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Reply to "A.F.C/A.P.N.U have no class"

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

And to think that after they killed sugar in Berbice, they want to kill fishing by bringing in the Chinese trawlers.


And Berbicans will vote for them?

Berbicians will have to vote PPP. If sugar is taken out of Berbice, thousands of jobs are at stake. It will have a domino effect. Berbicians strongly believe that the PNC will close Skeldon factory in a NY minute, given the chance.

The APNU is committed to rehabilitating the sugar industry. It is a necessity. It can be done. It suffocates because of PPP nepotism. Raj Singh with no experience in the industry, Geeta Singh, a demonstrable failure, squats on the board and the list goes on of incompetence and neglect that has ruined the industry.


One need only be reminded it was on Ramorar's watch the white elephant of a sugar plant was handed over with no warantee of usability. Even  if you buy a phone you expect it to work or demand your money back. Some quarter a billion dollars US gone and it still cannot perform to the level of t he old Albion plant. The PPP ruined sugar against all odds of doing so!
