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Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine if these people find oil what will happen. 


It would mean that the AFC/PNC would not be able to fill their pockets and you would remain a US college professor.  This power struggle is all about positioning of rich lawyers in the AFC/PNC to take advantage of potential oil discovery. We all know that lawyers are some of the biggest crooks and now we have to add college professor to the list. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine if these people find oil what will happen. 


It would mean that the AFC/PNC would not be able to fill their pockets and you would remain a US college professor.  This power struggle is all about positioning of rich lawyers in the AFC/PNC to take advantage of potential oil discovery. We all know that lawyers are some of the biggest crooks and now we have to add college professor to the list. 

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

That's what they all say, they more they get the more they want. Power and money is the prize all you folks are after, and then you spit on the small man. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

That's what they all say, they more they get the more they want. Power and money is the prize all you folks are after, and then you spit on the small man. 


You must know a thing or two about theft, smuggling and greed. I am quite content with a modest but comfortable living. The fact remains the opposition campaigns on systems to fight corruption. You guys condone and glorify outright theft of the people's money.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine if these people find oil what will happen. 


It would mean that the AFC/PNC would not be able to fill their pockets and you would remain a US college professor.  This power struggle is all about positioning of rich lawyers in the AFC/PNC to take advantage of potential oil discovery. We all know that lawyers are some of the biggest crooks and now we have to add college professor to the list. 

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

You know better than that, and you know what I mean.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine if these people find oil what will happen. 


It would mean that the AFC/PNC would not be able to fill their pockets and you would remain a US college professor.  This power struggle is all about positioning of rich lawyers in the AFC/PNC to take advantage of potential oil discovery. We all know that lawyers are some of the biggest crooks and now we have to add college professor to the list. 

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

You know better than that, and you know what I mean.

No tell me what you mean.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine if these people find oil what will happen. 


It would mean that the AFC/PNC would not be able to fill their pockets and you would remain a US college professor.  This power struggle is all about positioning of rich lawyers in the AFC/PNC to take advantage of potential oil discovery. We all know that lawyers are some of the biggest crooks and now we have to add college professor to the list. 

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

You know better than that, and you know what I mean.

No tell me what you mean.

Yea yea TK, stop being a hypocrite.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

That's what they all say, they more they get the more they want. Power and money is the prize all you folks are after, and then you spit on the small man. 

You bring you sick immoral self here daily preaching about who you think want power and neglect who have it and abuse it. The fact remains the opposition are involved with crafting restraints to power but the thieves you embrace seek  only their own enrichment. For their own good these things will have to be in place. Note the mistaken apprehension is that jails are to protect society from the criminals. To the contrary, it is to keep them away from good people who will make short work of them in absence of protections of the law.


Indeed, were we to discover oil the curse of the resource rich nation will be our immediate infection and the pox will be on the houses of these fools as quick as having sex with a syphilitic prostitute. There will be no avoiding it and idiots like you will rend your hear and howl at the moon about injustice to your race but to no avail.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

That's what they all say, they more they get the more they want. Power and money is the prize all you folks are after, and then you spit on the small man. 

You bring you sick immoral self here daily preaching about who you think want power and neglect who have it and abuse it. The fact remains the opposition are involved with crafting restraints to power but the thieves you embrace seek  only their own enrichment. For their own good these things will have to be in place. Note the mistaken apprehension is that jails are to protect society from the criminals. To the contrary, it is to keep them away from good people who will make short work of them in absence of protections of the law.


Indeed, were we to discover oil the curse of the resource rich nation will be our immediate infection and the pox will be on the houses of these fools as quick as having sex with a syphilitic prostitute. There will be no avoiding it and idiots like you will rend your hear and howl at the moon about injustice to your race but to no avail.

You just talk too much, you lose brain cells via evaporation.

Originally Posted by TK:


You must know a thing or two about theft, smuggling and greed. I am quite content with a modest but comfortable living. The fact remains the opposition campaigns on systems to fight corruption. You guys condone and glorify outright theft of the people's money.

Yea right, and you expect us to believe that you have no sinister motives and the crooked lawyers rejects from the PPP have been smitten with great honesty.  Name us one piece of legislation that the AFC/PNC have passed to curtail corruption or posterity, not the one offs. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

That's what they all say, they more they get the more they want. Power and money is the prize all you folks are after, and then you spit on the small man. 

You bring you sick immoral self here daily preaching about who you think want power and neglect who have it and abuse it. The fact remains the opposition are involved with crafting restraints to power but the thieves you embrace seek  only their own enrichment. For their own good these things will have to be in place. Note the mistaken apprehension is that jails are to protect society from the criminals. To the contrary, it is to keep them away from good people who will make short work of them in absence of protections of the law.


Indeed, were we to discover oil the curse of the resource rich nation will be our immediate infection and the pox will be on the houses of these fools as quick as having sex with a syphilitic prostitute. There will be no avoiding it and idiots like you will rend your hear and howl at the moon about injustice to your race but to no avail.

You just talk too much, you lose brain cells via evaporation.

 I type fast and think fast and do not ponder the obvious or is dissimulative of the offensive. The PPP are clearly crooks and no amount of race baiting by dirt bags like you will make that go away. It has a stench and you only make it worse.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

That's what they all say, they more they get the more they want. Power and money is the prize all you folks are after, and then you spit on the small man. 

You bring you sick immoral self here daily preaching about who you think want power and neglect who have it and abuse it. The fact remains the opposition are involved with crafting restraints to power but the thieves you embrace seek  only their own enrichment. For their own good these things will have to be in place. Note the mistaken apprehension is that jails are to protect society from the criminals. To the contrary, it is to keep them away from good people who will make short work of them in absence of protections of the law.


Indeed, were we to discover oil the curse of the resource rich nation will be our immediate infection and the pox will be on the houses of these fools as quick as having sex with a syphilitic prostitute. There will be no avoiding it and idiots like you will rend your hear and howl at the moon about injustice to your race but to no avail.

You just talk too much, you lose brain cells via evaporation.

 I type fast and think fast and do not ponder the obvious or is dissimulative of the offensive. The PPP are clearly crooks and no amount of race baiting by dirt bags like you will make that go away. It has a stench and you only make it worse.

As I said, you just talk too much.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

That's what they all say, they more they get the more they want. Power and money is the prize all you folks are after, and then you spit on the small man. 

You bring you sick immoral self here daily preaching about who you think want power and neglect who have it and abuse it. The fact remains the opposition are involved with crafting restraints to power but the thieves you embrace seek  only their own enrichment. For their own good these things will have to be in place. Note the mistaken apprehension is that jails are to protect society from the criminals. To the contrary, it is to keep them away from good people who will make short work of them in absence of protections of the law.


Indeed, were we to discover oil the curse of the resource rich nation will be our immediate infection and the pox will be on the houses of these fools as quick as having sex with a syphilitic prostitute. There will be no avoiding it and idiots like you will rend your hear and howl at the moon about injustice to your race but to no avail.

You just talk too much, you lose brain cells via evaporation.

 I type fast and think fast and do not ponder the obvious or is dissimulative of the offensive. The PPP are clearly crooks and no amount of race baiting by dirt bags like you will make that go away. It has a stench and you only make it worse.

As I said, you just talk too much.

would that you make sense a little when you do say something.


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Gold bars seized in Puerto Rico

January 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under News


-    Investigators probe possible Curacao heist link

U.S. authorities in Puerto Rico have confiscated 11 gold bars sent by mail from Curacao, officials said Tuesday. Investigators are now probing whether the seized gold is from a recent heist on the Dutch Caribbean Island. The gold bars were found in several courier packages at an airport in the Puerto Rican town of Aguadilla, said Jeffrey Quinones, a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The bars weighed nearly 77 pounds and have an estimated value of US$1.7 million, said a report in the Miami Herald. Inspectors noted that the packages that arrived in mid-December were “unusually heavy,” and flagged them for inspection before confiscating the bars as suspected contraband, Quinones said in a statement. According to a local source, the gold is part of the stolen shipment in Curacao. The source said that investigators are now learning that some of the gold had been shipped to Puerto Rico earlier. The success of this shipment led to the shipping by FedEx of the larger shipment that was intercepted in the United States. That and the success of the first Puerto Rico shipment must have prompted this most recent shipment to Puerto Rice, the source said. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Ivan Ortiz said the source of the gold is under investigation. He declined to say whether officials suspect it came from the Nov. 30 heist in Curacao, in which gunmen disguised as police stole 70 gold bars, worth an estimated $11.5 million from a fishing boat that had been used to transport it. Curacao police spokesman Reginald Huggins said authorities there have six suspects in custody in the theft and have recovered some of the gold, though he declined to say how much. He said he was unaware of the seizure in Puerto Rico. In late December, authorities in Curacao and the US have made some major breakthroughs in the investigations, arresting six suspects, including a prominent downtown jeweller, Giovani Regales. 56 gold bars have since been seized. Curacao police had indicated that of seven persons arrested, one of them is from Bonaire, another Dutch Antillean island; three from Venezuela and the remainder from Curacao. It is believed that at least two of the gold bars were found at the jeweler’s business place. It has been reported that the gang made contact with a US buyer and sent 30 bars via FedEx. However, the buyer, already notified of the stolen gold, alerted the US Customs and the bars were confiscated. The November 30 heist by bandits dressed in police clothes on a Guyana-registered boat at a Curacao port, sparked an international investigation that spanned the US and Guyana. It is believed that the boat left from Suriname. The vessel was said to be registered to a Guyanese. The local address on the registration was reportedly false.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine if these people find oil what will happen. 


It would mean that the AFC/PNC would not be able to fill their pockets and you would remain a US college professor.  This power struggle is all about positioning of rich lawyers in the AFC/PNC to take advantage of potential oil discovery. We all know that lawyers are some of the biggest crooks and now we have to add college professor to the list. 

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

The PNC just stole an election.  What else will they steal?  For 28 years they destroyed Guyana and tried to make Guyana one race.   This Government started the same way Burnham had started.  They put the terrorist machine in place to control the opposition.  It is coming again.  Indians will be running to protect their daughters.. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine if these people find oil what will happen. 


It would mean that the AFC/PNC would not be able to fill their pockets and you would remain a US college professor.  This power struggle is all about positioning of rich lawyers in the AFC/PNC to take advantage of potential oil discovery. We all know that lawyers are some of the biggest crooks and now we have to add college professor to the list. 

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

The PNC just stole an election.  What else will they steal?  For 28 years they destroyed Guyana and tried to make Guyana one race.   This Government started the same way Burnham had started.  They put the terrorist machine in place to control the opposition.  It is coming again.  Indians will be running to protect their daughters.. 


You mean to say that ayuh skont suh schupid that the OPPOSITION managed to rig an election against a 23 year incumbent Government with limitless finances and every coolie imaginable on the payroll? Is that what you're telling us?


PPP is such a skonthole party that the OPPOSITION party successfully rigged against the PPP?


Bai, ah who juss F yuh wife? You or dem bais?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

Imagine if these people find oil what will happen. 


It would mean that the AFC/PNC would not be able to fill their pockets and you would remain a US college professor.  This power struggle is all about positioning of rich lawyers in the AFC/PNC to take advantage of potential oil discovery. We all know that lawyers are some of the biggest crooks and now we have to add college professor to the list. 

The opposition has no reason to steal. They are busy promoting systems that will put them in jail if they do. Furthermore they are doing fine in their respective careers. The real thieves are you and the PPP. 

The PNC just stole an election.  What else will they steal?  For 28 years they destroyed Guyana and tried to make Guyana one race.   This Government started the same way Burnham had started.  They put the terrorist machine in place to control the opposition.  It is coming again.  Indians will be running to protect their daughters.. 


You mean to say that ayuh skont suh schupid that the OPPOSITION managed to rig an election against a 23 year incumbent Government with limitless finances and every coolie imaginable on the payroll? Is that what you're telling us?


PPP is such a skonthole party that the OPPOSITION party successfully rigged against the PPP?


Bai, ah who juss F yuh wife? You or dem bais?

I think you confused somebody with your mama...       

If you lack the knowledge to debate with me, then you should shut up...


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