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Former Member

He died like a dog' Trump addresses the nation and says ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died 'whimpering and crying and screaming'

  • Donald Trump announced Sunday morning that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead 
  • U.S.-led forces descended on al-Baghdadi's lair in Idlib, Syria overnight 
  • The president said al-Baghdadi 'died like a dog' after being run down a dead-end tunnel and cornered
  • Baghdadi detonated his suicide vest, killing himself and three of his children
  • Eleven children were cleared from the lair
  • Baghdadi's two wives were killed during the operation without their suicide vests being detonated
  • Trump teased Saturday night that he would be making a 'major statement' 
  • Al-Baghdadi issued a chilling call to arms in 2014 declaring an Islamic 'caliphate' 
  • Under his leadership, smaller-scale higher-frequency attacks became the norm 
  • Trump says he does not regret pulling U.S. forces from northern Syria

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Obama was too soft on terrorism. Trump almost wiped out ISIS. Let's give credit where it's due. Five more years of Trump and ISIS will be wiped off the face of Mother Earth.

GNI's Whabist member Chief might be sad but too bad.

Last edited by Former Member

I believe Trump will do some extraordinary things before year-end or early next year. His third meeting with NK leader may relieve him from the impeachment inquiry hanging over his shoulder. I really want him to win a second term and complete his agenda. Trump is a working president with a badass attitude that is outside the bounds of the status quo in Washington. Why mess with the man?


The Democrats are trying to do what the fail to do at the polls!

Seems they also took out the apparent successor the next day! 

Trump did say they have their eyes on all potential successors and they going after them!

He also took out Hamsa Bin Ladin!

Dem Wahab terrorist running like rats!

Baseman posted:.....

Trump did say they have their eyes on all potential successors and they going after them!

He also took out Hamsa Bin Ladin!

Dem Wahab terrorist running like rats!

Trump did not take out that banna. The only people he's taking out are those who stand by him as he does his crookedness. 


The dems are scattering like rats themselves. They called Bhagdadi a religious scholar. How low can the dems go ?

They have done nothing for Americans but whine and complain. Just turn on fake news CNN and listen to them complain like a bunch of antimen hosted by antimen. 

King Trump has them like cornered rats. This illegal closed door impeachment will become another waste of time. A Republican control senate will vote down any impeachment attempt. 

They need to stop behaving like antimen and face him at the polls rather than whining and complaining. 

It’s all about a strong economy, jobs and fighting terrorism and America looks really good right now, minus the dems clowns. 

Dems new Motto:

Bring back failed Socialism, Burnham did it, so can we.

Last edited by Former Member

The Russian media don't believe that Al-Baghdadi is dead.  Even from Trump's own mouth he first praises the Russian and  did not consult or inform the gang of eight/Chairpersons. Is he really working for the Russians and getting paid overseas, that is why he does not accept an American salary.A Russian Mole in the White House.

 The Iraq Army played a vital role on the ground, yet Trump lied saying the Americans did it all alone, he said Baghdadi whimpering, crying and screaming, that is all a lie, the man committed suicide in his bunker when the forces were getting close, he was NOT captured alive.

 The death of Al-Baghdadi will only surge the ISIS movement, they don't have election for a leader, when one die immediately another takes his place. America better be on the look out for revenge.

kp posted:

The Russian media don't believe that Al-Baghdadi is dead.  Even from Trump's own mouth he first praises the Russian and  did not consult or inform the gang of eight/Chairpersons. Is he really working for the Russians and getting paid overseas, that is why he does not accept an American salary.A Russian Mole in the White House.

 The Iraq Army played a vital role on the ground, yet Trump lied saying the Americans did it all alone, he said Baghdadi whimpering, crying and screaming, that is all a lie, the man committed suicide in his bunker when the forces were getting close, he was NOT captured alive.

 The death of Al-Baghdadi will only surge the ISIS movement, they don't have election for a leader, when one die immediately another takes his place. America better be on the look out for revenge.

???   So are you suggesting he should have been left alone as killing him strengthens ISIS?

You sound like an appeaser!

Kill them all out!!

antabanta posted:

He blew himself and his family up while whimpering and crying? We should be careful about leaders who rejoice in murdering people.

Yes, like Hillary who was cheering as Gadaffi was dragged in the desert and shot!

Sean posted:

Obama was too soft on terrorism. Trump almost wiped out ISIS. Let's give credit where it's due. Five more years of Trump and ISIS will be wiped off the face of Mother Earth.

GNI's Whabist member Chief might be sad but too bad.

What are you talking Yulji, Trump is cutting and running, he is bringing home the troops while ISIS ideology is spreading in the world, even in America. You and Baseman should join the Military and fight ISIS. Hours after Trump's so called ISIS triumph ,at the World Series of Baseball, he was booed and the entire stadium chanted LOCK HIM UP!!!LOCK HIM UP!!!

Sean by the canal, may like Trump, but ask the thousands of Americans at the game.

Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:

He blew himself and his family up while whimpering and crying? We should be careful about leaders who rejoice in murdering people.

Yes, like Hillary who was cheering as Gadaffi was dragged in the desert and shot!

Hillary was never POTUS and could never replicate the vile, petty behavior of Donald Trump.

cain posted:

Sheer Bullshit coming from the Trump lovers, what a basketful of miscreants.

You sound sad that the worst terrorist is dead!  You should go and explain that to the Yazidis!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The Russian media don't believe that Al-Baghdadi is dead.  Even from Trump's own mouth he first praises the Russian and  did not consult or inform the gang of eight/Chairpersons. Is he really working for the Russians and getting paid overseas, that is why he does not accept an American salary.A Russian Mole in the White House.

 The Iraq Army played a vital role on the ground, yet Trump lied saying the Americans did it all alone, he said Baghdadi whimpering, crying and screaming, that is all a lie, the man committed suicide in his bunker when the forces were getting close, he was NOT captured alive.

 The death of Al-Baghdadi will only surge the ISIS movement, they don't have election for a leader, when one die immediately another takes his place. America better be on the look out for revenge.

???   So are you suggesting he should have been left alone as killing him strengthens ISIS?

You sound like an appeaser!

Kill them all out!!

Listen to the Military, don't fall for TRUMP's lies.

antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:

He blew himself and his family up while whimpering and crying? We should be careful about leaders who rejoice in murdering people.

Yes, like Hillary who was cheering as Gadaffi was dragged in the desert and shot!

Hillary was never POTUS and could never replicate the vile, petty behavior of Donald Trump.

Good, she boss did it!  He was cheering too!


Trump did NNNUUUTTTIIINNN! He seems to be taking all the glory for an excellent job done by the military. He praised Russia, Turkey, then the Kurds. The Kurds were the ones who did the data gathering, risking their lives. What a f'king NEEMAKHARAM. 


kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The Russian media don't believe that Al-Baghdadi is dead.  Even from Trump's own mouth he first praises the Russian and  did not consult or inform the gang of eight/Chairpersons. Is he really working for the Russians and getting paid overseas, that is why he does not accept an American salary.A Russian Mole in the White House.

 The Iraq Army played a vital role on the ground, yet Trump lied saying the Americans did it all alone, he said Baghdadi whimpering, crying and screaming, that is all a lie, the man committed suicide in his bunker when the forces were getting close, he was NOT captured alive.

 The death of Al-Baghdadi will only surge the ISIS movement, they don't have election for a leader, when one die immediately another takes his place. America better be on the look out for revenge.

???   So are you suggesting he should have been left alone as killing him strengthens ISIS?

You sound like an appeaser!

Kill them all out!!

Listen to the Military, don't fall for TRUMP's lies.

Ayuh funny!

Did the military regret going after him?  Did the regret going after Bin Ladin?

Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:

He blew himself and his family up while whimpering and crying? We should be careful about leaders who rejoice in murdering people.

Yes, like Hillary who was cheering as Gadaffi was dragged in the desert and shot!

antabanta posted:

The sole purpose of this exercise is for Trump to jerk the puppet strings to manipulate emotions and and rile up his ignorant base.

Not only that, but it was the worst week for Trump in congress, the drums for impeachment are beating louder. This Baghdadi thing is all a political diversion.

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The Russian media don't believe that Al-Baghdadi is dead.  Even from Trump's own mouth he first praises the Russian and  did not consult or inform the gang of eight/Chairpersons. Is he really working for the Russians and getting paid overseas, that is why he does not accept an American salary.A Russian Mole in the White House.

 The Iraq Army played a vital role on the ground, yet Trump lied saying the Americans did it all alone, he said Baghdadi whimpering, crying and screaming, that is all a lie, the man committed suicide in his bunker when the forces were getting close, he was NOT captured alive.

 The death of Al-Baghdadi will only surge the ISIS movement, they don't have election for a leader, when one die immediately another takes his place. America better be on the look out for revenge.

???   So are you suggesting he should have been left alone as killing him strengthens ISIS?

You sound like an appeaser!

Kill them all out!!

Listen to the Military, don't fall for TRUMP's lies.

Ayuh funny!

Did the military regret going after him?  Did the regret going after Bin Ladin?

The secretary of defense did not say that Al-Baghdadi was caught crying, screaming and whimpering, those are LIES from FAKE Trump.

antabanta posted:

The sole purpose of this exercise is for Trump to jerk the puppet strings to manipulate emotions and and rile up his ignorant base.

It was months in the planning.  Going after him was one of the military stated goals!  They got the info and moved.  Russia and Syria allowed US over flight of territory they control.

So it was not a Trump only effort.  The Kurds, Russians and Syrians all helped with intelligence gathering. The American executed the operation!  So Trump can celebrate!

Good job. Hope they go in and kill them all put like rats!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The Russian media don't believe that Al-Baghdadi is dead.  Even from Trump's own mouth he first praises the Russian and  did not consult or inform the gang of eight/Chairpersons. Is he really working for the Russians and getting paid overseas, that is why he does not accept an American salary.A Russian Mole in the White House.

 The Iraq Army played a vital role on the ground, yet Trump lied saying the Americans did it all alone, he said Baghdadi whimpering, crying and screaming, that is all a lie, the man committed suicide in his bunker when the forces were getting close, he was NOT captured alive.

 The death of Al-Baghdadi will only surge the ISIS movement, they don't have election for a leader, when one die immediately another takes his place. America better be on the look out for revenge.

???   So are you suggesting he should have been left alone as killing him strengthens ISIS?

You sound like an appeaser!

Kill them all out!!

Listen to the Military, don't fall for TRUMP's lies.

Ayuh funny!

Did the military regret going after him?  Did the regret going after Bin Ladin?

Bai look at some of dem. Showing remorse for the extermination of a radical extremist wahabist who had American blood on his hands. 

Have the dems brainwashed the left to this extreme ? 

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
antabanta posted:

The sole purpose of this exercise is for Trump to jerk the puppet strings to manipulate emotions and and rile up his ignorant base.

Not only that, but it was the worst week for Trump in congress, the drums for impeachment are beating louder. This Baghdadi thing is all a political diversion.

Well, ayuh cry!!

He also killed Hamsa!

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Sheer Bullshit coming from the Trump lovers, what a basketful of miscreants.

You sound sad that the worst terrorist is dead!  You should go and explain that to the Yazidis!

Read the first two words in my post again.

Good that prick was killed if true but nothing to do with Trump, he did say ISIS was all taken care of, they done.

Sean posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The Russian media don't believe that Al-Baghdadi is dead.  Even from Trump's own mouth he first praises the Russian and  did not consult or inform the gang of eight/Chairpersons. Is he really working for the Russians and getting paid overseas, that is why he does not accept an American salary.A Russian Mole in the White House.

 The Iraq Army played a vital role on the ground, yet Trump lied saying the Americans did it all alone, he said Baghdadi whimpering, crying and screaming, that is all a lie, the man committed suicide in his bunker when the forces were getting close, he was NOT captured alive.

 The death of Al-Baghdadi will only surge the ISIS movement, they don't have election for a leader, when one die immediately another takes his place. America better be on the look out for revenge.

???   So are you suggesting he should have been left alone as killing him strengthens ISIS?

You sound like an appeaser!

Kill them all out!!

Listen to the Military, don't fall for TRUMP's lies.

Ayuh funny!

Did the military regret going after him?  Did the regret going after Bin Ladin?

Bai look at some of dem. Showing remorse for the extermination of a radical extremist wahabist who had American blood on his hands. 

Have the dems brainwashed the left to this extreme ? 

Is hatred!  They remind me of the BJ haters in the AFC!


Varied versions appearing in the media. While something indeed happened it is unclear who actually was/is the specific individual who met his end.

This is similar to other occasions where references to other individuals were made while there are no tangible evidence/proof of the persons.


From one source ...

The soldiers who conducted the raid thought the man who fled looked like al-Baghdadi, but that wasn’t enough. Various accounts had heralded his death in the past, only for him to surface yet again.

This time there could be no doubt.

Lab technicians conducted an onsite DNA test to make sure and within 15 minutes of his death, positively identified the target.

“It was him,” Trump said.

Al-Baghdadi’s body wasn’t all they retrieved.

Trump said U.S. troops remained in the compound for about two hours after al-Baghdadi’s death and recovered highly sensitive material about the Islamic State group, including information about its future plans.

Source and rest of Article --

The takedown of al-Baghdadi — here’s what happened



@ Base
Exactly ! Trump should build a wall at the border to prevent some of them from entering the USA. They eat from the American plate and bore a big hole in to. 



Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

The Russian media don't believe that Al-Baghdadi is dead.  Even from Trump's own mouth he first praises the Russian and  did not consult or inform the gang of eight/Chairpersons. Is he really working for the Russians and getting paid overseas, that is why he does not accept an American salary.A Russian Mole in the White House.

 The Iraq Army played a vital role on the ground, yet Trump lied saying the Americans did it all alone, he said Baghdadi whimpering, crying and screaming, that is all a lie, the man committed suicide in his bunker when the forces were getting close, he was NOT captured alive.

 The death of Al-Baghdadi will only surge the ISIS movement, they don't have election for a leader, when one die immediately another takes his place. America better be on the look out for revenge.

???   So are you suggesting he should have been left alone as killing him strengthens ISIS?

You sound like an appeaser!

Kill them all out!!

Listen to the Military, don't fall for TRUMP's lies.

Ayuh funny!

Did the military regret going after him?  Did the regret going after Bin Ladin?

The secretary of defense did not say that Al-Baghdadi was caught crying, screaming and whimpering, those are LIES from FAKE Trump.

No one said he was caught!

What Trump meant, he put on the suicide vest and took three kids to shield himself. When he realize it will not work, he blew himself up along with them.

That is a coward dog!

He should have picked up a gun and join his guards and fight to the death!

He ordered the slaughter of thousands, rape many young girls, raped the American hostage, etc!  And ayuh cussing Trump!!


This is an example how the dems have screwd up the minds of those on the left. No sense of decency and patriotism are with those on the left. Imagine them calling that animal Bhagdadi a religious scholar !

That’s how low the dems would go.

Trump will roast dem rass when he holds his next sold out rally ! 


Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Sheer Bullshit coming from the Trump lovers, what a basketful of miscreants.

You sound sad that the worst terrorist is dead!  You should go and explain that to the Yazidis!

Read the first two words in my post again.

Good that prick was killed if true but nothing to do with Trump, he did say ISIS was all taken care of, they done.

Ok, so Osama had nothing to do with Obama!  It just happened!

Ayuh sound stupid!

Sean posted:

@ Base
Exactly ! Trump should build a wall at the border to prevent some of them from entering the USA. They eat from the American plate and bore a big hole in to. 



better than having a sheep mentality


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