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Reply to "A disparager of black people, acclaimed religious bigot, a consumate liar and a pig under tha alias Rev Al."

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



These people, who you detest passionately or at least pretend to detest just to score political points should not be banned. They should be left for the public to see and judge for themselves. You should lock horns with them to show us how they are dangerous to society. You need to stand and fight like a man. The purpose of the forum is allow everyone to voice their opinions on issues. We, the audience, are interested in their political beliefs.

 We do not give serial killers and rapists a voice. They begin with having  diseased thoughts, voicing them and even taking practice runs to hone their skills. Why should I give racists, bigots or corruptocrats a forum? I bulldoze them if I can.
