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In the two previous elections in Guyana, leaders of the Alliance For Change(AFC) promised the Guyanese people that their party would unlock the future of Guyana and they were right for the future of Guyana--they talked a good talk but were soundly defeated at the polls. Today 92% of Guyanese have extremely negative and jaundiced views of the leaders of the AFC. They see them as opportunists who are driven by self interest.







VANESSA TULARAM: "I believe since the AFC picked up 7 seats in parliament their leaders became swell headed. All they do is quarrel about how the PPP corrupt, but up to now not one PPP politician has been charged with corruption. Rather than work for the Guyanese people in parliament the AFC leaders seem determinded only to make the PPP look bad. It is hard to like people who are arrogant and self important, and that is how I see the AFC leaders."



NICOLE SANDERS: "Right now lots of Guyanese see the AFC leaders as opportunists who are more committed to their private law practices and businesses and to making money than they are to the well-being of Guyana and the Guyanese people. I am personally turned off by Nigel Hughes, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Raphael Trotman and the other AFC leaders."



SITA RAMGOBIN: "When I look at out president, Mr. Ramotar, I see a man who is humble and selfless. He wants the best for Guyana. When I see and listen to the AFC leaders I see a bunch of egotistical hypocrites. It looks like they are against all the projects that are being developed in Guyana. I just don't trust the lawyers who head the AFC---they are all for themselves."



WENDY BARNWELL: "First of all I voted for Mr. Granger and APNU, so if you are looking for someone to say something positive about the leaders of the AFC you have the wrong person. The way I see it, 90% of Guyanese voted against the AFC. And in the next election even more Guyanese will vote against the AFC. Since you asked about their leaders, I think the AFC leaders are full of hot air. I dont see them as principled people. I dont see them as honest. But then again they are lawyers. They are all for themsleves. They dont care about the Guyanese people. I know most Guyanese people are put off by the leaders of the AFC."





There you have it folks---ordinary Guyanese give their impression of the AFC leaders---frank and brutally honest.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by TK:

I are the numbers guy, expert at drawing samples. 



The AFC received 10.3% of the votes in the last election---that means 89.7% of the Guyanese people did not buy into their schtick about how they held the key to unlocking the future of Guyana.


Those 4 ladies, and it looks like women in Guyana today are more intelligent and articulate than men, but those 4 ladies said what 92% of the Guyanese people feel today about the AFC leaders:


* Swell headed


* Self important


* Opportunists


* Egotistical


* Etc, etc




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

I are the numbers guy, expert at drawing samples. 



The AFC received 10.3% of the votes in the last election---that means 89.7% of the Guyanese people did not buy into their schtick about how they held the key to unlocking the future of Guyana.


Those 4 ladies, and it looks like women in Guyana today are more intelligent and articulate than men, but those 4 ladies said what 92% of the Guyanese people feel today about the AFC leaders:


* Swell headed


* Self important


* Opportunists


* Egotistical


* Etc, etc




You are like a brainwashed priest. The AFC does not need to win to win. Get used to being a minority government. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nicole Sanders described them the best.... Opportunists.  They are busy making money with their law practice and could care less about the well being of Guyana.


Great post Rev. The AFC defenders cannot hide form the reality that their leaders are viewed with scorn.



If the AFC has opportunists then you guys must be soupatunists? 

Originally Posted by TK:


You are like a brainwashed priest. The AFC does not need to win to win. Get used to being a minority government. 



Didn't the AFC campaign that it would be the party to "unlock the future of Guyana" ? Now you are saying, "the AFC doesn't need to win to win" ?



It looks like Nicole Sanders hit the nail on the head:



NICOLE SANDERS: "Right now lots of Guyanese see the AFC leaders as opportunists who are more committed to their private law practices and businesses and to making money than they are to the well-being of Guyana and the Guyanese people. I am personally turned off by Nigel Hughes, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Raphael Trotman and the other AFC leaders."




Ms. Sanders is 100% correct about the AFC leaders---opportunists driven by self interest---using their position in parliament to further their personal business interest.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nicole Sanders described them the best.... Opportunists.  They are busy making money with their law practice and could care less about the well being of Guyana.


Great post Rev. The AFC defenders cannot hide form the reality that their leaders are viewed with scorn.



TK is among the elites in the AFC, and yet he cannot come here and post anything positive or uplifting about his party's leaders.


The reality is the AFC leaders and the followers(TK, sase singh, Mr. T, warrior, jalil, cain, raymond, stormborn, mahen, mitwah, etc, etc) of the AFC are all blabbermouths and blowhards---they are egotists, grandstanders, swell headed braggadocios who have been exposed by the Guyanese public---the good people of Guyana are onto them(AFC leaders like Moses, Ramjattan, Hughes, Trotman)---they have now seen their true colors---opportunists.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nicole Sanders described them the best.... Opportunists.  They are busy making money with their law practice and could care less about the well being of Guyana.


Great post Rev. The AFC defenders cannot hide form the reality that their leaders are viewed with scorn.



TK is among the elites in the AFC, and yet he cannot come here and post anything positive or uplifting about his party's leaders.


The reality is the AFC leaders and the followers(TK, sase singh, Mr. T, warrior, jalil, cain, raymond, stormborn, mahen, mitwah, etc, etc) of the AFC are all blabbermouths and blowhards---they are egotists, grandstanders, swell headed braggadocios who have been exposed by the Guyanese public---the good people of Guyana are onto them(AFC leaders like Moses, Ramjattan, Hughes, Trotman)---they have now seen their true colors---opportunists.



The AFC has not yet shown leadership. Moses is in opposition and cuss down mode. Khemraj has been muzzled by Nigel who is currently in talks with the PNC to merge both the AFC and the PNC. 


Trotman stabbed young Gerhard in the back by excluding him from parliament because Gerhard was seen as a threat to Trotman. You see, Gerhard was too close to Ramjattan.


The AFC drama continues as Rammo beams with confidence and leadership qualities. The latest polls gave Rammo a 51 percent approval rating.


The AFC is in decline. Calling them a bottom house party is being generous. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nicole Sanders described them the best.... Opportunists.  They are busy making money with their law practice and could care less about the well being of Guyana.


Great post Rev. The AFC defenders cannot hide form the reality that their leaders are viewed with scorn.



TK is among the elites in the AFC, and yet he cannot come here and post anything positive or uplifting about his party's leaders.


The reality is the AFC leaders and the followers(TK, sase singh, Mr. T, warrior, jalil, cain, raymond, stormborn, mahen, mitwah, etc, etc) of the AFC are all blabbermouths and blowhards---they are egotists, grandstanders, swell headed braggadocios who have been exposed by the Guyanese public---the good people of Guyana are onto them(AFC leaders like Moses, Ramjattan, Hughes, Trotman)---they have now seen their true colors---opportunists.



 Imagine  that we are all that and still have a moral core to say you are a mal educated, innumerate, racist, scumbag

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Imagine  that we are all that and still have a moral core to say you are a mal educated, innumerate, racist, scumbag



I notice you are deathly silent about the blunt and brutally honest comments made by those 4 intelligent and articulate Guyanese ladies about the leaders of your beloved AFC:


Read again storm:






VANESSA TULARAM: "I believe since the AFC picked up 7 seats in parliament their leaders became swell headed. All they do is quarrel about how the PPP corrupt, but up to now not one PPP politician has been charged with corruption. Rather than work for the Guyanese people in parliament the AFC leaders seem determinded only to make the PPP look bad. It is hard to like people who are arrogant and self important, and that is how I see the AFC leaders."



NICOLE SANDERS: "Right now lots of Guyanese see the AFC leaders as opportunists who are more committed to their private law practices and businesses and to making money than they are to the well-being of Guyana and the Guyanese people. I am personally turned off by Nigel Hughes, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Raphael Trotman and the other AFC leaders."



SITA RAMGOBIN: "When I look at out president, Mr. Ramotar, I see a man who is humble and selfless. He wants the best for Guyana. When I see and listen to the AFC leaders I see a bunch of egotistical hypocrites. It looks like they are against all the projects that are being developed in Guyana. I just don't trust the lawyers who head the AFC---they are all for themselves."



WENDY BARNWELL: "First of all I voted for Mr. Granger and APNU, so if you are looking for someone to say something positive about the leaders of the AFC you have the wrong person. The way I see it, 90% of Guyanese voted against the AFC. And in the next election even more Guyanese will vote against the AFC. Since you asked about their leaders, I think the AFC leaders are full of hot air. I dont see them as principled people. I dont see them as honest. But then again they are lawyers. They are all for themsleves. They dont care about the Guyanese people. I know most Guyanese people are put off by the leaders of the AFC."

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Nothing the PPP says is ever about impartial opinion making.



This thread is not about what the PPP says. It's about how the people of Guyana perceive the leaders of the AFC. And right now 92% of Guyanese see Trotman, Hughes, Ramjattan and Nagamootoo as swell headed opportunists who are driven and propelled by their own personal self interest and dont give a rat's a$$ about the Guyanese people and progress in Guyana.




One more thing stormy--you are aware of the Rev's mantra:




* 89.7% of Guyanese voters did not for the for the AFC in 2011


Now read what Wendy Barnwell had to say:


"The way I see it, 90% of Guyanese voted against the AFC. And in the next election even more Guyanese will vote against the AFC." Wendy Barnwell




The truth is stormy you can bawl and bray all you want about the PPP this and the PPP that, but the real Guyanese people, those folks who actually live in Guyana, they have a negative and jaundiced view of the AFC leaders and 51% see Ramotar as a good leader, and a man they will re-elect as President in the next election.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:


The truth is stormy you can bawl and bray all you want about the PPP this and the PPP that, but the real Guyanese people, those folks who actually live in Guyana, they have a negative jaundiced view of the AFC leaders and 51% see Ramotar as a good leader, and a man they will re-elect as President in the next election.






You are still braying about numbers? 

Originally Posted by TK:

You are still braying about numbers? 


Even Einstein got the numbers and calculations wrong sometimes!


Einstein thought his biggest mistake was refusing to believe his own equations that predicted the expansion of the Universe. Yet we now know he actually missed out on predicting something even bigger: Dark Energy.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

You are still braying about numbers? 


Even Einstein got the numbers and calculations wrong sometimes!


Einstein thought his biggest mistake was refusing to believe his own equations that predicted the expansion of the Universe. Yet we now know he actually missed out on predicting something even bigger: Dark Energy.







Wow! You are delusional. You're in Einstein's category? First you are having grand delusions you debated Obama when they aren't even aware of your existence.  

Originally Posted by TK:



Wow! You are delusional. You're in Einstein's category?




You really need to stop with this juvenile behavior! The point the Rev was making is no man is infallible---even the great Einstein was wrong at times.


Speaking of Einstein:


Everyone knows his most famous equation: e=mc2


Did you know that even Einstein himself doubted how important that equation was ?


Read more:


 He(Einstein) dismissed the notion that it might one day be at the heart of a new energy source, declaring in 1934 that “there is not the slightest indication” that atomic energy will ever be possible. Now his equation is at the heart of over 400 nuclear power stations, which are about to become the world’s leading source of non-carbon-based energy.








Originally Posted by warrior:

rev you know what make me laugh about this post,is when the lady say no ppp official was ever charge with corruption.i was wondering who will charge them



Didn't Ramjattan promise that parliament would expose all the PPP crooks ? What happened ?


What happened is the Guyanese people now see Ramjattan and his fellow AFC leaders as opportunists who are propelled by their personal self interest.


Listen! The Rev already told you folks that MILK & HONEY flows in the executive branch---the PPP bais have their hands in the COOKIE JAR---but it's a very sophisticated operation warrior---no charges can ever be brought against any of the PPP politicians feasting on the milk and honey.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:

In the two previous elections in Guyana, leaders of the Alliance For Change(AFC) promised the Guyanese people that their party would unlock the future of Guyana and they were right for the future of Guyana--they talked a good talk but were soundly defeated at the polls. Today 92% of Guyanese have extremely negative and jaundiced views of the leaders of the AFC. They see them as opportunists who are driven by self interest.







VANESSA TULARAM: "I believe since the AFC picked up 7 seats in parliament their leaders became swell headed. All they do is quarrel about how the PPP corrupt, but up to now not one PPP politician has been charged with corruption. Rather than work for the Guyanese people in parliament the AFC leaders seem determinded only to make the PPP look bad. It is hard to like people who are arrogant and self important, and that is how I see the AFC leaders."



NICOLE SANDERS: "Right now lots of Guyanese see the AFC leaders as opportunists who are more committed to their private law practices and businesses and to making money than they are to the well-being of Guyana and the Guyanese people. I am personally turned off by Nigel Hughes, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Raphael Trotman and the other AFC leaders."



SITA RAMGOBIN: "When I look at out president, Mr. Ramotar, I see a man who is humble and selfless. He wants the best for Guyana. When I see and listen to the AFC leaders I see a bunch of egotistical hypocrites. It looks like they are against all the projects that are being developed in Guyana. I just don't trust the lawyers who head the AFC---they are all for themselves."



WENDY BARNWELL: "First of all I voted for Mr. Granger and APNU, so if you are looking for someone to say something positive about the leaders of the AFC you have the wrong person. The way I see it, 90% of Guyanese voted against the AFC. And in the next election even more Guyanese will vote against the AFC. Since you asked about their leaders, I think the AFC leaders are full of hot air. I dont see them as principled people. I dont see them as honest. But then again they are lawyers. They are all for themsleves. They dont care about the Guyanese people. I know most Guyanese people are put off by the leaders of the AFC."





There you have it folks---ordinary Guyanese give their impression of the AFC leaders---frank and brutally honest.



There you have it folks.  90% of Guyanese vote race.  The Indians love Ramotar, the blacks Granger, so whats youre point?  51% voted AGAINST the PPP.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nicole Sanders described them the best.... Opportunists.  They are busy making money with their law practice and could care less about the well being of Guyana.


Great post Rev. The AFC defenders cannot hide form the reality that their leaders are viewed with scorn.

Now if you asked her about Ramotar what would you say?  he lacks Jagdeo's charisma so is even less capable of attracting cross ethnic support.

Originally Posted by caribny:


There you have it folks.  90% of Guyanese vote race.  The Indians love Ramotar, the blacks Granger, so whats youre point?  51% voted AGAINST the PPP.




In case your forgot, this thread is about how the Guyanese people perceive leaders of the AFC.


It's not about Indians voting predominantly for the PPP and blacks voting predominantly for the PNC. Neither is it about Ramotar and the PPP getting 48.6% of the votes in the last election.


Now carib, even you must admit that the 4 ladies quoted in the lead post, Vanessa Tularam, Nicole Sanders, Sita Ramgobin, and Wendy Barnwell, are more intelligent and articulate than most of the blowhards from the PNC and AFC who post on this forum.


And Nicole Sanders summed up the perception of the AFC leaders among Guyanese people rather succinctly:


NICOLE SANDERS: "Right now lots of Guyanese see the AFC leaders as opportunists who are more committed to their private law practices and businesses and to making money than they are to the well-being of Guyana and the Guyanese people. I am personally turned off by Nigel Hughes, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Raphael Trotman and the other AFC leaders."


carib bai, you are free to keep hoping and wishing for Guyana to disintegrate and crumble under the leadership of bhai Ramo. May your soul continue to be tortured and tormented as long as the PPP is in office.




Do you have anything to say about losers Moses, Nigel, Khemraj and Trotty ?





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Now carib, even you must admit that the 4 ladies quoted in the lead post, Vanessa Tularam, Nicole Sanders, Sita Ramgobin, and Wendy Barnwell, are more intelligent and articulate than most of the blowhards from the PNC and AFC who post on this forum.




carib bai, you are free to keep hoping and wishing for Guyana to disintegrate and crumble under the leadership of bhai Ramo. May your soul continue to be tortured and tormented as long as the PPP is in office.




Do you have anything to say about losers Moses, Nigel, Khemraj and Trotty ?





The fcat that Guyanese vote race is important on how many perceive the AFC.  I knew what these women would say even befoere I read their comments, and when I did it just confirmed me right.  So if they are so predictable then why should I accept their comments.  They merely bray what their leaders tell them to bray.


And I am sure that the AFC can find four ladies to say nice things about them.  I do know that Nigel drives fear into the PNC because he is much liked by many of the grass roots blacks.  They didnt vote for him because they knew AFC would lose so went APNU.


The point is that MANY Guyanese are frustrated with the PPP and the PNC, and its only their racial paranoia that keeps these parties we can see from the ethnicity of these females.


PPP is the Indo party.  PNC is the Afro party.  So why expect supporters of either, who base their vote either on loyalty to their race, or fear of the other race, to be objective.  To them the AFC is an illo defined nuisance.


Ramotar is a bigger loser than any who you mentioned.  He didnt even stand for election for his post within the PPP as Granger had to wi8thin the PNC.  So we do not even know if he is the choice of PPP members, or just shoved down their throats.


Ramotar lacks one iota of charisma.  If the vastly more charismatic Cheddi and Jagdeo couldnt break the racial divide, Ramotar isnt going to either.


So why dont you tend to your PPP and let TK tend to the AFC.

Originally Posted by warrior:

yet,time is longer than twine




Did you read about Anil Nandalall exposing the AFC's next presidential candidate, Moses Mahendra Nagamootoo, as a confounded liar in parliament ?


Moses said he voted against Jagdeo's lucrative pension in 2009---Nandalall brought out the records---Moses was caught lying---his fellow politicians mocked and laughed at him in parliament.




Oh well, Guyanese people living in Guyana, not the blabbermouths in the USA/Canada/UK,  know best--and the real Guyanese--those in Guyana--perceive AFC leaders as swell headed egotists and opportunists---LOSERS!




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by warrior:

yet,time is longer than twine




Did you read about Anil Nandalall exposing the AFC's next presidential candidate, Moses Mahendra Nagamootoo, as a confounded liar in parliament ?


Moses said he voted against Jagdeo's lucrative pension in 2009---Nandalall brought out the records---Moses was caught lying---his fellow politicians mocked and laughed at him in parliament.




Oh well, Guyanese people living in Guyana, not the blabbermouths in the USA/Canada/UK,  know best--and the real Guyanese--those in Guyana--perceive AFC leaders as swell headed egotists and opportunists---LOSERS!




Rev is the alter ego of the PPP now exposed as living off the sweat of the people and to continue to deceive they are practicing the The Importance of The Inconsequential.


All this hot air from Rev Al and his master the drunkard OH NandaALA is to hide the truth that they were planing tief to millions for their buddy Jags to pay for the battalion of security and the unending fleets of vehicle.


That ends now!

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:


All this hot air from Rev Al




The Rev knows it pains you to see a man like bhai Ramo leading Guyana.


For the past 20 years you have been hoping and praying for a Mr. Granger or a Mr. Trotman or a Mr. Hughes to lead Guyana.


A bhai Ramo or a bhai barath or a bhai Cheddi will always be unacceptable to N*GGER INDIANS!(by the way, on this forum folks refer to East Indians as C**lies--so the phrase N*gger Indian ought not offend anyone)


Listen Narain, folks like you will get your wish one day---your wish to see a Mr. Granger or a Mr. Trotman or a Mr. Hughes lead Guyana---and the reason you will get your wish is the Guyanese  N*GGER INDIAN population is growing.


It is not the good afro Guyanese who will put a Mr. Granger or a Mr. Trotman or a Mr. Hughes in power---it's the N*GGER INDIANS.


Check out some of the N*GGER INDIAN scumbags:





Christopher Ram, Rupert Roopnarine, Khemraj Ramjattan---these are the dirtbags who will help put a Mr. Granger, a Mr. Trotman and a Mr. Hughes back in power.




Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by warrior:

yet,time is longer than twine




Did you read about Anil Nandalall exposing the AFC's next presidential candidate, Moses Mahendra Nagamootoo, as a confounded liar in parliament ?


Moses said he voted against Jagdeo's lucrative pension in 2009---Nandalall brought out the records---Moses was caught lying---his fellow politicians mocked and laughed at him in parliament.




Oh well, Guyanese people living in Guyana, not the blabbermouths in the USA/Canada/UK,  know best--and the real Guyanese--those in Guyana--perceive AFC leaders as swell headed egotists and opportunists---LOSERS!




Rev is the alter ego of the PPP now exposed as living off the sweat of the people and to continue to deceive they are practicing the The Importance of The Inconsequential.


All this hot air from Rev Al and his master the drunkard OH NandaALA is to hide the truth that they were planing tief to millions for their buddy Jags to pay for the battalion of security and the unending fleets of vehicle.


That ends now!

Rev Paul has no credibilty. He conducts his poles in the rum shop among the drunks. He needs to learn that cridibilty is like virginity; once you loose it that's it. According to the law of averages, the Rev has one tit and one ball. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:


All this hot air from Rev Al




The Rev knows it pains you to see a man like bhai Ramo leading Guyana.


For the past 20 years you have been hoping and praying for a Mr. Granger or a Mr. Trotman or a Mr. Hughes to lead Guyana.


A bhai Ramo or a bhai barath or a bhai Cheddi will always be unacceptable to N*GGER INDIANS!(by the way, on this forum folks refer to East Indians as C**lies--so the phrase N*gger Indian ought not offend anyone)


Listen Narain, folks like you will get your wish one day---your wish to see a Mr. Granger or a Mr. Trotman or a Mr. Hughes lead Guyana---and the reason you will get your wish is the Guyanese  N*GGER INDIAN population is growing.


It is not the good afro Guyanese who will put a Mr. Granger or a Mr. Trotman or a Mr. Hughes in power---it's the N*GGER INDIANS.


Check out some of the N*GGER INDIAN scumbags:





Christopher Ram, Rupert Roopnarine, Khemraj Ramjattan---these are the dirtbags who will help put a Mr. Granger, a Mr. Trotman and a Mr. Hughes back in power.




Amral, why are you allowing Rev to use the N word?

Originally Posted by redux:

rev, u still around . . . hmmm?





Check this out--if you laugh then you have a sense of humor---if you scowl then you are a boring, miserable man:











By the way TK/redux, when will you part company with those losers in the AFC--Moses, Khemraj, Nigel, Trotty, Gerard, Kissoon, Benschop, etc, etc



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by redux:

rev, u still around . . . hmmm?



Check this out--if you laugh then you have a sense of humor---if you scowl then you are a boring, miserable man:











By the way TK/redux, when will you part company with those losers in the AFC--Moses, Khemraj, Nigel, Trotty, Gerard, Kissoon, Benschop, etc, etc



naah fool, i'm getting more enjoyment from continuing our little talk bout "straw men" and, more recently, "argumency"


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