Then I may have to hire Guyanese4eva is my backup. He is know to lift alot of weight all 500 pounds at once.
Allow me to correct you . It is 315 lbs on the bench press as of now . I used to be able to do 350 . Took me a long time to get to that level . I hope I can at least stay at 315 lbs . Im running on a calorie deficit to get more ripped.
I see you still havent learnt the basic " know your enemy , know yourself and you will always be successful "
Im sorry I wont back anyone up in a useless confrontation . I feel sorry for your outcome if indeed one day you are matched up with an opponent . You have an angry mind ..already a predisposition to loss.
I eat close to 35 hundred calories normally and i am still running a deficit. I did 12 miles biking single track this morning and used 1472 according to my monitor. I am going to the gym at 6 and will run 33 mins or 3 miles to warm up and that will be another 340. Then I work out for 90 mins on weights and machines and that is usually another 400. I know my output on average is about 2500 and I work out one on one off but abs every day. I also bike almost daily as well. I bike twice my daily ride on week ends. I eat all the time to keep up and that is only if I take in 1600 cal or so in 2 of energy shakes.
Im impressed . Can't say that I know many people even half as active / fit as you are .
I did not do anything for almost 2 years. You need friends. I have group who ride all the time. Usually there are between 4 to 6 all the time. The trails are outside my house and they are great. My gym is a block away and it is also a meetup point since we hang out there for lunch and in the evening. It is a sort of yuppy mall with Starbucks, 4 restaurants, wholefoods, and lots of little stores plus the gym ( actually there are 5 upscale gyms within 3 blocks of me)