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Haitians invade Brazil

By: Carolina Barros

Wave of migrants becomes Rousseff’s latest headache

Haiti has become the biggest Latin American headache for Brazil: a chronic headache, unlike the self-inflicted year-long migraine brought by Honduras — that faux-pas and intervention in Central America’s politics in 2009 when the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa housed the deposed Mel Zelaya for various months.

Although Dilma Rousseff’s government is “retreating” from Haiti (a gradual reduction in humanitarian troops was announced by Defence Minister Celso Amorim, plus the waning of enthusiasm shown by Brazilian multi-nationals for building reconstruction projects after the January 2010 earthquake), Haitians are the ones that don’t want to break that bond. In other words: a wave of thousands of illegal Haitian immigrants has been trying to enter Brazil.

The reasons for the migration are clearly visible: Haiti, Latin America’s poorest country, with the most barren wasteland, which in addition has been further devastated by a furious earthquake followed by a cholera epidemic and with the cyclical karma of an apparently irredeemable tendency toward mendacity, sees in Brazil a promised land of abundance, health, prosperity and work. It is for these reasons that nearly 7,000 Haitians entered Brazil as from mid-2011, according to official figures. Of this number, only 1650 obtained temporary visas from Brazilian authorities, granting them the right to work for six months, with the possibility of renewing the same right for a further 18 months (yesterday, the Brazilian Justice ministry announced that it would grant another 2400). The rest of those inmigrants, without question, fall into the category of “illegals”, “poachers” or that semantic limbo (that does not ensure legality) of “humanitarian residents” inaugurated by Brazil ’s National Refugees Committee (Conare).

The arrival of these desperate Haitians presents a problem for Rousseff’s government: unlike Bolivia and Peru, Brazil allows Haitians to enter the country without restrictions for a lapse of 90 days. The comparison is apt because it is from the triple border with Peru (Iñapari) and Bolivia (Cobija) where the Caribbean immigrants enter Brazil, arriving in Brasilea, in the Western and Amazonian state of Acre. The other “sieve” for those entering is on another triple border: through Tabatinga, also in the midst of the Amazonian jungle, and bordering Peru and Colombia.

No wonder, as well, that those tides of Haitian immigrants are using the same entrance route as drug-traffickers — and the same as mafias. Apparently, according to the Brazilian media, those responsible for the “facilitation” of the routes and entrance of Haitians are Mexican criminal organizations, with experience in passing illegals accross the US border. From Port-aû-Prince, and after coughing up between US$ 3000- 5000 a head to the Mexican gangs, the Haitians cross to Panama and from there taken by bus to Peru and Bolivia after crossing Colombia and Ecuador.

The “coyotes”, or recruiters, assure their Haitian clients that they have over 5,000 jobs awaiting them at the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam in Pará state. But these are just promises: packed together and starving, the Haitians arrive in Brasilea, Assis and Tabatinga, the “receptor” cities for the immigrants.

Brazilian authorities have already met several times with their counterparts in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia to try to limit the arrival of the Caribbean immigrants. All of the border countries said they had a tradition of “free transit” and that they would not intervene or restrain the immigrant wave. The Bolivians and Peruvians also stated that they could not provide humanitarian assistance before the Haitians cross into Brazil. The importance of the issue is such that it will be discussed again, this time by Dilma Rousseff, on February 1 in the Haitian capital when she meets with President Michel Martelly.

At the same time, prosperous Brazil has picked up on other groups entering through its porous and extensive Amazonian border: there are Afghans, Indonesians and Mauritians who, attracted by the possibility of being hired by meat processing companies in Brasilia, Minas Gerais and the Brazilian south, venture to these latitudes responding to the demand for Muslim employees to enable the slaughter and processing of beef to be exported to Islamic countries. Side effects of the Brazilian power-house which is today not only the largest country in South America — with the largest population and the largest middle class (almost 60%) — but also the world’s sixth largest economy and the main exporter of meat in Latin America.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

At this rate one would think that hundreds of thousands are pouring in. There are more haitians in ONE neighborhood in Miami than there are in all of Brazil.

Dilma needs to worry about her own impoverished millions.
Originally posted by caribj:
At this rate one would think that hundreds of thousands are pouring in. There are more haitians in ONE neighborhood in Miami than there are in all of Brazil.

Dilma needs to worry about her own impoverished millions.
Your admiration for wasp man's land is reaching levels of adoration, like a religious cult. Do you wish you where anglo?
Originally posted by yuji22:
Black Haitains are everywhere cause their power hungry and corrupt black leaders looted their country. A good history lesson for Guyanese.
Sorry, France kept them in economic bondage for close to a century because they had to pay restitution for their freedom. It is a good history lesson to you.

Guyana is not Haiti and for many reasons other than the presence of Indians.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Black Haitains are everywhere cause their power hungry and corrupt black leaders looted their country. A good history lesson for Guyanese.
Sorry, France kept them in economic bondage for close to a century because they had to pay restitution for their freedom. It is a good history lesson to you.

Guyana is not Haiti and for many reasons other than the presence of Indians.

Blacks always blame others for their current problem despite it being over a hundred years old. The will never prosper until this mentality end. Stop blaming others for your lack of economic progress. Get off your butts, get a job like others and work hard like others and stop blaming others for your problems. Indo and Afro Guyanese went to Guyana around the same time and look around Guyana and you can easily identify Black areas. Burnham tried to eliminated Indians and they still progressed but blacks are still living in the 60's casue they are generally lazy and do not want to work hard as other and blame others for being poor.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Black Haitains are everywhere cause their power hungry and corrupt black leaders looted their country. A good history lesson for Guyanese.
Sorry, France kept them in economic bondage for close to a century because they had to pay restitution for their freedom. It is a good history lesson to you.

Guyana is not Haiti and for many reasons other than the presence of Indians.

Blacks always blame others for their current problem despite it being over a hundred years old. The will never prosper until this mentality end. Stop blaming others for your lack of economic progress. Get off your butts, get a job like others and work hard like others and stop blaming others for your problems. Indo and Afro Guyanese went to Guyana around the same time and look around Guyana and you can easily identify Black areas. Burnham tried to eliminated Indians and they still progressed but blacks are still living in the 60's casue they are generally lazy and do not want to work hard as other and blame others for being poor.
I do not see any black in the blame game here. You happen to be carrying that banner presently. Alas, you cannot be taken to represent Indians so that banner you carry is the curse of the insular racist mind. I am convinced you do not have many behind you in that march.

Burnham did not try to eliminate anyone. He was a dictator. Actually, he was quoted in one of the post colonialist journals of being a dictator of the worse kind but who happened to do so with very little blood on his hands. In reality, he was an equal opportunity oppressor and those who took him out came from the ranks of the black community as Errol reminded you this morning.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Another coconut shell response from D2.
It is exactly the kind of information you need to take your head out of the recesses of ignorance where it currently resides. You would benefit if you take a moment for introspection and re-evaluate you mental orientation. It most definitely is presently in the realm of the culturally backward other. You are who they speak of when the talk of the ignorant.
Originally posted by yuji22:
One more coconut head response from D2.
Willful ignorance cannot be overcome with facts. I am however not giving up easily. I am of the conclusion that you might still be rescued from clutches of ignorance if you interact with people who can actually think.
Originally posted by yuji22:
High school dunce D2 and now coconut head. Applause.
I was hoping you can make the creative leap! I see there is some substance to the saying about old dogs learning new tricks.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Dunce D2 now trying to do tricks. Coconut head.
The first test for an idiot is that of pretend misdirection when confronted with an undeniable fact.
Originally posted by cain:
This is s tough one to steer in the right path eh D2?

I heard something in church de other day,about how God loves arse holes, that's why he made so many of 'em.
Big Grin
Like cain, redux, Lucas, and D2. Coconut head class for you folks. Defending PNC and talking rubbish. What kind of church using words line arse ? Coconut head fools. Dunces, they should start their own PNC forum
We also have to ensure that our country does not get swamped by Brazilians because unlike the German migrants to the Rupununi region. These people will not be learning English.
Haitians in general are a very hard working people. They are mostly well behaved. Their country cannot develop because it faced about 200 hundred years of sanctions by the West because it wanted its freedom.
Originally posted by Wally:
We also have to ensure that our country does not get swamped by Brazilians because unlike the German migrants to the Rupununi region. These people will not be learning English.
Haven't you learned? Chinese is the new English and English is the new Latin (on the way to extinction), Portuguese is the new French.
Originally posted by Freaky:

Brazil has made an exception for Haitians in contrast to job-seekers from nations like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, who arrive via similar Amazonian routes but are usually expelled. Here, Haitians gather at a main square.
The problem with South Asians is that they will not learn Portuguese. They all migrate around the world believing the entire planet speaks English and when they arrive in South American they get the shock of their lives when they realize that was not true. Many of them arrive in the coasts of Colombia thinking is an English speaking country (mixing up with British Columbia or many US towns called Columbia)
Originally posted by Lucas:
Your admiration for wasp man's land is reaching levels of adoration, like a religious cult. Do you wish you where anglo?

Do yoursel;f a favor. Count how many haitians live in Brazil and how many live in France...I will not horrify you with the numbers in the USA. I will also not horrify you with the fact that the Haitians off to Brazil are the most desperately poor while Haitian professionals head to Florida and NY.

These are the facts Lucas.

BTW I see no reason why I ought to worshiip white Brazilians who are as racist as theur North American peers, just more dishonest about it.

Think you will see an Obama in Brazil, even though 30% or more Brazilians look like him or are darker? No way. The best he could hope for in Brazil is to become a military policeman.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Blacks always blame others for their current problem .

You all Indians always blame blacks fro every thing even though you have Guyana under TOTAl control. Blame your corrupt Indo elites instead. Its they who consort with the violent remenants of the Burnham regime.
Originally posted by yuji22:
One more coconut head response from D2.

My my, the defeat of the PPP because blacks stomped them has all the IndoKKK raging. It must really pain you that Granger and Trotman can tell Ramotar what to do.
Originally posted by Wally:
What about the thousands upon thousands of Americans who have gone to Brazil to work how come no mention of them ?

They are going as managers, business people, etc. As they go every where in the world....even Haiti.
Originally posted by Freaky:

Many sleep in cramped quarters of the hotel, which functions as a shelter and church.


yes lucas. now compare that with the lovely homes Haitians own in Queens, NY
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Freaky:

Many sleep in cramped quarters of the hotel, which functions as a shelter and church.


yes lucas. now compare that with the lovely homes Haitians own in Queens, NY
You read without much understanding. All these people were legalized just few days ago. They entered illegally thru the Amazon. Why doesn't the NYTIMES show them when receiving their working visas?

When Haitians arrive in the US across the Mexican border American newspapers don't show Haitians being abused in the desert. Why they ignore these facts?
Originally posted by Lucas:
When Haitians arrive in the US ?

many become professionals and own nice homes. Brazil doenst even treat their own blacks properly so why expect Haitians to be any better off?

Show me large numbers of Brazilians who look like these Haitians who are visibly musicians or sports figures please....doctors and business people as is the case with many Haitians in the know owning their own architectural and engineering companies.

So what will these Haitians do in Brazil when released?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
When Haitians arrive in the US ?

many become professionals and own nice homes. Brazil doenst even treat their own blacks properly so why expect Haitians to be any better off?

Show me large numbers of Brazilians who look like these Haitians who are visibly musicians or sports figures please....doctors and business people as is the case with many Haitians in the know owning their own architectural and engineering companies.

So what will these Haitians do in Brazil when released?
Stop your bigoted comments in favor of the US and against the rest of the world.
Originally posted by Lucas:
Originally posted by Freaky:

Brazil has made an exception for Haitians in contrast to job-seekers from nations like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, who arrive via similar Amazonian routes but are usually expelled. Here, Haitians gather at a main square.
The problem with South Asians is that they will not learn Portuguese. They all migrate around the world believing the entire planet speaks English and when they arrive in South American they get the shock of their lives when they realize that was not true. Many of them arrive in the coasts of Colombia thinking is an English speaking country (mixing up with British Columbia or many US towns called Columbia)

Your problem is that you do not understand that almost every Brazilian professional speaks English because this is the international language of business.

One major country speaks Chinese and one major country speaks Portuguese. Brazilian and Chinese professionals both speak English. Do you know that more people speak English in China than in the USA?

You get the point?

Its like Nigerians speak English even though its not their native language, instead of being forced to learn the scores of languages in that nation.
Originally posted by Lucas:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
When Haitians arrive in the US ?

many become professionals and own nice homes. Brazil doenst even treat their own blacks properly so why expect Haitians to be any better off?

Show me large numbers of Brazilians who look like these Haitians who are visibly musicians or sports figures please....doctors and business people as is the case with many Haitians in the know owning their own architectural and engineering companies.

So what will these Haitians do in Brazil when released?
Stop your bigoted comments in favor of the US and against the rest of the world.

Oh I see your inability to show that black Brazilians are treated like humans has you all panicked. Guess what lucas, the poorest and the hungriest Haitians will go to Brazil. The professionals will refuse to go there seeing how badly black Brazilians are treated.

Now deal with that unless you want me to assign you to the KKK class too with the PPP clowns like sledge, dondada and the other PPP idiots.

Now show me the top managers at Itau Bank and indicate how many of them are black or visibly mulato, in a nation where these groups account for maybe 30% of the total.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
When Haitians arrive in the US ?

many become professionals and own nice homes. Brazil doenst even treat their own blacks properly so why expect Haitians to be any better off?

Show me large numbers of Brazilians who look like these Haitians who are visibly musicians or sports figures please....doctors and business people as is the case with many Haitians in the know owning their own architectural and engineering companies.

So what will these Haitians do in Brazil when released?
Stop your bigoted comments in favor of the US and against the rest of the world.

Oh I see your inability to show that black Brazilians are treated like humans has you all panicked. Guess what lucas, the poorest and the hungriest Haitians will go to Brazil. The professionals will refuse to go there seeing how badly black Brazilians are treated.

Now deal with that unless you want me to assign you to the KKK class too with the PPP clowns like sledge, dondada and the other PPP idiots.

Now show me the top managers at Itau Bank and indicate how many of them are black or visibly mulato, in a nation where these groups account for maybe 30% of the total.

You are buying into British Media's Anti-Brazilian propaganda. Blacks in US are better off simply because the US is richer than Brazil. No mystery and no anti-black agenda.
Blacks are suffering everywhere cause they cannot run any country. America tried black Obama and look what happened to America. They always create crime wherever they go. America, Europe, South America and they have tribal wars and starvation in all of Africa. These are the people who want to take Guyana back to the dark days of Burnham. Look at their leader, Granger anti Indian.
Originally posted by cain:
Is there a minimum age requirement to post on this here BB?

You PNC stooges need brain surgery. Time for someone to stand up to you PNC thugs !

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