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Reply to "661,000 eligible voters on OLE- 91,000 more that 2015"

kp posted:

“Bloated” final voters list ready -elections commissioner

As the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) prepares to certify the final voters list, also called the Official List of Electors (OLE), containing 661,028 persons, at least one pro-coalition elections commissioner on Tuesday reiterated that the roll is bloated.

“So, clearly we are going forward with a bloated list because there is no circumstance under which a population of 750,000 plus with a school population of approximately 200,000 can produce a voters list of 661,000,” Vincent Alexander told reporters.

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For an estimated 30% for children under 18 years of age, 525,000 rather than 661,000 is a reasonable number for a population of 750,000.
