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Reply to "A multi-party coalition is the only road to government-Vishnu Bisram"

seignet posted:

How about when the Blacks went about Black Village beating drums proclaiming, "Get up and guh vote out dem kulies."

Doan even mention dem goodly Indian people names. Unless you mention David Hinds, Agunsye, Hamilton Green, Forbes Burnham, Granger, Caribj, D2, ACDA and just about the whole Black population.

Man, look hey, dem racists too. And way up to the Hot Place.

Yuh tinking with Black people biases. Iz wah kulies done 2 yuh recently.

Wid such kind of thinking, how u expect the nation to rationalize who dem should vote for, when yuh telling dem dey is racists.


My point is still valid, Siggy. While I didn't specify, Afros voted solidly for APNU+AFC because the PNC is the linchpin of APNU. Racial considerations there. This is why I say that there ought to be a complete break from the race pattern to a platform/program/issues pattern.
