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Reply to "A multi-party coalition is the only road to government-Vishnu Bisram"

Underlying Mr Bisram's thesis is an acceptance of the trend that Guyanese chiefly vote race and will continue to vote race. So, by that logic, if an Indo party teams up with a party or parties of other races, things would be better. I don't think so.

There needs to be a revolutionary change in the mindset of Guyanese voters. They need to stop voting race, period. They need to assess each party's program/platform and vote according to their conscience, ie, what they believe to be the best program for themselves. Voting race is not voting according to conscience. That is a no-brainer. 

Up to a month before the May 2015 general elections I was optimistic that the racial voting pattern was about to crumble. But during the final weeks of campaigning Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP, aided and abetted by the likes of Swami Aksharananda and Dr Baytoram Ramharrack and Ryhaan Shah and Ravi Dev, made a frenzied appeal for Indian solidarity. That tactic paid off in the sense that the PPP garnered more votes than it did in 2011. But it has left Guyana deeply divided as never before. 
