This is a crime. Also, it's a crime that is possibly motivated by religious hatred. We don't know yet.
Regardless, we can expect that he will be indicted by a Christian prosecutor, found guilty by a Christian jury, and sentenced by a Christian judge. In the U.S. and the rest of the infidel West, a Christian murdering members of a Muslim minority will be dealt with swiftly by the law. In the Islamic world, a Muslim can rape or murder a member of a Christian minority with impunity and the law will not act specifically because the life of a Christian is not worth the same as that of a Muslim.
Shaitaan 'deflecting' as per weasel norm. . . red herrings fast & furious
Redux...."trolling" as per your norm....twisting and quote mining
the public record in the age of the internet is y'all worst nightmare
if what it takes is "quote mining," "trolling," etc., to do the job, as long as i don't lie, it's all good