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Reply to "A Note to the Mudheads Here Who Think They're Promoting the PPP With Offensive Terms Like "Dutty Indian" From Freedom House"

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Or who within the PPP can non Indos rely on to protect their interests? Indos and Afros are not the only racial groups in Guyana.

These are the two groups which determine the face of Guyana politics. That is a reality even though both groups are declining.

I agree. But let's don't loose sight of the other minority groups. They may very well be able to tip the scale in the final outcome.

When we have individuals who put Guyana before themselves, we will see a united Guyana where race is not a factor. As long as we have individuals who want to get their hands on the milk and honey, Guyana will always be divided by race. These "ambitious and honourable" men will split this country along racial lines, keep the people down and continue to spread hatred. I don't believe we have leaders today who have what it takes to make Guyana like when it was the bread basket of the Caribbean.  
