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Reply to "A.F.C/A.P.N.U Coalition talks in limbo..."

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Contrary to the views of the opposition goons,the P.P.P/C is well received by the majority of the youths.

  Can you furnish evidence of this?  These statements, made with certainty, and not back with evidence is why you wailed about how ungrateful black people are, when you lost Linden and Buxton, and how the "success" of the PPP led to its support base to be complacent.


Maybe most of its supporters are in Toronto, still nursing hurts from the fact that Burnham chased them out of Guyana, so they don't understand that the average voter in Guyana is really too young to care about that.  Some might however know that the turn around came under Hoyte, and so the APNU of today is hardly the PNC of 1976.
