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Reply to "A.F.C/A.P.N.U Coalition talks in limbo..."

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger's idea to reintroduce the memory of a dictator in his campaign will hurt the PNC further. I hope the PPP will be wise to use it against him during their campaign.

I beg your fkin pardon m'am, what the hell are you dirtbags doing every fkin day in here when you spend all day invoking the dead man Burnham?


You telling me that your sleazy ass PPP party not using deadman Jagan in their campaign. Look haul yo rass daside yeh and stop spreading your shit here.


This is the reason we does get pissed off at yall s..nt. Everything you grab at hoping it will ketch.. NOOO IT AIN"T... stick that in your craws morons.

This is Granger's idea, not mine. He will lose the election because he chose to invoke a dictator spirit into election campaign. This dictator is making waves not only on GNI, but all over the world on social medias.
