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Reply to "A multi-party coalition is the only road to government-Vishnu Bisram"

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

My question to Carib was if the PPP did not attract the mixed people's votes how the hell they got almost 50% when eligible Indos made up only 39% of the electorate? 

While Indians make up only 39 percent of the population, a very large proportion of Indians are above 18 years old and eligible to vote. In absolute numbers, more Indians voted than Africans and Mixed. As the incumbent during the last election, the PPP benefited from more Amerindian votes than APNU+AFC. In short, PPP's good showing was due to Indian and Amerindian votes chiefly. The GECOM official results for Regions 1, 8 and 9 show that clearly. But right now, even as I type this comment, President Granger's people are working calculatedly on the ground to win the Amerindians' support.

Complete rubbish!!!!

What is rubbish about this?  Indians were 40% of the overall population in 2012, but 44% of the voting age population.   Given that turn out in the interior is lower it is therefore likely that 45% of the voters were Indians.  The PPP pulled in at least 90% of these.

Face it.  Your PPP decided that its salvation lies in becoming a "coolie people party" aiming at "consolidating the East Indian vote" They refused to campaign in the LGE in G/T (too much blackman) and as a result lost support among Indians there.  The result being that the PPP now only has 2 of the city council seats DOWN FROM EIGHT!

Last edited by Former Member