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Reply to "50 years later: How racism allegations against a Montreal professor turned into the greatest student riot in Canadian history"

This is Canadian racism for you.  A man or woman will smile with you, take your money for services rendered or talk about the importance of equality/diversity with you but when he or she has to act in important situations like marking a colored person's paper fairly in a course required to get into medical school, promoting a colored person over a white person, giving a colored person a job over a white person or allowing his white daughter to date and marry a Brown or deep brown South Asian then the racism of these Canadians come out. The next Prime Minister election in Canada. Prashad will be voting race.  He will be voting for the Silk because the Sikh's election to head the NDP has brought out the hidden racism of many white NDP members against people of color leading them.

Last edited by Prashad