? I thought they got paid to run a country and money for the treasury came from taxes, trade etc...

Did PPP ministers work and put their earnings in the treasury?

The PPP put measures and programs in place which produced earnings for the country.  If you think people put their earnings in the treasury, then you clearly do not understand how government works.  For example, Money earned from the Berbice Bridge and the Marriott goes to the government.  Jagdeo built both of those. 

The do every stretch of the imagination to hide from the fact that, economically, the PPP did a great job!!


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