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The ingredients in those picture-perfect ads are real

McDonald's posted a video back in 2012 that uncovered the makings behind why their food looks so different in the advertising than what you get from the restaurant. Director of Marketing Hope Bagozzi photographed a side-by-side comparison of a "fresh" quarter pounder with cheese to a burger prepared by a stylist using the same lighting. We were surprised to find out the ingredients used to make the picture perfect burgers are actually real, and they're exactly the same as the ones on your plate.

The only difference? The stylist and Photoshop team spend several hours crafting the burger on the screen compared to the minute it takes to make the burger in your hand. Each pickle is hand-picked, ketchup is applied with a syringe, the cheese is sculpted using a heated palette knife, and all the colors are enhanced and imperfections are removed. As for the size difference? Supposedly, the box each burger comes in keeps the sandwich warm, creating a steam effect that makes the bun shrink.
