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Reply to "786,552"

@Totaram posted:

Hey Rama, do you still beat your wife? Do you still support fraud by Jagdeo and Ali? Does Jagdeo pass some of the loot to you? Why do you love him so much? BTW, I thought you wrote the headlines, which you confirmed, because of the bad English.

@Former Member posted:

Totaram ....

Hopefully, you will avoid the inclusion of GCDF's members wives in your conversations.

Conduct yourself in a proper manner.

Demerara _GUY = Moderator

@Totaram posted:

I will if you let them know that they should not make unfounded, serious allegations like Ramakant did:   Ramakant wanted to know if "I  still support PNC criminality? and Do you still want to kill coolies?"  Since these are fabrications and serious allegations he opened himself to similar treatment.  Do fo do na obeah!  

Totaram ...

Focused issue .. making statements about a person's wife.

Note carefully, Totaram ... as stated earlier ---

Conduct yourself in a proper manner.

Should you continue to work against the Forum Rules, enforcement actions will be administered against you.

Demerara _GUY = Moderator
