My Dear Friend,
If you must know, I do try to get out from under my rock as often as I can.
Permit me to draw a line between the ordinary criminality of individuals committed for individual purposes and individual gains. Our society can handle these individuals. If these individuals even happen to be "Muslim", even that doesn't matter. No one is concerned about Muslim "ordinary crime."
Yuh crazy bai. Crime is crime regardless of reason. In a court of law, anyone charged with breaking the law is tried to determine if they did break the law not why. The why may only come in during the penalty phrase after a conviction. Therefore there is no distinction whether the crime is motivated by hatred or any of the normal reasons you mentioned. This nonsense about Islam inspires Muslims to be violent was very eloquently addressed on social media recently when someone wrote 'There are about 1.7 billion Muslims in the world. If Islam really promoted terrorism, you'd all probably be dead by now'. So your fear is all in your head. I have a higher chance of being killed by one of your normal criminals than I do a terrorist. That is why I don't intend to lose any sleep over what perturbs you.