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Reply to "A multi-party coalition is the only road to government-Vishnu Bisram"

Jalil posted:

Ramkarran, in his article titled ‘Politics and the Ethnic Census’, said the PPP believes it can regain power by a majority at the next elections because of “diminishing support for the AFC.”

“However, its own support among the Indian business and professional classes and the larger Indian middle class is weakening,  (Jagdeo Minority)


and its leadership is either jaded or short of talent and the capacity to inspire. (Jagdeo Minority)


It also carries much baggage from its 23-year rule.”(Jagdeo Minority)

The PPP is packed with brown bai KKK racists who think that Indians are the only group which matters. They still think that it is 1970 when Indians were 50% of the voting age population.

FACT.  Even if the PPP wins 100% of the Indian votes, and they will NOT, they still lose, as their recent victories came because they dominated the Amerindian vote, because they were in power.  ONE year after the PPP loses Amerindians are already showing signs of switching, and as Granger definitely plans to show largesse to them this will continue.

But the brown bai KKK who run the PPP are so contemptuous of non Indians that they don't even bother to see that their support base is DWINDLING as they lose the ability to buy votes through largesse!
