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Cops getting crowd control training in China


Twenty ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) are now in China undergoing specialised training, GINA said on Thursday.

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan said the training is a result of a promise previously made by the Chinese government.

“I want to commend the Chinese (government) for keeping the promise. Last year when I came into administration, they had indicated that they would ask that some of our policemen go. I am glad that it has now been realised,” Ramjattan said.

Ramjattan added, “…they (China) are paying all the expenses, the hotels, meals, travelling. I’m certain that those police are going to have the experience of their life being there in China, working along with the Chinese authorities, and getting training of a very good quality.”

Acting Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine told GINA that the police training in China, basically “has to do with public order, like dealing with crowd control crowd, disturbances in that general area.”

Ramnarine stated, “We have noted a significant increase in training opportunities from the ABC countries, (from) Russia, China, Italy and a few other countries. We have been receiving a lot of help through the Justice Education Society of Canada in terms of training, building capacity for investigators in the CID. They have a two – year contract and that’s going pretty well, so far we about a

hundred and some ranks trained so far.”

The acting Commissioner also identified the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative and local organisations as giving much needed training to ranks of the GPF since the current administration took office.

“Within the last year-and-a-half or so we have seen I think over 80 officers, maybe close to 100 who have gone on different programmes, all with the aim of enhancing not only investigative skills and abilities, but in general, policing and some other key areas”, Ramnarine said.

Among the areas of training identified by Ramnarine are financial investigations, fraud, cybercrimes, and anti-terrorism and extremism.
