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Trump is making fools of the white poor.  He knows how to get their votes and is feeding them the poisonous meat that one will use to lure a predator that one wants to kill.

It is OBVIOUS that the white supremacy movement is very much involved. One sees growing numbers of racist signs. In fact Trump screamed "get a job" at one of the blacks being assaulted and tossed out of one of his meetings.  The same screams which unemployed white trash scream at blacks when blacks protest to find employment.

I can see the white poor supporting Bernie, as he speaks to their issues, and offers at least a few concrete solutions (expenditures on infrastructure, and free college).

What does Trump offer them?  "Bash them in their faces".  "Take them out in stretchers". "Make America great again".

I wonder when America was ever great for non white people. Certainly NOT in the 50s and 60s, that Trump means when he screams that slogan!


The white poor have become the majority of the USA. This extended working class is what makes the USA look like a Third World Country. They saw it coming but never did anything about. Corporations used the republican party to pass laws that allowed them to send American jobs to China and India and to import cheap Chinese and Indian workers to do those jobs that could not be outsourced out of the country. They have engineered the collapse of America. Trump is capitalizing on this. Trump biggest mistake was to expel aggressively a black protester from one of his political events. If he doesn't apologize in a credible way to the black Americans he will never be the president of the USA.

Lucas posted:

This will be mimicked by other countries across the anglosphere...

His supporters are statistically only 30 percent of the nation so there will not be a civil war. He would definitely have to temper his moronic speech or violence will indeed be the result. I hope nothing such occurs.

You are one of those quacks who think there will be a revolution in Europe and the EU every day. I remember your predictions re Greece and Spain but they were lifted up instead.

Lucas posted:

The white poor have become the majority of the USA. This extended working class is what makes the USA look like a Third World Country. They saw it coming but never did anything about. Corporations used the republican party to pass laws that allowed them to send American jobs to China and India and to import cheap Chinese and Indian workers to do those jobs that could not be outsourced out of the country. They have engineered the collapse of America. Trump is capitalizing on this. Trump biggest mistake was to expel aggressively a black protester from one of his political events. If he doesn't apologize in a credible way to the black Americans he will never be the president of the USA.

White poor has always been the status quo. Capitalism, works with excess capital and a persisting lower class to be the grunts and carry the burden. Here most were also duped to forgo taxes on the rich and ease regulations on companies and banks and that further acted to keep them poor contemplatively. Minorities do not need an apology from Trump. They need to grasp the danger he represent and turn out to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Nehru posted:

America is thr GREATEST Democracy on the Planet. It is democracy at work. In the end, everything will be alright and there will be no MO Fiah Slo Fiah.

The best democracy money can buy...The problem is that the recently enlarged working class have no money to pay for the democracy  they urgently need!

Lucas posted:

The white poor have become the majority of the USA. ..

The white poor are NOT the majority in this country.  Their state is THEIR FAULT.  Since 1968 they have supported rich white men, who exploited their hatred of blacks, and immigrants. 

Now they fall  for yet another rich white man, who is stoking their worst instincts. Hear the screams. All the problems of the poor white men are due to blacks, Muslims, women (including white women), "foreigners", Chinese, and gays.

Yes poor white men blame these folks, while rich white men engage in obscene levels of speculation, leading to worsening income inequality.

Poor white men demand high wages, and yet are amongst the LEAST educated in the 30 wealthiest nations. So quick to demonize others as lazy, and yet less educated than a South Korean.

The white poor made their beds, and now must lie on them!

Last edited by Former Member
Lucas posted:

..import cheap Chinese and Indian workers to do those jobs that could not be outsourced out of the country. ..

The Chinese and Indians who are imported are to do jobs that require cognitive skills, and education. NOT what lazy ex factory workers, who despise education, can qualify for.

Poor whites support the GOP, which refuses to provide proper education for people who aren't affluent, so are now becoming increasingly irrelevant in their country.

"Make America great again" they scream.  How can that be when Europeans, Japanese, Koreans, and even large numbers of Chinese are more educated than they are?


Fact is that Immigrants are taking jobs that lazy black Americans do not want and becoming rich by owning homes and educating their children.

Lazy Black Americans are having children and 75 percent of young blacks are raised with single parents in welfare and poverty.

Blacks need to own up other problems otherwise they will remain at the bottom of the economic ladder and remain in poverty and welfare.

Who vex, vex.

yuji22 posted:

Fact is that Immigrants are taking jobs that lazy black Americans do not want and becoming rich by owning homes and educating their children.

Lazy Black Americans are having children and 75 percent of young blacks are raised with single parents in welfare and poverty.

Blacks need to own up other problems otherwise they will remain at the bottom of the economic ladder and remain in poverty and welfare.

Who vex, vex.

Do you see blacks beating up people at Trump rallies.  The few blacks there are COLLEGE educated blacks.  The people who attack them are UNEDUCATED poor whites.

So why don't you address your racial rant towards poor whites.  I do NOT see blacks protesting against immigrants, and in fact are often loud voices against those who do.  The GOP has tried to tell blacks that they too should hate immigrants. They refuse to join in that bigotry, or similar bigotry directed against Muslims.

So go join Trump and his bigots.  They will hate you triply. They see you as black, as an immigrant, and as a Muslim!

yuji22 posted:

Fact is that Immigrants are taking jobs that lazy black Americans do not want and becoming rich by owning homes and educating their children.

Lazy Black Americans are having children and 75 percent of young blacks are raised with single parents in welfare and poverty.

Blacks need to own up other problems otherwise they will remain at the bottom of the economic ladder and remain in poverty and welfare.

Who vex, vex.

You need to own up to being an ass and using statistics like a moron. Blacks are disadvantaged in more ways than one...making 20 percent less than whites doing the same job. They are the last hired and first fired. They are profiled and stopped ten times as much and convicted by plea bargaining due to over charging among other ills...all of which Indians in RH are experiencing presently. You do not determing a race by who gets over the line but have to compensate for the handicap...and blacks in the US are often kneecapped.

In RH for example, the average income is less than 25 thousand dollars per...the poverty line. Many of your folks are on welfare too. They also live almost three times as many people per home than americans. It is the reason many Indians got rich by selling homes with the promise that the owners can convert the basement to another dwelling. RH has twice the number of people it was designed to contain hence the city's complain on  strain of utilities and garbage collection etc.

Immigrants always do better than resident poor because most of them do not know better and would take any job. I remember the first time I came to the us and tried to visit Guyanese friends in their work place they were crammed by the hundreds in sweatshops on broad way working in slavish conditions. Most Americans do not care for those jobs. Blacks especially do not care to look after white people's kids or be cooks or house cleaners. Chalk it up to the stigma of 400 years of forced labor doing that.

Again, on average, Indians are working their behinds of from morning until night in endless toil because that is all they know. On average they are doing less than the average black person. Plus very few are able to send their kids to tertiary education. 

Stormborn posted:

In RH for example, the average income is less than 25 thousand dollars per...the poverty line. Many of your folks are on welfare too. They also live almost three times as many people per home than americans. It is the reason many Indians got rich by selling homes with the promise that the owners can convert the basement to another dwelling. RH has twice the number of people it was designed to contain hence the city's complain on  strain of utilities and garbage collection etc.


In fact, when compared to Jamaicans, in NYC Guyanese have higher drop out rates, and lower wages.  You have explained why their home ownership rates are higher, and household median incomes also.  Overcrowding!

Unless some one can prove that Afro Guyanese do worse than Jamaicans (and I don't see why they would given that that have the same values, live in the same neighborhoods, and find themselves in the same occupations) clearly the difference is due to Indo Guyanese.

I am amused by druggie, yuji, and others pretending to be morally superior to blacks when it is a known fact that abortion rates among Indo Guyanese is high, both in NYC, and in Guyana, and that there is significant sexual exploitation of these women, by their own fellow ethnic employers.

These folks bask in the glory of the success of the Asian Indians, disproportionate numbers of whom arrive as highly educated professionals.

All one needs to do is to look at the attire, demeanor of many NY raised Indo Caribbean kids is that they are subjected to the same pressures of life as are their African American, Afro Caribbean, and Hispano Caribbean peers.  In fact they even tend to have high social interaction with these groups, to the chagrin of their parents.

I know that it is tempting to imagine that others are worse off, as an excuse to ignore the problem's of one's community, but believe me the Indo Caribbean community has a whole range of problems, teenage pregnancy being just one of them!


caribny posted:
Lucas posted:

..import cheap Chinese and Indian workers to do those jobs that could not be outsourced out of the country. ..

The Chinese and Indians who are imported are to do jobs that require cognitive skills, and education. NOT what lazy ex factory workers, who despise education, can qualify for.

Poor whites support the GOP, which refuses to provide proper education for people who aren't affluent, so are now becoming increasingly irrelevant in their country.

"Make America great again" they scream.  How can that be when Europeans, Japanese, Koreans, and even large numbers of Chinese are more educated than they are?

Why do you think their rich (India and China) send their children to study in America? Because their universities are not good and they know it!

Particularly, most people who study in India are known to be un-hireable internationally, because their analysis skills and cognitive levels are pretty precarious. They are hireable in India only, where certificates, caste and friends are the only thing that matter, but many of the jobs they do could be better done by any Indian with a high school certificate from America. That's their reality. That's why it is hard to understand why they are imported by the thousands.

Lucas posted:

Why do you think their rich (India and China) send their children to study in America? Because their universities are not good and they know it!


Poor white kids, especially poor white males don't go to those colleges.  That is my point.  College educated Americans are among the best educated in the developed world.  Those who don't get to college are among the least.

Rather than addressing this problem Trump fools these impoverished souls that they must year for the days when "America was a great nation". But for LBJ many would still be starving.

baseman posted:

Expelling disrupting protesters is his right. 

I can just imagine him going to Congress and attempting to expel the Democrats, as well as those GOP who don't do as he tells them to do.  and shit down media outlets who print things that he doesn't wish them to.

This isn't a private club.  This is Trump running to be the president, and if he doesn't know how to develop dialogue with those who disagree with him, then he cannot be effective!

If the protestors were engaged in violence (which wasn't true until Friday) then it should have been Trump who should have told his fans to remain quiet, obey the law, and let law enforcement officers do their job.

But the man behaved like a thug.  He told his goons to beat up protesters and ensure that they left in stretchers.  Boasted that if his goons were arrested for engaging in violence, he would pay their legal fees.

This is NOT how a president, behaves, and Trump has removed all doubt that he is unfit for the job.

And here is what I see on GNI.  Those who hate blacks love Trump, indeed just like the KKK.  Clearly they are members of the KKK (Indo chapter) and I don't care the slightest if they hate this very accurate description of themselves.  Not ONE of the Trump lovers on GNI fail to engage in the SAME anti black rhetoric that the KKK does.

baseman posted:

True to some extent.  The US has some of the best schools for management, Business and problem-solving. 

Trump wants his kids to benefit from this.

His goons he wants to engage in violence against people even worse off than they, and not attempt to engage in attempts to improve their condition.


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