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US moves to seize Ed Ahmad’s properties

November 12, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News

Edul Ahmad

The United States of America, by and through Loretta E. Lynch, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York; Alexander A. Solomon and Claire S. Kedeshian, Assistant United States Attorneys, on October 31, last, signalled its intention to seize properties belonging to Edul Ahmad.

Ahmad is Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo’s close and personal friend who has been indicted in the United States for conspiracy to commit mail fraud as well as bank fraud.

The US prosecutors through official court documents filed on October 31, gave notice that it is seeking forfeiture of: a Money Judgment: a sum of money in United States currency in an amount to be determined at his sentencing.

They are also looking to have forfeited specific properties namely: “Real Property and Premises known as, 110-19 Atlantic Avenue, Jamaica, New York, identified on the Queens County Tax Map as Block: 9317; Lot 21, and title to which was held in the name of defendant Edul N. Ahmad, on or before May 1, 2011.”

Ahmad was a frequent visitor to Guyana and is known in the country as a friend of President Jagdeo, who has been in office since 1999.

In 2009, the Ahmad Group sent 29 tons of building supplies – including roof tiles and kitchen sinks – to Jagdeo at State House in Georgetown, according to shipping records.

Allegations of predatory lending, forged documentation, falsified mortgage information and missing records have dogged Ahmad for years.

US State officials have investigated the real estate broker five times since 2006, referring two of those probes to the Queens District Attorney’s Office for review, according to state Department of State records.

Another probe by the state Banking Department and Department of State in 2007 turned up home buyers who said they were given mortgages for more than they could afford and allegations that their names were forged on documents.

Last July Ahmad was arrested by FBI agents on mortgage fraud charges for allegedly bilking a lender, Countrywide Home Loans, in connection with the purchase of properties in Queens in 2007. At the time of his arrest, Ahmad was heading to Guyana.

Ahmad immigrated to the U.S. in 1983 and earned a bachelor’s degree from Baruch College in 1988.

He started his company, the Ahmad Group, in 1993, according to the company’s web site.

Among his diverse business interests are Century 21 Ahmad Realty, a mortgage brokerage and the Chateau Royale catering hall in Richmond Hill.

Ahmad’s real-estate licence was suspended for two months in 2008 after New York’s Department of State accused him of improperly sending a solicitation to a Queens couple on a cease-and-desist list that forbids real-estate agencies from asking for their business.

Ahmad following his arrest was adamant that he was never “dragged or taken” off any aircraft as was carried in the press but did admit to being met at the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York by law enforcement officials and arrested.

He believes that he will be fully vindicated at the end of these proceedings despite the charges he faces.

Ahmad is presently on US$2.5M bail and was also subjected to electronic monitoring.

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In 2009, the Ahmad Group sent 29 tons of building supplies – including roof tiles and kitchen sinks – to Jagdeo at State House in Georgetown, according to shipping records.

THese gifts should be deemed property of the Narco State of GUyana.
Ahmad will be vindicated in the end of these allegations.

The judiciary knows how to make work for themselves and how to make money off of those who truly work hard and contribute to the financial success of the city.

Let the evidence speak for itself.

As for a gift to Jagdeo, the media is only doing a statement of information....

We will wait for the trial and see...
He believes that he will be fully vindicated at the end of these proceedings despite the charges he faces.

Ahmad is presently on US$2.5M bail and was also subjected to electronic monitoring.

Oh yeah, sure, he'll walk.......straight into a cell.
Originally posted by cain:
He believes that he will be fully vindicated at the end of these proceedings despite the charges he faces.

Ahmad is presently on US$2.5M bail and was also subjected to electronic monitoring.

Oh yeah, sure, he'll walk.......straight into a cell.

Then he will have the rest of the Guyana posse waiting to welcome him there Cheddi Goberdhan, Peggy Persaud, Killkenny, Ravi Persaud and the rest of them crooks and cons.
Mark my words. The day they start pressuring Ahmad and he decide to "deal" with them for a shorter sentence will be the day that you see many Guyanese politicians getting locked up in US jails.
I cannot see why Ed would not want to make a deal. These other crooks made a deal. Goberdhan got 5 years he was facing 200 years same thing with Ravi Persaud he got off with time served. Ed has got two options (1) Get a very good lawyer (2) Make a deal.
Originally posted by Wally:
I cannot see why Ed would not want to make a deal. These other crooks made a deal. Goberdhan got 5 years he was facing 200 years same thing with Ravi Persaud he got off with time served. Ed has got two options (1) Get a very good lawyer (2) Make a deal.

If he is anything like RK, his lawyer might also follow him to jail. His best option is to make a deal, which might involve disclosing names.
Twenty nine tons of building material is a lot of evidence, if the feds are looking for more stuff on Jagdeo.
I don't know where RK found that lawyer from. I was following that trial closely. RK would probably been better off if he had hired Bookman to argue his case in front of the Judge.
Originally posted by Wally:
I cannot see why Ed would not want to make a deal. .

Ed is the big fish who they wanted. That huge sign that made him look like teh mayor of Richmond Hill is to blame.

So no deals.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Wally:
I cannot see why Ed would not want to make a deal. .

Ed is the big fish who they wanted. That huge sign that made him look like teh mayor of Richmond Hill is to blame.

So no deals.

Bai this case is bigger than Ed and goes beyond Ed. Would love to talk bout it but am ssure some smart folks here know wuh ah talking bout .
What a shame and a waste of talent. I have to give it to him he is very ambitious. It is a shame he did not take a class in civic at Baruch. Dat congressman who hope around in the island and tek loan from from private people would he be going to jail?
I got a strong feeling that the FBI is putting to hooks on Ed to get him to make a deal and spill the beans. I have a strong feeling that they want to know his complete political connections. They may not want Ed they may be after bigger fish.
Originally posted by TI:
Having been in the finance industry for 22 years, I can tell you that the real criminals are untouchable.

you got that right and Ed being acccused of the dollar amount fraud is a drop of pi55 compared to Banking and Wall street establishments tiefing . Remember during the S&L crises over 120 bankers etc went to jail and in 2008 with the trillions no one got jail time and people oppose OCCUPY WALL STREET PROTEST ! the country is being sliced and diced by the HAVES and when I say HAVES I mean the billionaires and ED aint nowhere in this category he is paying for guys like Meeks a democrat whom the Conservatives need to bury.
Ed and his 50 million is small time. I spent a three week vacation at a friend's place in Lake Tahoe two years ago. I saw wealth there that I never seen before and never knew existed. I also heard Palm Beach has got some serious wealth. Those are the people that Émile Durkheim talked about when he did his study of society. The people at the very top of society. They are untouchable.
Originally posted by Wally:
Ed and his 50 million is small time. I spent a three week vacation at a friend's place in Lake Tahoe two years ago. I saw wealth there that I never seen before and never knew existed. I also heard Palm Beach has got some serious wealth. Those are the people that Émile Durkheim talked about when he did his study of society. The people at the very top of society. They are untouchable.

Dude 50 million is signigficant and I doubt Ed is worth 50 Million or he would not be between a rock and a hard place. If anyone is worth 50 Million they are automatic members of the exclusivbe untouchable club. I know the Subraj brothers are half billionaires but they are not untouchables@!@@
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Wally:
Ed and his 50 million is small time. I spent a three week vacation at a friend's place in Lake Tahoe two years ago. I saw wealth there that I never seen before and never knew existed. I also heard Palm Beach has got some serious wealth. Those are the people that Émile Durkheim talked about when he did his study of society. The people at the very top of society. They are untouchable.

Dude 50 million is signigficant and I doubt Ed is worth 50 Million or he would not be between a rock and a hard place. If anyone is worth 50 Million they are automatic members of the exclusivbe untouchable club. I know the Subraj brothers are half billionaires but they are not untouchables@!@@
He robbed his own people and will pay.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Wally:
Ed and his 50 million is small time. I spent a three week vacation at a friend's place in Lake Tahoe two years ago. I saw wealth there that I never seen before and never knew existed. I also heard Palm Beach has got some serious wealth. Those are the people that Émile Durkheim talked about when he did his study of society. The people at the very top of society. They are untouchable.

Dude 50 million is signigficant and I doubt Ed is worth 50 Million or he would not be between a rock and a hard place. If anyone is worth 50 Million they are automatic members of the exclusivbe untouchable club. I know the Subraj brothers are half billionaires but they are not untouchables@!@@
He robbed his own people and will pay.

I am sure if guilty he will pay but what about the big fishes who are getting away with billions .....who is calling for their arrest ??? support OCCUPY WALL STREET !
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Wally:
Ed and his 50 million is small time. I spent a three week vacation at a friend's place in Lake Tahoe two years ago. I saw wealth there that I never seen before and never knew existed. I also heard Palm Beach has got some serious wealth. Those are the people that Émile Durkheim talked about when he did his study of society. The people at the very top of society. They are untouchable.

Dude 50 million is signigficant and I doubt Ed is worth 50 Million or he would not be between a rock and a hard place. If anyone is worth 50 Million they are automatic members of the exclusivbe untouchable club. I know the Subraj brothers are half billionaires but they are not untouchables@!@@

Kidmost, 50 million is alot of money for people who don't have much but if you go to places like Lake Tahoe or Palm Beach. 50 million is not much because you would be around several hundred millionaires and billionaires. I don't think Ed would get an invite to any of the tea parties in those areas that are put on by the wealthy people who were born into wealth.
Originally posted by D2:
He robbed his own people and will pay.

I've known George personally for many years, and though to me he's always been a decent person, he has built his fortune by being an tyrant and a criminal. that's a fact.
Originally posted by Wally:
Kidmost, 50 million is alot of money for people who don't have much but if you go to places like Lake Tahoe or Palm Beach. 50 million is not much because you would be around several hundred millionaires and billionaires. I don't think Ed would get an invite to any of the tea parties in those areas that are put on by the wealthy people who were born into wealth.

Ed is not worth 50 million. He is worth somewhere between $250-400 million. The $50 million is the case against him. It's probably going to be the restitution he'll have to pay along with some stiff penalties. But he's not going to be starving.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by the new yorker:
Ed . . . is worth somewhere between $250-400 million.

In 'Donald Trump' dollars maybe.

Y'all need to get real . . .

anyone who knows my postings on this site knows i'm very, very outspoken against ahmad. the above was not about inflating his net worth. it was simply restating what I have read about him in articles and court documents.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Payback is a beach or a bitch? Ed lavish style is being diminished. Is this a case from riches to rags?
the same thing will happen to the ppp crime family.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Any word on the containers from Ed that are still in the yard of State House ?

I can tell you what has NOT happened; Jagdeo has NOT paid taxes on them!
Originally posted by the new yorker:
Originally posted by D2:
He robbed his own people and will pay.

I've known George personally for many years, and though to me he's always been a decent person, he has built his fortune by being an tyrant and a criminal. that's a fact.

Bai you labelling the man a criminal ? Look , people who become billionaires dont get there being soft and weak. Is funny when a woman is successful she becomes a bitch and when men make millions and billions they become crooks and criminals.
Originally posted by the new yorker:
Originally posted by Wally:
Kidmost, 50 million is alot of money for people who don't have much but if you go to places like Lake Tahoe or Palm Beach. 50 million is not much because you would be around several hundred millionaires and billionaires. I don't think Ed would get an invite to any of the tea parties in those areas that are put on by the wealthy people who were born into wealth.

Ed is not worth 50 million. He is worth somewhere between $250-400 million. The $50 million is the case against him. It's probably going to be the restitution he'll have to pay along with some stiff penalties. But he's not going to be starving.

Get real eh! if Ed was worth $250-400 million he would not be where he is now. I doubt he is even worth $50 million.
Originally posted by kidmost:
Bai you labelling the man a criminal ? Look , people who become billionaires dont get there being soft and weak. Is funny when a woman is successful she becomes a bitch and when men make millions and billions they become crooks and criminals.

First of all, I am a woman. Please don't address me as "bai." Gyal will do. Secondly, please don't equate Subraj with "all rich people." I sure didn't. For every thief and crook out there who became a millionaire/billionaire there is one honest one who created something useful to the world and thus made his/her millions honestly.
Originally posted by kidmost:
Get real eh! if Ed was worth $250-400 million he would not be where he is now. I doubt he is even worth $50 million.

That makes no sense. Rajaratnam was worth billions. Where is he now? You get real.

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