quote:Originally posted by albert:
this nation’s economic progress could be a source of “envy anywhere in the world…”.
The growth rate definitely compares most favourably with the current trend among member states of the Caribbean Community and is Nevertheless, Guyanese of all walks of life, and irrespective of political affiliations, could take comfort in the latest official disclosure of data that the country registered an almost six percent economic growth for the first half of this year.
If people overseas thought that Guyana offered them opportunities we would see massive immigration. What we do see are Chinese coming to seize our US immigration quota and they stay long enopugh to establish residency. And Brazilians coming to steal our gold.
As to Guyanese. Daily they board LIAT for a better life in some small island. The only beneficiaries are our 5% narcotraffickers and others who share in their spoils.
Now if gold tumbles by 30%, and Asia have excellent rice and sugar harvests I wonder what you all will say. Commodity prices raise and fall. Guyana has the same economy that it had 60 years ago. THAT is unique in the world.