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Reply to "A disparager of black people, acclaimed religious bigot, a consumate liar and a pig under tha alias Rev Al."

Originally Posted by cain:

Iman doan wanna boast but.

nah neva mind.


"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable" - Socrates 400BC


Not about boasting , but  rather the challenge , hard work and exhilaration of pushing one's self to new limits . I started at a meager 135 lbs on the bench press with a bodyweight of 180 lbs. Today , Im at 315 lbs on the bench press 10 reps .Its about being a positive force Cain.


Let me share with you the inspirational story of Sri Chinmoy :



Sri Chinmoy began weightlifting in 1985, at the age of 54. Bill Pearl, former Mr. Universe, acted as Master of Ceremonies at many of Sri Chinmoy's strength exhibitions. Introducing one of Sri Chinmoy's weightlifting exhibitions in 1999, Bill Pearl wrote: "Today you are going to see some amazing feats of strength that I myself - and I have been in the industry for fifty-five years - would not even attempt to perform."[73] Sri Chinmoy, said his motivation for lifting was to inspire others, especially those of an older generation.


“If I can inspire anybody in this world, then I feel that my life is meaningful. With my weightlifting, I am offering my physical strength to inspire people

