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Former Member
OK Folks:

Opposition leader David Granger, Speaker Raphael Trotman, and supporters of the PNC are deeply distressed and disheartened.

You good people are probably asking--why ? Why are Granger, Trotman and their PNC cronies in a state of agony and torment ?


Remember, good news for Guyana and the private sector = Bad news for Granger, Trotman and the PNC.


Read this headline in a Guyana newspaper just


"Canadian mining firm Reunion Manganese Inc on Thursday said it will spend approximately US$250 million at its Matthews Ridge, North West District project. But the firm has lamented the paucity of skilled geologists here and the length of time it takes for foreigners to be granted work permits."

link: guyana times


Those are executives from the huge American oil company Exxon-Mobil meeting with President Ramotar.

Check this(more depressing news for the PNC):

Guyana is considered the second most attractive under-explored basin in the world, with a potential of 15.2 billion barrels of oil; and were a discovery to be made,the production target would be estimated at 50 million barrels per year.


David Granger, Raphael Trotman and PNC supporters have stopped buying newspapers in Guyana---it deeply pains them to read the awful and horrendous news about progress being made by the private sector in Guyana and the exciting future plans this sector has for Guyana.

On the other hand, PPP supporters anxiously look forward to reading the next day's newspaper in Guyana---they find news pertaining to Guyana's future growth and development to be pleasant and wonderful.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Hope this venture will bring in enough royalty so the Skeldon shit on the fan can get clean up.


That 200 million(US) skeldon project was undertaken by the government---and as you know---anything done by government will always have major problems--but hopefully that skeldon project will one day bear fruit.

But the real engine of growth in Guyana will be the private sector.

It is the private sector that will develop the gold and manganese and bauxite mines. It is the private sector that will produce oil if it exists in commercial quantities. It is the private sector that will expand the agriculture sector(rice, coconut, etc).

The government just needs to provide the private sector with the assistance it needs to make its investments.


Don't follow Trotman, Granger and the other PNC thugs---they want Guyana to be economically backward---encourage the private sector.

Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Hope this venture will bring in enough royalty so the Skeldon shit on the fan can get clean up.

If you are calling Skeldon development shit then yopu are a dunce.

What do you call National service under the PNC and debt that the PPP is still paying off?.

Mr Rama,

I know you a wan Jagdeo big wig. Me ah wan dunce indeed. Meh hope all you big wigs like brassy will clean up the shit aluh mek at Skeldon. De people sufferin. Sir Rama...meh gafo go feed dem fowl now.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Hope this venture will bring in enough royalty so the Skeldon shit on the fan can get clean up.

If you are calling Skeldon development shit then yopu are a dunce.

What do you call National service under the PNC and debt that the PPP is still paying off?.

Mr Rama,

I know you a wan Jagdeo big wig. Me ah wan dunce indeed. Meh hope all you big wigs like brassy will clean up the shit aluh mek at Skeldon. De people sufferin. Sir Rama...meh gafo go feed dem fowl now.

Make sure you clean the fowl shit and don't use it to daab yu battam house..
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Hope this venture will bring in enough royalty so the Skeldon shit on the fan can get clean up.


That 200 million(US) skeldon project was undertaken by the government---and as you know---anything done by government will always have major problems--but hopefully that skeldon project will one day bear fruit.

But the real engine of growth in Guyana will be the private sector.

It is the private sector that will develop the gold and manganese and bauxite mines. It is the private sector that will produce oil if it exists in commercial quantities. It is the private sector that will expand the agriculture sector(rice, coconut, etc).

The government just needs to provide the private sector with the assistance it needs to make its investments.


Don't follow Trotman, Granger and the other PNC thugs---they want Guyana to be economically backward---encourage the private sector.


Ow Rev...Mr Trotman is a good man. Meh ah wan canecutta. Meh mine lil fowl out of season. Meh ah vote for Nagamootoo for Presi of AFC next time. Oh holy Rev...if government cyant do anyting right abe muss get them out of hydro den before it is too late.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Hope this venture will bring in enough royalty so the Skeldon shit on the fan can get clean up.

If you are calling Skeldon development shit then yopu are a dunce.

What do you call National service under the PNC and debt that the PPP is still paying off?.

Mr Rama,

I know you a wan Jagdeo big wig. Me ah wan dunce indeed. Meh hope all you big wigs like brassy will clean up the shit aluh mek at Skeldon. De people sufferin. Sir Rama...meh gafo go feed dem fowl now.

Make sure you clean the fowl shit and don't use it to daab yu battam house..

Brassy since abe nah gat regala wuk meh does use cow shit. Ow bai when aluh will fix dat factory fuh abe?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
They don't have to consult with the opposition concerning this venture.
They are a minority government so they have to consult with the majority opposition. The constant clamoring about what others will spend to exploit us should not be the thing we celebrate.

They are removing a non renewable resource and making a profit on it. The money spent to do so should not be in our income column as earnings. It should be what it is; expense to exploit a resource. Income should should our share of the potential earnings. Why should we always into hysterics when someone spends money to exploit our resources?

When the publicity releases claim that company "X" is coming and they are spending "Y"dollars and we will get a minimum of 33% of the income then we will have reason to celebrate. But that will not happen unless citizens begin to ask what percent of the earnings we will get. Forget about the money they will spend to exploit us.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Ow Rev...Mr Trotman is a good man.

Pooran bhai:

Mr. Trotman might be a good man---I'm sure his mom and children think so--but Mr. Trotman and Mr. Granger are not leaders---they are hucksters.

You know what a huckster is Pooran bhai ?

You pooran bhai are a huckster--you sell fowl--so you are a huckster---a fowl seller.


They are not leaders---the are hucksters---they sell and peddle fear, pessimism, negativity, hopelessness.

Guyana doesn't need hucksters like Trotman and Granger.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Ow Rev...Mr Trotman is a good man.

Pooran bhai:

Mr. Trotman might be a good man---I'm sure his mom and children think so--but Mr. Trotman and Mr. Granger are not leaders---they are hucksters.

You know what a huckster is Pooran bhai ?

You pooran bhai are a huckster--you sell fowl--so you are a huckster---a fowl seller.


They are not leaders---the are hucksters---they sell and peddle fear, pessimism, negativity, hopelessness.

Guyana doesn't need hucksters like Trotman and Granger.


Revvy abe obeah man seh he gat nuff powah. He words can ketch anybady. Suh you saying de opposition bad words can ketch de government? Or you tink de government juss incompetent and corrupt dem cyant get anyting right? Bai that waterfall hydro will be like dat skeldon factory. Den dem leftovers will blame de opposotion for negativity. look how abee poor people ah suffah from de berbice bridge.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Bai that waterfall hydro will be like dat skeldon factory. Den dem leftovers will blame de opposotion for negativity. look how abee poor people ah suffah from de berbice bridge.


I am willing to bet you that your heroes, Trotman and Granger, are dead set against that Hydro project.

Any project that is good or potentially good for Guyana will be vehemently opposed by Trotman and Granger.


Listen pooran--no question that Skeldon project has had some major problems---but those problems will eventually be corrected.

Regarding the hydro project---a cheaper source of energy(electricity) will be economically beneficial to the Guyanese economy.


What happens to the Guyana economy if oil escalates to $200 a barrel ?

You see why it is wise for the government to look into alternative sources of energy ?

Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Hope this venture will bring in enough royalty so the Skeldon shit on the fan can get clean up.

Tate & Lyle get paid to supervise the construction and yet the foundation sinking.

Operation Manuals are all in Chinese.

Most factory personnel were manual operators.

The electronic for the mechanization are out of the grasp of the average worker.

Failure to understand system caused the two boilers to blowup.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Bai that waterfall hydro will be like dat skeldon factory. Den dem leftovers will blame de opposotion for negativity. look how abee poor people ah suffah from de berbice bridge.


I am willing to bet you that your heroes, Trotman and Granger, are dead set against that Hydro project.

Any project that is good or potentially good for Guyana will be vehemently opposed by Trotman and Granger.


Listen pooran--no question that Skeldon project has had some major problems---but those problems will eventually be corrected.

Regarding the hydro project---a cheaper source of energy(electricity) will be economically beneficial to the Guyanese economy.


What happens to the Guyana economy if oil escalates to $200 a barrel ?

You see why it is wise for the government to look into alternative sources of energy ?


Dem AFC people bin put together wan better plan than hydro. Meh bin read World Bank agree wid AFC bais.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Bai that waterfall hydro will be like dat skeldon factory. Den dem leftovers will blame de opposotion for negativity. look how abee poor people ah suffah from de berbice bridge.


I am willing to bet you that your heroes, Trotman and Granger, are dead set against that Hydro project.

Any project that is good or potentially good for Guyana will be vehemently opposed by Trotman and Granger.


Listen pooran--no question that Skeldon project has had some major problems---but those problems will eventually be corrected.

Regarding the hydro project---a cheaper source of energy(electricity) will be economically beneficial to the Guyanese economy.


What happens to the Guyana economy if oil escalates to $200 a barrel ?

You see why it is wise for the government to look into alternative sources of energy ?


Revvy nobady can mek PPP fail but PPP. Ask Jagdeo. aile at $200 a barrel mean abe done because hydro nah ready fuh 10 years. But abe had 19 years fuh do something before aile meet 200$
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Dem AFC people bin put together wan better plan than hydro. Meh bin read World Bank agree wid AFC bais.

Who put that plan together for the AFC--Dr. Tarron Khemraj ?

Listen Pooran--no question Tarron is a bright youngman---he is an academic---teaches at a 3rd rate University in Florida.

But like most economists, Tarron Khemraj is clueless about the real world and how it works.

Folks like Tarron will use their academic training and smarts to tell you why things wouldn't work--sure he is convinced the Hydro wont be financially feasible---but they can never come up with ideas that can be developed into useful projects.

That is why bright boy Tarron is a teacher---and not in the real world being creative and productive.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Dem AFC people bin put together wan better plan than hydro. Meh bin read World Bank agree wid AFC bais.

Who put that plan together for the AFC--Dr. Tarron Khemraj ?

Listen Pooran--no question Tarron is a bright youngman---he is an academic---teaches at a 3rd rate University in Florida.

But like most economists, Tarron Khemraj is clueless about the real world and how it works.

Folks like Tarron will use their academic training and smarts to tell you why things wouldn't work--sure he is convinced the Hydro wont be feasible---but they can never come up with ideas that can be developed into useful projects.

That is why bright boy Tarron is a teacher---and not in the real world being creative and productive.


Revvy me nah know who din put things together. But me know dat hydro will be just like Skeldon and dat stellin that float away. Meh know Presi Ramotar went to fuss rate UG and Freddie teach am. Jagdeo meh know went to fuss rate communist Lumumba. Meh ah support dem AFC bais at least dem gat different vision.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Meh ah support dem AFC bais at least dem gat different vision.

Pooran Bhai:

You live in a free, democratic country--and you have every right to support whomever you want or whichever party you choose.

But rest assured Pooran bhai--the AFC will forever be a party that attracts the disaffected--the protest votes in Guyana---and as such they will nearly always amass 5-12% of the votes.

Now, is the AFC good for Guyana ?

Absolutely! They have a role to play in parliament---Moses has already said that his vote will be the 33rd vote in parliament---and he will make sure decisions are made that will benefit the good people of Guyana.


Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Meh ah support dem AFC bais at least dem gat different vision.

Pooran Bhai:

You live in a free, democratic country--and you have every right to support whomever you want or whichever party you choose.

But rest assured Pooran bhai--the AFC will forever be a party that attracts the disaffected--the protest votes in Guyana---and as such they will nearly always amass 5-12% of the votes.

Now, is the AFC good for Guyana ?

Absolutely! They have a role to play in parliament---Moses has already said that his vote will be the 33rd vote in parliament---and he will make sure decisions are made that will benefit the good people of Guyana.



Ow Bai Revvy...meh nah suh smart like dem people who went to fuss rate communist Lumumba and UG. Meh nah get Freddie as meh teacha like presi Ramotar and Corbin. But meh sure know wan good ting when meh see am. Dem AFC bais a talk bout how fuh mek wuk fuh abe. Dem a talk sense.
Originally posted by albert:
The pre-elections doomsday preachers are bowing their heads in Guyana under the P.P.P/C administration is continuing on the road of economic prosperity....

Albert...Pooran nah understand dem big wurds. You musse wan big wan at de university nah fuh know dem big wurds.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Dem AFC people bin put together wan better plan than hydro. Meh bin read World Bank agree wid AFC bais.

Who put that plan together for the AFC--Dr. Tarron Khemraj ?

Listen Pooran--no question Tarron is a bright youngman---he is an academic---teaches at a 3rd rate University in Florida.

But like most economists, Tarron Khemraj is clueless about the real world and how it works.

Folks like Tarron will use their academic training and smarts to tell you why things wouldn't work--sure he is convinced the Hydro wont be financially feasible---but they can never come up with ideas that can be developed into useful projects.

That is why bright boy Tarron is a teacher---and not in the real world being creative and productive.


Revvy...ah just talk to one of dem AFC bais. Eee seh Tarron nah know how de world wuk like jagdeo and ramotar. Eee seh tarron full of he self. Suh yuh sayin de true brudda. He seh Tarron cant mek money dissapear in bank accounts in India and get CLICO fuh crash overnight and yet pull out he own money. Tarron dont know to wash money and sell out one house fuh de next and he cant mek wan US$2 mill house on low salary...dem school boys like Tarron muss learn how the wurld wuk like fuss rate communist Lumumba bais.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Dem AFC bais a talk bout how fuh mek wuk fuh abe. Dem a talk sense.


The verdict is in---90% of Guyanese voters did not believe the AFC politicians and the job promises they made.


Listen pooran bhai---the Rev hopes yuh fowl business pick up.

Look Pooran---seriously:

* Pray to Lord Krishna--ask Lord Krishna to bless Exxon and the other oil companies and let them find oil in Guyana.

* Pray to Lord Krishna for the Hydro project.

* Pray to Lord Krishna for all the gold and bauxite and manganese mining projects to be successful.

* Pray to Lord Krishna for the sugar industry to be successful.

* Pray to Lord Krishna for rice to be harvested in bountiful quantities---400,000 tons last year---hopefully 500,000 tons soon.

Keep praying pooran bhai---stop worshipping frauds like Trotman and Granger---pray to Lord Krishna---pray for Guyana---if Guyana does well---your fowl business will pick up pooran bhai Smile

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Dem AFC bais a talk bout how fuh mek wuk fuh abe. Dem a talk sense.


The verdict is in---90% of Guyanese voters did not believe the AFC politicians and the job promises they made.


Listen pooran bhai---the Rev hopes yuh fowl business pick up.

Look Pooran---seriously:

* Pray to Lord Krishna--ask Lord Krishna to bless Exxon and the other oil comopanies and let them find oil in Guyana.

* Pray to Lord Krishna for the Hydro project.

* Pray to Lord Krishna for all the gold and bauxite and manganese mining projects to be successful.

* Pray to Lord Krishna for the sugar industry to be successful.

* Pray to Lord Krishna for rice to be harvested in bountiful quantities---400,000 tons last year---hopefully 500,000 tons soon.

Keep praying pooran bhai---stop worshipping frauds like Trotman and Granger---pray to Lord Krishna---pray for Guyana---if Guyana does well---your fowl business will pick up pooran bhai Smile


Me Mumma bin always seh Lord Krishna will only help those who help demself. PPP ah gee abee poor people bad things. That bridge ah kill abee fuh crass. Charan and Ramayya explain to meh dat all dem tings dat fail is because of corrupshun and incompetence. Suh meh nah know how Lard Krishna will help when abee nah hold fire pun PPP. Meh ah vote fuh AFC again. Meh nah frigen Granga. Freddie teach he too?
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Me Mumma bin always seh Lord Krishna will only help those who help demself


Your dear, loving mother was 100% right--Lord Krishna will help those who put in the effort--work hard---and persist.

Now Pooran--you despise the PPP so much that you are blinded to the fact that most of the projects in Guyana that I asked you to pray for will be undertaken by the private sector---not the government.

If the oil and mining projects succeed---the government will collect royalties and taxes---that's good for the Guyanese people.

If the sugar and rice industries grow and prosper---farmers will benefit---the govt collects revenues---the people benefit.

Like most PNC/AFC supporters Pooran---your mind is clearly jaundiced---full of negativity---you want the PPP to fail.

Well Pooran bhai--keep wallowing in your gloominess and pessimism---but people like the Rev will continue to be confident and optimistic that the future bodes well for Guyana and Guyanese.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Me Mumma bin always seh Lord Krishna will only help those who help demself


Your dear, loving mother was 100% right--Lord Krishna will help those who put in the effort--work hard---and persist.

Now Pooran--you despise the PPP so much that you are blinded to the fact that most of the projects in Guyana that I asked you to pray for will be undertaken by the private sector---not the government.

If the oil and mining projects succeed---the government will collect royalties and taxes---that's good for the Guyanese people.

If the sugar and rice industries grow and prosper---farmers will benefit---the govt collects revenues---the people benefit.

Like most PNC/AFC supporters Pooran---your mind is clearly jaundiced---full of negativity---you want the PPP to fail.

Well Pooran bhai--keep wallowing in your gloominess and pessimism---but people like the Rev will continue to be confident and optimistic that the future bodes well for Guyana and Guyanese.


Ow bai meh bin a sharpen meh teeth like you for de goodting too. When jagdeo clap dat bridge pun abe and dat skeldon factory meh teeth get dull bai. Ow bai bandits a kill abe a Berbice. Dem seh dem bin a give abe forsic lab fuh ketch killahs. Ow bai abe still a wait. Bai meh read a dah Chronacle papah dat abe a get new airport terminal fuh fly out a NY. Ow bai meh dacta buddy put in fuh meh but da ting a tek lang. Meh teeth guh get sharp when meh fly out a da new airport.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
They don't have to consult with the opposition concerning this venture.
They are a minority government so they have to consult with the majority opposition. The constant clamoring about what others will spend to exploit us should not be the thing we celebrate.

They are removing a non renewable resource and making a profit on it. The money spent to do so should not be in our income column as earnings. It should be what it is; expense to exploit a resource. Income should should our share of the potential earnings. Why should we always into hysterics when someone spends money to exploit our resources?

When the publicity releases claim that company "X" is coming and they are spending "Y"dollars and we will get a minimum of 33% of the income then we will have reason to celebrate. But that will not happen unless citizens begin to ask what percent of the earnings we will get. Forget about the money they will spend to exploit us.

Bai, leh abie tek care abie business nah. Yu wach dem wite man wah waan tro out Abama and goa bak dem Bush dayzz. Leh da "X" and "Y" dalla be abie prablim, alyuh tek care ah datt "U"SA dalla and dat "Y"uan, da alyuh prablim.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Me Mumma bin always seh Lord Krishna will only help those who help demself


Your dear, loving mother was 100% right--Lord Krishna will help those who put in the effort--work hard---and persist.

Now Pooran--you despise the PPP so much that you are blinded to the fact that most of the projects in Guyana that I asked you to pray for will be undertaken by the private sector---not the government.

If the oil and mining projects succeed---the government will collect royalties and taxes---that's good for the Guyanese people.

If the sugar and rice industries grow and prosper---farmers will benefit---the govt collects revenues---the people benefit.

Like most PNC/AFC supporters Pooran---your mind is clearly jaundiced---full of negativity---you want the PPP to fail.

Well Pooran bhai--keep wallowing in your gloominess and pessimism---but people like the Rev will continue to be confident and optimistic that the future bodes well for Guyana and Guyanese.


Bai,,,meh hear Berbice aile gat low carbon and strategy. A true?
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Hope this venture will bring in enough royalty so the Skeldon shit on the fan can get clean up.


That 200 million(US) skeldon project was undertaken by the government---and as you know---anything done by government will always have major problems--but hopefully that skeldon project will one day bear fruit.

But the real engine of growth in Guyana will be the private sector.

It is the private sector that will develop the gold and manganese and bauxite mines. It is the private sector that will produce oil if it exists in commercial quantities. It is the private sector that will expand the agriculture sector(rice, coconut, etc).

The government just needs to provide the private sector with the assistance it needs to make its investments.


Don't follow Trotman, Granger and the other PNC thugs---they want Guyana to be economically backward---encourage the private sector.


You haven't mentioned one word about manganese mining and the impact it will have on the Guyanese economy...
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
They don't have to consult with the opposition concerning this venture.
They are a minority government so they have to consult with the majority opposition. The constant clamoring about what others will spend to exploit us should not be the thing we celebrate.

They are removing a non renewable resource and making a profit on it. The money spent to do so should not be in our income column as earnings. It should be what it is; expense to exploit a resource. Income should should our share of the potential earnings. Why should we always into hysterics when someone spends money to exploit our resources?

When the publicity releases claim that company "X" is coming and they are spending "Y"dollars and we will get a minimum of 33% of the income then we will have reason to celebrate. But that will not happen unless citizens begin to ask what percent of the earnings we will get. Forget about the money they will spend to exploit us.

Bai, leh abie tek care abie business nah. Yu wach dem wite man wah waan tro out Abama and goa bak dem Bush dayzz. Leh da "X" and "Y" dalla be abie prablim, alyuh tek care ah datt "U"SA dalla and dat "Y"uan, da alyuh prablim.
I am Amerind, you are a transplant. I am in the US as a Transplant but Guyana is my home. You claiming "abwee business is that of a transplant" being more greedy than you should and assuming more than you can. I will always be Guyanese and Amerind. No one will call me "Indian" or "black" . When the two of you folks as transplants begin to take the land as your identity and not s a source of power struggle to capture it as a milk cow then you can you are of the place. Meanwhile, you are just a bunch of greedy folks who have taken on the mantle of the colonials with Amerinds as the colonized.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by D2:
They are a minority government so they have to consult with the majority opposition. The constant clamoring about what others will spend to exploit us should not be the thing we celebrate.

They are removing a non renewable resource and making a profit on it. The money spent to do so should not be in our income column as earnings. It should be what it is; expense to exploit a resource. Income should should our share of the potential earnings. Why should we always into hysterics when someone spends money to exploit our resources?

When the publicity releases claim that company "X" is coming and they are spending "Y"dollars and we will get a minimum of 33% of the income then we will have reason to celebrate. But that will not happen unless citizens begin to ask what percent of the earnings we will get. Forget about the money they will spend to exploit us.

Bai, leh abie tek care abie business nah. Yu wach dem wite man wah waan tro out Abama and goa bak dem Bush dayzz. Leh da "X" and "Y" dalla be abie prablim, alyuh tek care ah datt "U"SA dalla and dat "Y"uan, da alyuh prablim.
I am Amerind, you are a transplant. I am in the US as a Transplant but Guyana is my home. You claiming "abwee business is that of a transplant" being more greedy than you should and assuming more than you can. I will always be Guyanese and Amerind. No one will call me "Indian" or "black" . When the two of you folks as transplants begin to take the land as your identity and not s a source of power struggle to capture it as a milk cow then you can you are of the place. Meanwhile, you are just a bunch of greedy folks who have taken on the mantle of the colonials with Amerinds as the colonized.

Maybe, but da nah change nuttin', abie gon fix donk hay, yu fix up deh. Mi shure yuh pickney dem nah gah no interest in livin' donk hay, so up deh dem ah juss abie diss donk hay, "transplant".
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Hope this venture will bring in enough royalty so the Skeldon shit on the fan can get clean up.


That 200 million(US) skeldon project was undertaken by the government---and as you know---anything done by government will always have major problems--but hopefully that skeldon project will one day bear fruit.

But the real engine of growth in Guyana will be the private sector.

It is the private sector that will develop the gold and manganese and bauxite mines. It is the private sector that will produce oil if it exists in commercial quantities. It is the private sector that will expand the agriculture sector(rice, coconut, etc).

The government just needs to provide the private sector with the assistance it needs to make its investments.


Don't follow Trotman, Granger and the other PNC thugs---they want Guyana to be economically backward---encourage the private sector.


You haven't mentioned one word about manganese mining and the impact it will have on the Guyanese economy...

Meh just talk wid two AFC big bais in Berbice. Dem seh manganese will be magganese depending on how government spend money. If dem waste am away and lash abe wid project like dat bridge and dat factory abe will stay magga. Na matter how much money yuh mek if yuh cyant spen am den magga days foreva. Meh tink dat airport project will serve meh well fuh fly out to Merika.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by D2:
They are a minority government so they have to consult with the majority opposition. The constant clamoring about what others will spend to exploit us should not be the thing we celebrate.

They are removing a non renewable resource and making a profit on it. The money spent to do so should not be in our income column as earnings. It should be what it is; expense to exploit a resource. Income should should our share of the potential earnings. Why should we always into hysterics when someone spends money to exploit our resources?

When the publicity releases claim that company "X" is coming and they are spending "Y"dollars and we will get a minimum of 33% of the income then we will have reason to celebrate. But that will not happen unless citizens begin to ask what percent of the earnings we will get. Forget about the money they will spend to exploit us.

Bai, leh abie tek care abie business nah. Yu wach dem wite man wah waan tro out Abama and goa bak dem Bush dayzz. Leh da "X" and "Y" dalla be abie prablim, alyuh tek care ah datt "U"SA dalla and dat "Y"uan, da alyuh prablim.
I am Amerind, you are a transplant. I am in the US as a Transplant but Guyana is my home. You claiming "abwee business is that of a transplant" being more greedy than you should and assuming more than you can. I will always be Guyanese and Amerind. No one will call me "Indian" or "black" . When the two of you folks as transplants begin to take the land as your identity and not s a source of power struggle to capture it as a milk cow then you can you are of the place. Meanwhile, you are just a bunch of greedy folks who have taken on the mantle of the colonials with Amerinds as the colonized.

Maybe, but da nah change nuttin', abie gon fix donk hay, yu fix up deh. Mi shure yuh pickney dem nah gah no interest in livin' donk hay, so up deh dem ah juss abie diss donk hay, "transplant".
M y children may not come back but My brother has a dozen children and most of them will stay.In them are already seeded the next generation of Amerinds with a sense of pride in their identity.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Ow bai meh dacta buddy put in fuh meh but da ting a tek lang.


Hope you dont plan on coming to Obama's country---just like how Burnham and Hoyte bankrupted Guyana---Obama has has turned America into a banana republic---the man has so far added 5 trillion in debt to America---this is the most indebted country in the world.

Millions of Americans can't find jobs in Obama's country---and guess what ?

Even illegal aliens are returning back to their country.

So keep selling fowl in Guyana and enjoy the warm weather---and stop condemning the PPP---under the PNC or AFC you'd be starving and eating grass.

Originally posted by redux:
It's called "deportation" . . .


America's next president Mitt Romney---he is a republican like the Rev Smile--- Romney talked about self deportation recently.

He hoped to implement the E-VERIFY system, whereby every employer must verify that an employee is legal.

Without being able to work--many illegals will self deport.

But right now many illegals are voluntarily returning to their country---Obama has reduced America to a banana republic.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Ow bai meh dacta buddy put in fuh meh but da ting a tek lang.


Hope you dont plan on coming to Obama's country---just like how Burnham and Hoyte bankrupted Guyana---Obama has has turned America into a banana republic---the man has so far added 5 trillion in debt to America---this is the most indebted country in the world.

Millions of Americans can't find jobs in Obama's country---and guess what ?

Even illegal aliens are returning back to their country.

So keep selling fowl in Guyana and enjoy the warm weather---and stop condemning the PPP---under the PNC or AFC you'd be starving and eating grass.

You ungrateful folks ought to take stock of what you say. Who do you think keeps the WB afloat? If the US pull out or are late with their fees the world Guyanese knows suffers.

Further, the US and Europe with all their woes still extend their hand to keep nations like Guyana afloat. Only last week the Europeans still maintain that they will finance a hydro project. The Chinese on whose loans a significant portion of the Amelia falls plant depend want usurious interest rates and burden some financial guarantees.

Most likely the European will also forgo their loans to us since we never pay have had to may back the principals on loans to date. Do you think the Chinese will extend the same charity?

Do you think we would not be in the debilitating throes of HIV with some 1/4 of infection rates as late as a decade ago? If Guyana had to content alone with its status of the highest HIV infection rates in the world without US aid do you think we would be viable today?

You folks talk a lot of bilge but look around you; none of you are adopting any other cultural habits or acquiring any other cultural artifacts except what is American or European. Just remember whose TV shows you now call your own, what spots teams you identify with etc. You are for all intents and purpose proxy Americans. If indeed America were to fall what will become of you?

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