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Reply to "A.F.C/A.P.N.U Coalition talks in limbo..."

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

There's a saying....those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.

Yes.  The PPP has LOST votes in EVERY election since 1997.  The PNC only lost elections in 2006.


You are correct when you say that those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.


Last time the PPP scraped together 166k votes, the SAME number that the PNC obtained in 2001.  REMEMBER THIS PAST!


Remember this:


PNC NEVER won a Free and Fair Election.


PPP won every single Election.


PNC peaks at 40 percent.


Always remember this. You can take that in your pipe and smoke it.



PPP in 1997 221k votes

      in 2001 210k votes (11k fewer)

      in 2006 182k votes (28k fewer)

      in 2011  166k votes (16k fewer)

      in 2015  150k votes?   That is what the trend suggests.


The past says that with every election the PPP gets fewer votes, therefore if they do what they did in the past (forget the past) they are condemned to repeat it (get fewer votes).


If the PPPs vote drops to 150k APNU only needs to get 11k more votes than they did in 2011.  They don't even have to match their 2001 results.


What if ? What if ? what if ?


Just like the daily What if from the AFC losers.


You are ignoring on important piece of data, the AFC has no support base left. They have been exterminated in Berbice.


Anything x 0 = 


Do the Math.
