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Reply to "2020 Election Watch - Live"

@ Dave,

Dinosaurs like D2 and Labba are the ones claiming that PPP is a Kulie party. This party has transformed into a multi ethnic party. Based on results, of the election, PPP has to build upon this. APNU is purely an Afro based clannish party and that’s their problem. That’s why they lost the election. They were punished by the AFC wing for shoving aside the Kulies.

DJ was relishing in his ignorance as the pros kept reminding him of his lack of understanding of the changing dynamics and the PPP tidal wave. PPP is a true multi ethnic party. This is Bharat’s PPP. Jagan communist party of dinosaurs is dead. Joey is a Jackass.

PPP should let APNU rot and forge ahead with Their new base. They will transform Guyana economically and ethnically. 

PPP will leave dinosaurs like D2 who cussed them on a daily basis to rot in ignorance. Labba also posts nonsense about the PPP and they are dinosaurs of the Past.

Go PPP go. Bharat you are a demigod. Ali, will be a President for the next 10 years.


Last edited by Former Member