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Reply to "A multi-party coalition is the only road to government-Vishnu Bisram"

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

My question to Carib was if the PPP did not attract the mixed people's votes how the hell they got almost 50% when eligible Indos made up only 39% of the electorate?  He condemned the PPP as racist and placed all blame on them. The PNC preaches more racial hate than any other party in this country. They have aided and abetted physical attacks on Indo Guyanese. To Carib, this is all acceptable and does not make the PNC culpable in any way. His view is biased.  I agree that the PPP must change its ideology and be more receptive to new ideas. New ideas will come when they accept new people without worrying about compromising their own positions.


So you hate the PNC.  Now what better way for them to stay in power than ensuring  that the PPP loses because they promote themselves as the "coolie people party".

Indians were 44% voting age population last year..  If you assume that 40% of the voters were PPP Indians, and that the PPP won 70% of the Amerindian vote, and PPP Amerindians were 5%, that leaves only 4% of the voters being African/mixed.  

This means that the PPP won less than 10% of the African/mixed vote.  It also means that 80% of the PPPs votes came from Indians. 

Only about 60% of the votes that APNU/AFC received were from Africans, and this because they won the overwhelming majority of mixed votes.

1. The PPP will NOT win as many Amerindian votes in 2020.  That group votes for the government in power to get resources allocated to them.  They don't pick sides in our coastal tribal warfare, so don't vote on the basis of principle.

Now dig through your little racist brain and ask yourself how come APNU/AFC won in Lethem when over 85% of the region 9 population is Amerindian.  Also the PPP tied in Mabaruma when that area also has a small African population.


2.  So if the PPP is losing Amerindian votes, not getting more than 10% of the combined African/mixed vote and depends on Indians for the bulk of its support, even YOU will see that the PPP will be a gradually dying party.

3.  The PPP CANNOT rely on the Amerindian vote, as they vote for the government in power, and Granger is ensuring that this will continue.  The Indian population is dwindling, and in fact by 2030 Mixed people will EXCEED the Indian population, and this is IGNORING high rates of migration.

How can the PPP win if they only get 10% of the African/mixed vote when this bloc is growing?  
