I always appreciate and enjoy an early morning exchange of ideas with you
i don't engage in "exchange of ideas" with klown dissemblers . . . that's an IQ-lowering exercise
pay attention
My Dear Man Child,
I don't have the inclination to respond to people who are so disingenuous that they consistently resort to quote mining in a clear attempt to distort the point of a post. I trust the typical reader to get my point.
Trolls are kinda like naughty children....responding to their bad behavior only reinforces their bad behavior.
ahmmm . . . i think the "distortion" is all yours mein herr
your stock response to my exposure of your mendacity is to whine that it is the "point of [your] post" (not the lie supporting it) that matters
and, please . . . instead of complaining like a lil biatch about "quote mining," do a rev and follow your "inclination" to its logical destination
it will probably prove less embarrassing for u going forward, arite?