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Reply to "A few more things I learn about Guyanese"

Leonora posted:

Vish, I've seen this name change thing. Kamla became Kimberly, Rishiram became Richard, etc. Indians from India, especially the highly educated ones I've been in touch with, keep their original names because they are proud of their heritage.

This is nothing new.  Coming from India to Guyana, many Dalits adoption Brahmin names and short circuited the whole karma thing.  I went to school with a Rampadarat, met him in N.Y., name Rudy. 

Many of those fake Brahmins were rum suckers and womanizers in Guyana but are now “practicing” pandits in N.Y.   Money talks.  Beware of those obsessed, Nuff fakery!

Vish, I believe it’s Blacksage, not Blackstage.  Between the bark and stem carries an anti biotic which fends off the bacteria causing gum disease.  
