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Inquiry into fmr. Minister ‘Sash’ Sawh’s murder imminent

May 13, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

More than a decade after gunmen, in a home invasion that shocked the nation, killed former Minister Satyadeo Sawh, the administration has recommitted its readiness to launch an inquiry.

Murdered 10 years ago: Fmr. Agri Minister, Satyadeow ‘Sash’ Sawh

Murdered 10 years ago: Fmr. Agri Minister, Satyadeow ‘Sash’ Sawh

On Wednesday, President David Granger disclosed that he has been approached by a “blood relative” of Sawh who has appealed for an inquiry.
None was launched by Sawh’s own party, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), since his murder back on the evening of April 22, 2006.
Speaking to reporters on Wednesday during his weekly taped television programme, ‘The Public Interest’, President Granger made it clear that an inquiry is coming.
It would be part of a bigger quest to find answers to the several deaths dating back to the early 2000s, under the reign of the PPP/C governments.
Admitting that he is committed to a full investigation into the minister’s killing, the President noted that many were killed, including witnesses.
A formal Commission of Inquiry will be launched in due course, he said, stressing that his first commitment is to assure relatives that the deaths will be investigated.
Last year August, the President promised that thorough inquiries will be held into the killings of Sawh and all who were slain during the 2000 and 2008 period.
The President made the announcement at a one-day symposium organized by the Cuffy 250 Committee in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the Berbice Slave Rebellion.
“When you have Ministers of government bringing in computers so you can track down people’s mobile phones; when you have a lot of men being shot at the back of their heads with their hands tied; when you have so many deaths which are not being investigated; when you have a minister of government who has been assassinated and you don’t have an inquest into his death, there is something stink and we are going to investigate those deaths,” said Granger.

President David Granger

President David Granger

“Never before in history have so many policemen been killed than during the tenure of office of Bharrat Jagdeo and that is why they constructed that monument (Fallen Heroes) and if you go to Buxton you will see another huge monument,” the President remarked referencing the Monument in Buxton, East Coast Demerara where the names of over 450 victims of extra-judicial killings over the last two decades are inscribed.
“So, Mr. Jagdeo has many monuments to his memory and those three monuments must remind us about the deaths which took place between 2000 and 2008 when he was President. We must make sure that our country never again becomes so divided that we feel that the only way of resolve our differences is by violent crime,” the President said.
Sawh, his sister Phulmattie Persaud, brother Rajpat Rai Sawh and security guard, Curtis Robinson, were gunned down on the evening of April 22, 2008 at the Minister’s La Bonne Intention, East Coast Demer­ara residence.
The killing sent shockwaves throughout the nation. Sawh was a Minister of the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) government but the questions over his death were many. No inquest was ever held. One man was charged with the murder.
The promised external assistance that Government had announced it would have been seeking following Sawh’s death never materialised.
Since the establishment of the Guyana Police Force (GPF), 62 officers and ranks have died in the line of duty. Interestingly, 31 of them died during the period President Granger vows to investigate.
Among the slain lawmen was Superintendent Leon Fraser in 2002. His death also left questions and calls for investigation.
On January 26, 2008, heavily armed gunmen stormed the village of Lusignan, slaughtering 11 persons, including five children.
On February 17, 2008, a number of gunmen invaded the mining community of Bartica, Essequibo. They attacked the Bartica Police Station, where they killed Lance Corporal Zaheer Zakir, Constable Shane Fredericks and Constable Ron Osborne.
After murdering the three police officers, the gang stole cash, arms, ammunition and a vehicle from the police station. Using the stolen police vehicle, they drove through the streets of Bartica shooting at civilians, fatally wounding Irwin Gilkes.
They then proceeded to CBR Mining, where they killed Irving Ferreira, stole arms and ammunition and removed two safes containing cash and gold.
Next, they shot and killed Dexter Adrian before returning to the wharf. At the wharf, they executed Abdool Yassin Jr, Deonarine Singh, Errol Thomas, Ronald Gomes, Baldeo Singh and Ashraf Khan.
Eight years ago, eight gold miners were slaughtered at Lindo Creek, Berbice River.
Officials of the then PPP/C government were convinced that the crime wave was drug and gang-related.
By the time of the Diwali massacre of November 2002, ‘phantom’ gangs had killed many and the police were not making any arrests.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“When you have Ministers of government bringing in computers so you can track down people’s mobile phones; when you have a lot of men being shot at the back of their heads with their hands tied; when you have so many deaths which are not being investigated; when you have a minister of government who has been assassinated and you don’t have an inquest into his death, there is something stink and we are going to investigate those deaths,” said Granger.


They have been working with great determination to have us believe their outrageously false version of the crime spree that gripped the nation in 2001 and 2002.  Criminals backed the opposition carried out murders, kidnapping, rape, and robbery without worrying about being arrested. The Jagdeo administration was forced  it play its last hand took some extreme measures to a limited extent to curb the crime. He succeeded but not without a political backlash from his adversaries.

Billy Ram Balgobin

They are not fooling anyone. ALL the Murderers, rapists and Arsonists that were used during that period were released by Granger NOW they killing Retired Professors and others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

They have been working with great determination to have us believe their outrageously false version of the crime spree that gripped the nation in 2001 and 2002.

skeldon_man posted:

They'll do anything to divert the attention from the people as to what's happening in the country currently.


Jump up and down as you wish, but these events happened under Jagdeo.

How come Jagdeo didn't have a COI to determine who masterminded the death.

How come no one in PNC leadership was arrested for engaging in the PPP fantasy that the PNC was fully involved in the crime spree.  If the PPP had proof, then why were they not interested in arresting the guilty parties.

If indeed the PNC was guilty of what they are being accused, of, the PPP wouldn't now be in a situation where they scream "black man a kill ahbe".

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

They have been working with great determination to have us believe their outrageously false version of the crime spree that gripped the nation in 2001 and 2002.

skeldon_man posted:

They'll do anything to divert the attention from the people as to what's happening in the country currently.


Jump up and down as you wish, but these events happened under Jagdeo.

How come Jagdeo didn't have a COI to determine who masterminded the death.

How come no one in PNC leadership was arrested for engaging in the PPP fantasy that the PNC was fully involved in the crime spree.  If the PPP had proof, then why were they not interested in arresting the guilty parties.

If indeed the PNC was guilty of what they are being accused, of, the PPP wouldn't now be in a situation where they scream "black man a kill ahbe".

Some members of the WPA, including David Hinds and Eusi Kwayana publicly condemned to terror unleashed on Indo-Guyanese from Buxton. No PNC leader condemned the violence. On the contrary, they were supporting the criminals in every way they can, including providing free legal services. We will never forget the flag of Guyana being draped on the coffins of Blackie and the escapees. 

If Carib thinks we are now suffering from amnesia he should seriously think again. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Some members of the WPA, including David Hinds and Eusi Kwayana publicly condemned to terror unleashed on Indo-Guyanese from Buxton.

Yes they did, and now they are in gov't with the PNC.

Now can you tell us which Indian condemned the terror which Jagdeo unleashed on young black males when over 400 were murdered by his goons?  And many others were harassed.

Supporting a criminal is a criminal offense.  You have yet to tell us why the PPP didn't arrest PNC officials that they claim were guilty of that.

Blackie's buddies are PPP MPs.  Please don't tell me that you don't think that the House of Israel criminals, who the PPP now absorbed, didn't have blood on their hands.  In fact not that long ago one of them was even boasting about how he used to beat up people at WPA meetings.

For the PPP to accuse the PNC of coddling criminals, when the Phantoms themselves were criminals, is a joke!

It is a sad testimony of the PPP that the Hammie Green and House of Israel goons now work for the PPP!  And that today's PNC doesn't want them anywhere close by.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Some members of the WPA, including David Hinds and Eusi Kwayana publicly condemned to terror unleashed on Indo-Guyanese from Buxton.

Yes they did, and now they are in gov't with the PNC.

Now can you tell us which Indian condemned the terror which Jagdeo unleashed on young black males when over 400 were murdered by his goons?  And many others were harassed.

Amnesty International rejected this claim as pure fabrications with hideous intention of starting an ethnic war.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Some members of the WPA, including David Hinds and Eusi Kwayana publicly condemned to terror unleashed on Indo-Guyanese from Buxton.

Yes they did, and now they are in gov't with the PNC.

Now can you tell us which Indian condemned the terror which Jagdeo unleashed on young black males when over 400 were murdered by his goons?  And many others were harassed.

Amnesty International rejected this claim as pure fabrications with hideous intention of starting an ethnic war.

Amnesty International did no such thing, because they do NOT advocate extrajudicial killings by government entities.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Some members of the WPA, including David Hinds and Eusi Kwayana publicly condemned to terror unleashed on Indo-Guyanese from Buxton.

Yes they did, and now they are in gov't with the PNC.

Now can you tell us which Indian condemned the terror which Jagdeo unleashed on young black males when over 400 were murdered by his goons?  And many others were harassed.

Amnesty International rejected this claim as pure fabrications with hideous intention of starting an ethnic war.

Amnesty International did no such thing, because they do NOT advocate extrajudicial killings by government entities.

Amnesty International categorically rejected this claim

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Amnesty International categorically rejected this claim

Why don't you show proof of that as the US Ambassador Bullen said otherwise?

Look at AI in 2009 referring to police torture in Guyana!





Last edited by Former Member


caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Amnesty International categorically rejected this claim

Why don't you show proof of that as the US Ambassador Bullen said otherwise?

Bullen and the Americans made it crystal clear that their charges against Roger Khan was for the trafficking of drugs and some violence but nothing to do with horrible violence that emanated from Buxton. RK decided to take the fight to Buxton after some Brahman, another drug dealer was kidnapped and held hostage. Roger did not wait for the Freedom Fighters to come get him. He went and met them first. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Amnesty International categorically rejected this claim

Why don't you show proof of that as the US Ambassador Bullen said otherwise?

Bullen and the Americans made it crystal clear that their charges against Roger Khan was for the trafficking of drugs and some violence but nothing to do with horrible violence that emanated from Buxton. RK decided to take the fight to Buxton after some Brahman, another drug dealer was kidnapped and held hostage. Roger did not wait for the Freedom Fighters to come get him. He went and met them first. 

Did I tell you that RK was responsible for Buxton violence. 

RK was responsible for spying on people.  He was responsible for master minding the killings of several young blacks, including two black UG students, returning home from classes.  He was also responsible for attacks on certain vocal opponents of the PPP.

I suggest that you check with Bonita Harris on that.  She knows what RK/Jagdeo did to her husband.

Jagdeo is a criminal!

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Amnesty International categorically rejected this claim

Why don't you show proof of that as the US Ambassador Bullen said otherwise?

Bullen and the Americans made it crystal clear that their charges against Roger Khan was for the trafficking of drugs and some violence but nothing to do with horrible violence that emanated from Buxton. RK decided to take the fight to Buxton after some Brahman, another drug dealer was kidnapped and held hostage. Roger did not wait for the Freedom Fighters to come get him. He went and met them first. 

Did I tell you that RK was responsible for Buxton violence. 

RK was responsible for spying on people.  He was responsible for master minding the killings of several young blacks, including two black UG students, returning home from classes.  He was also responsible for attacks on certain vocal opponents of the PPP.

I suggest that you check with Bonita Harris on that.  She knows what RK/Jagdeo did to her husband.

Jagdeo is a criminal!

I understand you.  To foster the dream of complete African domination of Guyana you have to constantly manufacture grievances against the Indo population and exaggerate political and economic issues in favor of such agenda.  You failed to mention the attempt kill Jagdeo and other PPP leaders at the party's congress in Courantyne. You failed mentioned the killing of a young medical student and countless mindless killings of Indo Guyanese at Enterprise including two 8 year-old, by the names of Christine Sookra and Mervin Barran.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Pointblank posted:

“When you have Ministers of government bringing in computers so you can track down people’s mobile phones; when you have a lot of men being shot at the back of their heads with their hands tied; when you have so many deaths which are not being investigated; when you have a minister of government who has been assassinated and you don’t have an inquest into his death, there is something stink and we are going to investigate those deaths,” said Granger.

After 1 year we now hear of an imminent inquiry into the violence of that era?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I understand you.  To foster the dream of complete African domination of Guyana you have to constantly manufacture grievances against the Indo population and exaggerate political and economic issues in favor of such agenda.  You failed to mention the attempt kill Jagdeo and other PPP leaders at the party's congress in Courantyne. You failed mentioned the killing of a young medical student and countless mindless killings of Indo Guyanese at Enterprise including two 8 year-old, by the names of Christine Sookra and Mervin Barran.

It amazing that an Indian dictator jumps into bed with a criminal to slaughter blacks and you come with your hysteria.


This is absolutely amazing. I cannot recollect the last time that the PPP did not want the murder of an Indian national investigated. Nearly every day we see the PPP cry out how Indians are being slaughtered, but the police is not investigating. What sensible conclusion should anyone come to on this?

Kari posted:
Pointblank posted:

“When you have Ministers of government bringing in computers so you can track down people’s mobile phones; when you have a lot of men being shot at the back of their heads with their hands tied; when you have so many deaths which are not being investigated; when you have a minister of government who has been assassinated and you don’t have an inquest into his death, there is something stink and we are going to investigate those deaths,” said Granger.

After 1 year we now hear of an imminent inquiry into the violence of that era?

Regardless as to how long it took to get it done it is needed.  This was the most violent time in Guyana after 1964.  And its repercussions are still being felt by today's crime way.

There is absolutely no way that the wanton bloodshed, which began then and continues today, would have been tolerated during the Hoyte era.  And in fact the business community has drawn attention to this.

Jagdeo was offered assistance to professionalize the police force and to upgrade the efficiency of the court system. I

nstead he jumped into bed with an international criminal, who then used his access to political power to wage his own vendetta, and to lease his service to the oligarchs.  He also refused assistance from the DEA to remove Guyana from involvement in international drug/gun smuggling.

So now contract killing is part of Guyana's culture.  Guns are readily available, as are criminals, some for hire as contract killers.

D2 and I used to warn that this would be the result of the use of Phantoms.  More than 10 years later we have been vindicated.

Mr.T posted:
seignet posted:

Sawh done dead already, spend that money to prevent other being killed.

The PPP crime policy: don't waste money investigating the murder of someone.

Because they may be implicated in the crime

Mr.T posted:
seignet posted:

Sawh done dead already, spend that money to prevent other being killed.

The PPP crime policy: don't waste money investigating the murder of someone.

Yuh razz deh safe in England. Y worry about the dead, think of the living.

Granger want to worry about Sat Sawh, he should be concerned about the people who retire in Guyana and get murdered.


caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I understand you.  To foster the dream of complete African domination of Guyana you have to constantly manufacture grievances against the Indo population and exaggerate political and economic issues in favor of such agenda.  You failed to mention the attempt kill Jagdeo and other PPP leaders at the party's congress in Courantyne. You failed mentioned the killing of a young medical student and countless mindless killings of Indo Guyanese at Enterprise including two 8 year-old, by the names of Christine Sookra and Mervin Barran.

It amazing that an Indian dictator jumps into bed with a criminal to slaughter blacks and you come with your hysteria.

AS if Blacks were not on a rampage killing Indians. 


The GPF have been on a roll, solving decade old cases recently which allegedly the PPP prevented them from doing while in office. We look forward to them finding the parties responsible. 

seignet posted:
Mr.T posted:
seignet posted:

Sawh done dead already, spend that money to prevent other being killed.

The PPP crime policy: don't waste money investigating the murder of someone.

Yuh razz deh safe in England. Y worry about the dead, think of the living.

Granger want to worry about Sat Sawh, he should be concerned about the people who retire in Guyana and get murdered.


If one doesn't investigate the dead how can one protect the living?

In any society a small number of people are criminal, and an even smaller group will kill.

Doesn't it not dawn on you that the best way to protect the living is to investigate criminal cases so that the police will get a clearer profile as to who these criminal networks are, how they behave, and hopefully can then arrest them?

But I know your main motive is to avoid potentially implicating the criminals who run the PPP, so THIS case you don't want investigated.


This may be a tactic by these racists to frame President Jagdeo. Although they know that he had nothing to do with this killing. Sawh was killed by some members of the Buxton gang as pay back for the killing of their people.

Last edited by Prashad
Pointblank posted:
Mr.T posted:
seignet posted:

Sawh done dead already, spend that money to prevent other being killed.

The PPP crime policy: don't waste money investigating the murder of someone.

Because they may be implicated in the crime

Mark my words, it will end up like the COI for Rodney!!  The Buxton terrorists who killed the minister will be traced right back to some PNC handler!!

Prashad posted:

This may be a tactic by these racists to frame President Jagdeo. .

How so?  Jagdeo screamed that he knew who murdered Sat  Sawh, and the rest, but no one, who masterminded such a bold act of killing a senior minister, has been arrested.

You know full well that this wasn't just little starving weed selling black boys who decided to do that, even if they are the ones who pulled the trigger.

ba$eman posted:
The Buxton terrorists who killed the minister will be traced right back to some PNC handler!!

And yet the PPP did NOTHING.

Imagine this.  If PPP indicted the PNC of being a very violent organization their image would have been so tarnished that APNU wouldn't exist, and the AFC wouldn't deal with them.

Clearly the PNC was NOT involved, because it is just too silly for you to believe that Jagdeo would have had an opportunity to destroy that party, and he failed to do so.

RK was involved and got rid of Sat Sawh, as the minister blocked that forest concession deal.  Jagdeo knows this!

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

This may be a tactic by these racists to frame President Jagdeo. .

How so?  Jagdeo screamed that he knew who murdered Sat  Sawh, and the rest, but no one, who masterminded such a bold act of killing a senior minister, has been arrested.

You know full well that this wasn't just little starving weed selling black boys who decided to do that, even if they are the ones who pulled the trigger.

Hey, why the fuss, let them go ahead with the investigation!

Chameli posted:
caribny posted:

Blackie's buddies are PPP MPs.  []

Linden London buddies are PPP MPs???


this may be true ...just don't say Linden was  a PPPite

his dad was one of the biggest PNCite...i must say though that Julian London was a decent man

If he had lived he might have been hired by the PPP just as Joe Hamilton, Lumumba, Kit Nascimento, Norman McLean, Kwame, and the other Burnham and Hammie thugs were.

Like they said "why must they drink PNC black tea when the PPP puts milk in it?"

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

This may be a tactic by these racists to frame President Jagdeo. .

How so?  Jagdeo screamed that he knew who murdered Sat  Sawh, and the rest, but no one, who masterminded such a bold act of killing a senior minister, has been arrested.

You know full well that this wasn't just little starving weed selling black boys who decided to do that, even if they are the ones who pulled the trigger.

Hey, why the fuss, let them go ahead with the investigation!

Yep.   Why not if Jagdeo doesn't have anything to hide.

Wonder why you think that the PNC will so bold to do this, when a COI would give the PPP a chance to advertise the PNC role, if indeed there was.

The Sat Sawh COI is for the same purpose as was the Rodney COI. Only to embarrass the party which was in power, and connected to the crime.

The things is that Rodney wanted to destroy the Burnham regime, whereas the PPP eats their own.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Hey, why the fuss, let them go ahead with the investigation!

Yep.   Why not if Jagdeo doesn't have anything to hide.

Wonder why you think that the PNC will so bold to do this, when a COI would give the PPP a chance to advertise the PNC role, if indeed there was.

The Sat Sawh COI is for the same purpose as was the Rodney COI. Only to embarrass the party which was in power, and connected to the crime.

The things is that Rodney wanted to destroy the Burnham regime, whereas the PPP eats their own.

Hey, alyuh in powah now, go ahead.  We really want to know, just as we found out about Dr WR!!

ba$eman posted:

Hey, alyuh in powah now, go ahead.  We really want to know, just as we found out about Dr WR!!

Even as we both agree that Granger is surrounded by incompetent and corrupt people, here you saying that I support them.

Listen you are a racist so will lap up a roti laced with feces, merely because the PPP gave it to you.

No way will I tolerate such nonsense from the PNC.


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