Or who within the PPP can non Indos rely on to protect their interests? Indos and Afros are not the only racial groups in Guyana.
These are the two groups which determine the face of Guyana politics. That is a reality even though both groups are declining.
I agree. But let's don't loose sight of the other minority groups. They may very well be able to tip the scale in the final outcome.
I expanded it after my initial response.
Do not fool yourself that there is a single mixed bloc.
1. Some are people who most might consider black, but for reasons best known to themselves self identify as mixed. Trotman being an example.
2. Others are people with ancient non African ancestry which is quite visible, but are fully socialized with the African population. Even though they self identify as "mixed" they operate fully within the context of the African population.
3. Others are more recent admixtures, who may identify with one parent more than the other, or who may actually identify with neither, seeing themselves as part of a "new" group. This is the group which is growing, but I suspect that most of them are quite young, many not even old enough to vote.
These segments will likely behave differently.
There is the Amerindian vote, but the best that they can do is to chose the winner. In the last several elections a large % went with the PPP (maybe 60%). We will see which party they chose this time, but the reality is that they do not shape Guyanese politics. They merely decide which one of the two horses available that they will jump on. The Amerindian party (GAP) failed.
I have nothing but the greatest sympathy for General Granger for awkward positions ya'll (Indos and Blacks) will be putting him in on May 12th.
I'm sure General Granger would wish he could ignore all ya'll and just govern according to the dictates of his conscience.