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Reply to "5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments"

GUYANA’S continuing economic growth is certainly a matter for resounding applause. President Bharrat Jagdeo proudly declared that this nation’s economic progress could be a source of “envy anywhere in the world…”.
The growth rate definitely compares most favourably with the current trend among member states of the Caribbean Community and is perhaps unique in the pattern of progress within recent years, despite bewildering factors, regionally and internationally.
Even in normal times, given the nature of competitive party politics, it would be too much to expect the political opposition having something positive to say about Guyana’s steady path of social and economic advancement. But certainly not with a new general election a few months away.
Nevertheless, Guyanese of all walks of life, and irrespective of political affiliations, could take comfort in the latest official disclosure of data that the country registered an almost six percent economic growth for the first half of this year.
As told by President Jagdeo himself at Friday’s press conference: “I am extremely pleased with the Mid-Year Report on the economy. It is a great achievement for a country to keep a high level of growth in light of the global turmoil.
“Over the past six or seven years”, he said, “our country has been on a significantly elevated growth trajectory; and for the first half of this year we have had a 5.9 percent growth which is an enviable figure anywhere in the world…”
The official expectation, based on current data and projections, is that Guyana should record an overall economic growth in 2011 of 5.1 percent. Such an achievement could only generate more favourable responses from the international financial institutions in their own independent assessments of what the government, private sector and people in general of Guyana are continuing to achieve—against the odds.
At a time of recurring disheartening news, for various reasons, among both developed and undeveloped, rich and poor nations of the global community, the released information on economic growth for the first half of the year, can only inspire Guyanese to achieve further progress - beyond 2011.


Guyana is on the rise