Well, the Party of Allah-USA Branch can be as angry as they like. And they will take the "high road" as in obey the secular infidel law because the alternative is a cold domestic prison cell or sunny Guantanamo Bay. The infidel majority still maintains the coercive powers of the State even though our liberals seem to have lost their minds when it comes to all things Allah.
Ironically, the excessive demands for privilege of Muslims, their constant public whining, their false claims of discrimination and/or American Muslim Holocaust will keep them as a front burner issue. They are their own worse enemy.
It will do you some good to get out from under the rock where you exist. I am willing to suggest that disobeying the infidels laws is done more by the infidels than the party of Allah - US Branch. Newsflash, everybody demands the right to be recognized in America. The Jews are constantly advocating for more rights. So are African Americans. Muslims are no less worthy of this advocacy. After all they also pay taxes. You hatred is harmful only to your karma. But it is after all a free country so you are free to screw up your karma if you so choose.
Bro Kaz,
This is deep!!!
Jumah Muarak.