On your question of elite accommodation, you are dead wrong. Our ideas are shaped by our leaders. Any kind of power sharing or policies designed to promote national unity has to be accepted by the elite (our national leaders) first and once accepted, it has to be transferred to the rank and file. THEN, it has to become institutioinalized and supported by laws and it has to be taught as part of our "civic curriculum". Otherwise, it will be derailed from the onset, based on our divided lens through which we view politics in Guyana. You are putting the cart before the horse. If you do not understand this, your idiocy and blindness (which you have been lacing on this site for many years by your own admission), will continue to see the Guyana Times as promoting racism.
The other issue is that by dehumanizing the leader of the opposition, despite the accusations of nepotism and corruption, by the likes of you and the other knuckleheads like Carib, Rudux, Jalil and others (while demonstrating an unwillingness to criticize the coalition), you are taking a jaundiced approach to the problem. Both sides have to be criticized for their inactions on this issues.
banna, u fool no one with your "perception of racism" chicken and egg jagdeoite scampishness
the "perception" u wax so eloquently about is fed to the Indian masses by antiman like u who would have us believe that a size 14 planted on the baxsides of the 3 skonts below is "racism" and "ethnic cleansing":
Raj Singh - parasite, unqualified incompetent; suzerain while Jagdeo destroyed Guyana's sugar industry
Bharat Dindyal - parasite, incompetent enabler of tiefman who even the PPP appointed GPL Board told to haul his ass
Colin Croal - Jagdeo party operator who resigned his civil service post to campaign for the PPP and now want to tek it back because they lost
now haul yuh mealy-mouthed rass dahside and scrounge up a credible reason why calling attention to the multifarious corruptions of Bharat Jagdeo is "dehumanizing/jaundiced" and unfair . . . note to all idiots on the BB: being leader of the PPP gang and leader of the Opposition is not a good enough reason
and further, lissen up klown . . . there will be time enuf to "criticize the coalition" if/when they commit crimes and betrayals of the magnitude and scope Jagdeo and crew left as legacy . . . but rite now, all y'all have is hope, imaginings and stupidness
am i being clear?