That is social Cohesion. Indians must step aside and let blacks get rich as well.
They got their jobs because of nepotism mainly or the landscape of higher management would not be so infused with one race. The PPP excused it on account of that is the best they can find...clearly a lie.
Granted, we have not seen this list. However, here is the rub....neither have you. So to now tell us that its all about nepotism says a lot about your unwillingness to even consider that there is some level of injustice at play.
IF the society is bifurcated by race and its politics is infused on account of race and no one intents to forge strategies that value merit over nepotism you will get work environment where Satteur can hire all his kids and their cousins to fill the GRA or where that prim peacock Ramson can say politics is family business and excuse the children of PPP members and their family on the PPP list as acceptable. Justice will come when good men comes to craft policies.
The PPP at the moment is un election mode and do not have any policy changes that affect this kind of behavior on the table. They simply intend to make hay of it because there are hypocrites in the indian communities who conveniently forgot that it was endemic practice in the PPP until a few months ago and lasting over two decades. When the PPP engages the opposition on their terms for better systems to manage nepotism, call me. You cannot complain on what is the curse of all.
More hogwash form a sakawinki parrot. This buckman does not know what the roads of Guyana look like. He has not seen this country for over 40 years and he thinks he is an authority on Guyana. Go figure.
And you know this!!!!
I am an authority on guyana the as I am an authority on physics, computing, mathematics etc because it is what one does in pursuit of interests. One knows as one desires to know. They do not sit back like a chronic old racist hack and yap about cassava and piwari and believe they make sense.