It seems from numerous news reports that the victims were parking in his spot despite numerous complaints over lengthy periods of time to them personally and to their property manager from the murderer.
Look, no one is saying one should get shot in the head for being an ass. I just think it's disingenuous when we all pretend that we don't understand that this dude was dealing with some jackasses who happened to be Muslims and he lost it one day when they finally parked in his spot one time too many.
I wouldn't shoot a person in the head over a parking spot, but I live in NYC...I understand his frustration.
Was this apartment either affiliated, associated or referred by the school? Was it located on property under the school jurisdiction?
I don't know. They haven't gotten into the specifics of the parking dispute beyond what I already said. I'll post anything else I might come across.
And FYI, getting shot in parking disputes is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more common than getting shot for being Muslim.
P.S....this dude is a liberal atheist. Liberal atheists are not known for religious murders. He used his social media to bash all religions equally. Including Christians. Atheists tend to do that. Atheists are generally hostile to all silly beliefs about the man in the sky.