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Soca star Destra Garcia is being denounced by opponents of Guyana’s ruling political party for her scheduled performance at a campaign rally for the PPP/C two days before Monday’s election.

“You are being used as pawn in an attempt to distract your fellow West Indians at a very serious and critical time in their country’s history,” wrote Michael A Leonard on Garcia’s Facebook page.

His is one of many angry and disappointed comments flooding the page since the announcement that Garcia would be one of the performers at the PPP/C’s Unity Concert and Rally Saturday at the Guyana National Stadium.

According to information on Leonard’s page he lives in Georgetown, Guyana, but no other facts about him are visible to the public.

The November 28 election is expected to be close in a nation riven by racial conflicts, with a large portion of the electorate distrustful of the PPP/C or People’s Progressive Party/Civic and its controversial leader President Bharrat Jagdeo, whom they accuse of ruling with a heavy hand, exacerbating racial divisions and worse.

“Please, Destra, do reconsider your commitment to these people,” wrote Gerhard Ramsaroop, in comment structured like a formal letter and which began “Dear Destra”. Ramsaroop, who said he’s a fan of Garcia, has 1,371 friends and, according to his “info” section, also lives in Georgetown.
“As you can see your image and name are being used on a poster saying ‘Vote PPP’,” he wrote. “I am therefore pleading with you not to let yourself be used in this manner.”

Like many of the others posting their objection, Ramsaroop accused the PPP/C of engaging in corruption and criminal activity.

“Please, refuse the offer to be bought by this corrupt PPP regime,” wrote Michael Anthony Benchop, also calling himself a fan of Garcia. It could not be confirmed if this was the Michael Benchop who is one of the most vocal critics of the government and who believes that he spent five years in jail as part of a set up by the administration, which has been in office for more than a decade.

Lutalo “Brother Resistance” Masimba, president of the Trinbago Unified Calypsonians Organisation, said he doesn’t condemn an artist’s decision to perform at a political event.

“Artists supposed to be big enough to make their own choices in terms of where they perform,” he said.

But Masimba, who said he wouldn’t perform at a political event, had this warning: “If it looks like you endorse one party, then the supporters of other parties will come out against you. You have to take that into consideration when you’re going to perform on a political platform.”

They were in the minority, but some of those posting on Destra’s wall supported her decision.

One of them was John Navindra Williams, who posted comments on his page critical of the Alliance for Change, one of the parties challenging the PPP/C.

“Destra gon mash up de place ….? from GT….down wid de haters,” he wrote.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Isn't it strange that those AFC people who claim to champion freedom of expression and freedom of association are now attempting to curb Destra Garcia's freedom to choose whom she wants to perform for?
Destra is an adult endowed with the faculty to think independently. I applaud her willingness to perform tomorrow at an event designed to foster national unity in Guyana.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Isn't it strange that those AFC people who claim to champion freedom of expression and freedom of association are now attempting to curb Destra Garcia's freedom to choose whom she wants to perform for?
Destra is an adult endowed with the faculty to think independently. I applaud her willingness to perform tomorrow at an event designed to foster national unity in Guyana.
Are you silly? Is it not their right to advise the Young lady of the potential fall out? I am going to pepper her site form now on with comments to this sell out act on her part in protest and ask everyone who feel as I do to do the same.

The event is a PPP campaign platform not a national unity event. If it was these crass fools would not be handing out their monkey suits to everyone attending so they can post the pics as "support" from a cross section of the people when they are using this woman as the lure to a political event to keep their corrupt asses in power.
Artistes ought to consider for whom they are performing, Cde Bookman. Especially for a Gov't which has been less than accountable at best, and murderous at worst. This Gov't has also been abusing tax dollars for its campaign it its abuse of the state media. This concert is but an ugly extension of that.

Indeed, there are those who will go and see the show and then vote differently, and really my intent was not to sway voters, but more to draw attention to the wrong in this - that this is how despotic regimes operate, and artistes should consider who they work for.
Destra, stay out of Guyana politics
Published: Thu, 2011-11-24 20:43

Open letter to soca star Destra:
I am a Guyanese fan of yours and under normal circumstances I would be more than thrilled to have you in Guyana. However, our election is just two days away from your scheduled concert this Saturday. And so the incumbent administration will use this concert to help distract from the issues of crime, corruption, racism (against Guyanese of African descent), drugs, cronyism and nepotism. 

The poster promoting the concert says “Vote PPP/C” and has your image and name on it. I am therefore pleading with you not to let yourself be used in this manner. Please, Destra, do reconsider your commitment to these people.

Gerhard Ramsaroop 
Via e-mail


Source of the story Chief posted
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Artistes ought to consider for whom they are performing, Cde Bookman. Especially for a Gov't which has been less than accountable at best, and murderous at worst. This Gov't has also been abusing tax dollars for its campaign it its abuse of the state media. This concert is but an ugly extension of that.

Indeed, there are those who will go and see the show and then vote differently, and really my intent was not to sway voters, but more to draw attention to the wrong in this - that this is how despotic regimes operate, and artistes should consider who they work for.

Good night, Gerhard. I perfectly understand that as a candidate for the opposition Alliance for Change, you are expected to express the comments above.
I notice you told Destra you're a fan of hers but omitted to mention you're also an AFC candidate fighting the PPP/C in the elections.
It seems to me that there's an orchestrated plan to intimidate Destra Garcia by devious means to get her to cancel her appearance. My erudite and respected friend D2 says he'll "pepper" Destra's Facebook page.
Let us respect Destra's right to decide for whom she performs. She is familiar with Guyanese affairs as she visited the country before. She knows what she's doing.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Destra, stay out of Guyana politics
Published: Thu, 2011-11-24 20:43

Open letter to soca star Destra:
I am a Guyanese fan of yours and under normal circumstances I would be more than thrilled to have you in Guyana. However, our election is just two days away from your scheduled concert this Saturday. And so the incumbent administration will use this concert to help distract from the issues of crime, corruption, racism (against Guyanese of African descent), drugs, cronyism and nepotism. 

The poster promoting the concert says “Vote PPP/C” and has your image and name on it. I am therefore pleading with you not to let yourself be used in this manner. Please, Destra, do reconsider your commitment to these people.

Gerhard Ramsaroop 
Via e-mail


Source of the story Chief posted
She has a nice myspace site as well. If she wants to be used this way way politically she must take the baggage that comes with it. I see the comments are almost 99% asking her not attend.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Artistes ought to consider for whom they are performing, Cde Bookman. Especially for a Gov't which has been less than accountable at best, and murderous at worst. This Gov't has also been abusing tax dollars for its campaign it its abuse of the state media. This concert is but an ugly extension of that.

Indeed, there are those who will go and see the show and then vote differently, and really my intent was not to sway voters, but more to draw attention to the wrong in this - that this is how despotic regimes operate, and artistes should consider who they work for.

Good night, Gerhard. I perfectly understand that as a candidate for the opposition Alliance for Change, you are expected to express the comments above.
I notice you told Destra you're a fan of hers but omitted to mention you're also an AFC candidate fighting the PPP/C in the elections.
It seems to me that there's an orchestrated plan to intimidate Destra Garcia by devious means to get her to cancel her appearance. My erudite and respected friend D2 says he'll "pepper" Destra's Facebook page.
Let us respect Destra's right to decide for whom she performs. She is familiar with Guyanese affairs as she visited the country before. She knows what she's doing.
Her right is weighed against ours to protest her actions. It is a common practice to refuse the products of those who act against your interest. Obviously as a pppite, you can go to her page and laud her political stance. She is taking such a stance in this performance.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Isn't it strange that those AFC people who claim to champion freedom of expression and freedom of association are now attempting to curb Destra Garcia's freedom to choose whom she wants to perform for?
Destra is an adult endowed with the faculty to think independently. I applaud her willingness to perform tomorrow at an event designed to foster national unity in Guyana.

Even you as a senior adult, when overwhelmed by an event, you may seek the help of family or friends for guidance, when other might see you being taken advantage of, for the self serving purpose of others.
As a performer, Destra depends on her fans for an income and popularity...Fans dont only come from the PPP and its a sure way to kill the popularity of a performer, when its perceived that she will be supporting one political party, in a highly sensitive area as Guyana.

Having some understanding of Gerhard's past motivation, I sincere believe he is more concerned about her career, than being political against the PPP.
Most likely your opinion will be different from mine or Gerhard's. Unfortunatly, that is the root of our differences regarding which party is best choice to govern Guyana.
How can an 'event designed to foster national unity' when there are two other national parties and a large portion of the population will be missing from the event.
Could an AFC or APNU member wear their party t-shirt and be welcomed at this ' event designed to foster national unity '?

Similar to Jagdeo, It is indeed strange that some PPP members would file claim to certain issues and if not challenged, they will believe it to be true, even calling others a jackass, when themselves are the lowest animals of the worst kind.
How can an 'event designed to foster national unity' when there are two other national parties and a large portion of the population will be missing from the event.

This is very true !
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Destra, stay out of Guyana politics

These HITLER LIKE Commies want to be in GOVT??? They worst than Stallin!!!!

Open letter to soca star Destra:
I am a Guyanese fan of yours and under normal circumstances I would be more than thrilled to have you in Guyana. However, our election is just two days away from your scheduled concert this Saturday. And so the incumbent administration will use this concert to help distract from the issues of crime, corruption, racism (against Guyanese of African descent), drugs, cronyism and nepotism. 

The poster promoting the concert says “Vote PPP/C” and has your image and name on it. I am therefore pleading with you not to let yourself be used in this manner. Please, Destra, do reconsider your commitment to these people.

Gerhard Ramsaroop 
Via e-mail


Source of the story Chief posted
Originally posted by Churchill:
How can an 'event designed to foster national unity' when there are two other national parties and a large portion of the population will be missing from the event.

This is very true !

You sure? Guyanese like freeness and sporting. I predict it will be jam-packed.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Destra, stay out of Guyana politics
Published: Thu, 2011-11-24 20:43

Open letter to soca star Destra:
I am a Guyanese fan of yours and under normal circumstances I would be more than thrilled to have you in Guyana. However, our election is just two days away from your scheduled concert this Saturday. And so the incumbent administration will use this concert to help distract from the issues of crime, corruption, racism (against Guyanese of African descent), drugs, cronyism and nepotism. 

The poster promoting the concert says “Vote PPP/C” and has your image and name on it. I am therefore pleading with you not to let yourself be used in this manner. Please, Destra, do reconsider your commitment to these people.

Gerhard Ramsaroop 
Via e-mail


Source of the story Chief posted

Would it have been better if he was being used by the AFC as Moses is?

A man has a right to his choices as you have a right to yours..

Americans used stars in their campaigns.
Originally posted by FC:
He-he the PPP pulling out all the stops t obuy votes. Guyanese like freeness. People go enjoy your selves at the expense of the PPP and then kick dem to the curb on Monday.

The PPP are ensuring that their supporters know what is at steak here on monday.

They do not want a return to the PNC daze again.

If that happened teh there would be an exodus, of the Indians from Guyana,the world has never seen.
That line of reasoning will not work. The world has changed and people have changed where they can think out of the box for themselves. The PPP & Apnu wants to think for the people and instruct them what to do. But I am confident that at the end of the day people will apply reason and common sense and reject these dinosaurs.
Well we gun find out the People's choice in a few days.
Originally posted by FC:
That line of reasoning will not work. The world has changed and people have changed where they can think out of the box for themselves. The PPP & Apnu wants to think for the people and instruct them what to do. But I am confident that at the end of the day people will apply reason and common sense and reject these dinosaurs.
Originally posted by FC:
He-he the PPP pulling out all the stops to buy votes. Guyanese like freeness. People go enjoy your selves at the expense of the PPP and then kick dem to the curb on Monday.
As much as they try with these pomp and parades the real story of their corruption will seep through. This is not about the PNC. The PNC was not in power these past 19 years where we saw the rise of a new corrupt class stealing in increments hundreds of times larger than the PNC ever did. And if Indians want to migrate if their brand name party is responsible for thievery in their name is eliminated, who should grieve on that?
Originally posted by FC:
That line of reasoning will not work. The world has changed and people have changed where they can think out of the box for themselves. The PPP & Apnu wants to think for the people and instruct them what to do. But I am confident that at the end of the day people will apply reason and common sense and reject these dinosaurs.

You are naive or Americanized?Big Grin
You don't know Guyanese very well.
Reason and common sense, hehehe! Big Grin
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by FC:
That line of reasoning will not work. The world has changed and people have changed where they can think out of the box for themselves. The PPP & Apnu wants to think for the people and instruct them what to do. But I am confident that at the end of the day people will apply reason and common sense and reject these dinosaurs.

You are naive or Americanized?Big Grin
You don't know Guyanese very well.
Reason and common sense, hehehe! Big Grin
The condition of sheeplike behavior at elections time may be chronic but the hope is there will be sufficient of the antelope in most of them to depend on their aptitude to outrun the predators. If only there is a defection of a couple of percentage points of the Indian electorate it would translate to the PPP being a minority government. I am sure there are 21K independent thinking Indians to go rogue on the PPP's herding scheme.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by FC:
That line of reasoning will not work. The world has changed and people have changed where they can think out of the box for themselves. The PPP & Apnu wants to think for the people and instruct them what to do. But I am confident that at the end of the day people will apply reason and common sense and reject these dinosaurs.

You are naive or Americanized?Big Grin
You don't know Guyanese very well.
Reason and common sense, hehehe! Big Grin
The condition of sheeplike behavior at elections time may be chronic but the hope is there will be sufficient of the antelope in most of them to depend on their one aptitude to outrun the predators. If only there is a defection of a couple of percentage points of the Indian electorate it would translate to the PPP being a minority government. I am sure there are 21K independent thinking Indians to go rogue on the PPP's herding plan.

TI appears to be a dino. He drank too much of that PPP cool aid. He does not understand the power of hope.
Sometimes cool aid is in our mouth and we dont realise it. Check yuh mouth FC.
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by FC:
That line of reasoning will not work. The world has changed and people have changed where they can think out of the box for themselves. The PPP & Apnu wants to think for the people and instruct them what to do. But I am confident that at the end of the day people will apply reason and common sense and reject these dinosaurs.

You are naive or Americanized?Big Grin
You don't know Guyanese very well.
Reason and common sense, hehehe! Big Grin
The condition of sheeplike behavior at elections time may be chronic but the hope is there will be sufficient of the antelope in most of them to depend on their one aptitude to outrun the predators. If only there is a defection of a couple of percentage points of the Indian electorate it would translate to the PPP being a minority government. I am sure there are 21K independent thinking Indians to go rogue on the PPP's herding plan.

TI appears to be a dino. He drank too much of that PPP cool aid. He does not understand the power of hope.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Well we gun find out the People's choice in a few days.
Originally posted by FC:
That line of reasoning will not work. The world has changed and people have changed where they can think out of the box for themselves. The PPP & Apnu wants to think for the people and instruct them what to do. But I am confident that at the end of the day people will apply reason and common sense and reject these dinosaurs.

We surely will and I think you will be pleasntly surprised by the outcome.
I love surprises. I cant wait.
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Well we gun find out the People's choice in a few days.
Originally posted by FC:
That line of reasoning will not work. The world has changed and people have changed where they can think out of the box for themselves. The PPP & Apnu wants to think for the people and instruct them what to do. But I am confident that at the end of the day people will apply reason and common sense and reject these dinosaurs.

We surely will and I think you will be pleasntly surprised by the outcome.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Sometimes cool aid is in our mouth and we dont realise it. Check yuh mouth FC.
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by FC:
That line of reasoning will not work. The world has changed and people have changed where they can think out of the box for themselves. The PPP & Apnu wants to think for the people and instruct them what to do. But I am confident that at the end of the day people will apply reason and common sense and reject these dinosaurs.

You are naive or Americanized?Big Grin
You don't know Guyanese very well.
Reason and common sense, hehehe! Big Grin
The condition of sheeplike behavior at elections time may be chronic but the hope is there will be sufficient of the antelope in most of them to depend on their one aptitude to outrun the predators. If only there is a defection of a couple of percentage points of the Indian electorate it would translate to the PPP being a minority government. I am sure there are 21K independent thinking Indians to go rogue on the PPP's herding plan.

TI appears to be a dino. He drank too much of that PPP cool aid. He does not understand the power of hope.
Where is your courage sheep? Do you mean to say you are wholly domesticated and there remains not one ounce of fight instinct in your make up? A pity....
Originally posted by Chief:
Soca star Destra Garcia is being denounced by opponents of Guyana’s ruling political party for her scheduled performance at a campaign rally for the PPP/C two days before Monday’s election.

“You are being used as pawn in an attempt to distract your fellow West Indians at a very serious and critical time in their country’s history,” wrote Michael A Leonard on Garcia’s Facebook page.

His is one of many angry and disappointed comments flooding the page since the announcement that Garcia would be one of the performers at the PPP/C’s Unity Concert and Rally Saturday at the Guyana National Stadium.

According to information on Leonard’s page he lives in Georgetown, Guyana, but no other facts about him are visible to the public.

The November 28 election is expected to be close in a nation riven by racial conflicts, with a large portion of the electorate distrustful of the PPP/C or People’s Progressive Party/Civic and its controversial leader President Bharrat Jagdeo, whom they accuse of ruling with a heavy hand, exacerbating racial divisions and worse.

“Please, Destra, do reconsider your commitment to these people,” wrote Gerhard Ramsaroop, in comment structured like a formal letter and which began “Dear Destra”. Ramsaroop, who said he’s a fan of Garcia, has 1,371 friends and, according to his “info” section, also lives in Georgetown.
“As you can see your image and name are being used on a poster saying ‘Vote PPP’,” he wrote. “I am therefore pleading with you not to let yourself be used in this manner.”

Like many of the others posting their objection, Ramsaroop accused the PPP/C of engaging in corruption and criminal activity.

“Please, refuse the offer to be bought by this corrupt PPP regime,” wrote Michael Anthony Benchop, also calling himself a fan of Garcia. It could not be confirmed if this was the Michael Benchop who is one of the most vocal critics of the government and who believes that he spent five years in jail as part of a set up by the administration, which has been in office for more than a decade.

Lutalo “Brother Resistance” Masimba, president of the Trinbago Unified Calypsonians Organisation, said he doesn’t condemn an artist’s decision to perform at a political event.

“Artists supposed to be big enough to make their own choices in terms of where they perform,” he said.

But Masimba, who said he wouldn’t perform at a political event, had this warning: “If it looks like you endorse one party, then the supporters of other parties will come out against you. You have to take that into consideration when you’re going to perform on a political platform.”

They were in the minority, but some of those posting on Destra’s wall supported her decision.

One of them was John Navindra Williams, who posted comments on his page critical of the Alliance for Change, one of the parties challenging the PPP/C.

“Destra gon mash up de place ….? from GT….down wid de haters,” he wrote.

Performing at a political party's event should not be considered an endorsement of that party. A performer has a right to make a living and should not be condemned for this

If by chance the performer endorses the party, which some perceive to be bad, then thats their business.

Everyone makes a choice in politics, should we hate each other for our preference.

People have a choice if they dislike what a performer does, not to support their concerts or buy their CD's
Originally posted by Chief:
Destra please stay home.

Why not. Destra has a right to make money. If people are stupid enough to vote PPP because of a free show then the PPP deserves to win, and their lives deserve to remain blighted.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
You have to hand it to the PPP boys, . Milk is shared

Destra ia a Trini as I am sure her band and other sage hands will be.

Very few Guyanese will get milk. What they will see is the theft of taxpayers' funds to pay for the PPP fiddle while Rome burns down.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Chief:
Destra please stay home.

Why not. Destra has a right to make money. If people are stupid enough to vote PPP because of a free show then the PPP deserves to win, and their lives deserve to remain blighted.

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
You have to hand it to the PPP boys, . Milk is shared

Destra ia a Trini as I am sure her band and other sage hands will be.

Very few Guyanese will get milk. What they will see is the theft of taxpayers' funds to pay for the PPP fiddle while Rome burns down.
she donot care about GUYANA and you cannot blame her,its all about the money.the guyanese people have to think for them self.partying can not fix the guynaese problem.the ppp is just insulting the people mentality
Originally posted by warrior:
partying can not fix the guynaese problem.the ppp is just insulting the people mentality

Whats wrong with partying if its free? If this makes them vote PPP then they are simpletons. Most of those who go will probably not vote.

Worry more about those who will vote PPP because of a free laptop, money, or houselot.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
partying can not fix the guynaese problem.the ppp is just insulting the people mentality

Whats wrong with partying if its free? If this makes them vote PPP then they are simpletons. Most of those who go will probably not vote.

Worry more about those who will vote PPP because of a free laptop, money, or houselot.
nothing wrong about partying,if you can afford it.and then they is party people go to where they is no comittment.the ppp party is for people who want to sell their soul and pride.if you mix with shit,you will get shit on you
Originally posted by warrior:
nothing wrong about partying,if you can afford it.

Which is why people ought to go to the "freeness" if they normally cant afford to party.

What that ha sto do with who they should vote for is another thing. If they vote based on this then they deserve the PPP.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
nothing wrong about partying,if you can afford it.

Which is why people ought to go to the "freeness" if they normally cant afford to party.

What that ha sto do with who they should vote for is another thing. If they vote based on this then they deserve the PPP.
you might think that way, but i say if you hang with a thief, you is a thief
Originally posted by warrior:
[]you might think that way, but i say if you hang with a thief, you is a thief

The people are going to hear Destra free regardless as to what you say. Destra will perform in Guyana because she can make money.

If you chose to suggest attending this event, or performing suggests support for the PPP you are doing their work for them.

It isnt. Its about a performer making money and people who want a free show.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Chief:
Destra please stay home.

Why not. Destra has a right to make money. If people are stupid enough to vote PPP because of a free show then the PPP deserves to win, and their lives deserve to remain blighted.


When artistes were performing for the racist South African Gov't, what was your take then.
Shut your racist mouth and stop supportingh the PPP.

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