The PNC is the most racist party with their 95 Percent Afro Based motorcade.
More PPP racism. They have 98% Indo based rallies, and think nothing of that. To them a 95% Afro motorcade is a riot.
As we are all telling you and the rest of the PPP. Continue with your racism. You are angering many young Indians who are tired of it and do not wish to be connected to it.
We can call the PPP a racist party but give a pass to the PNC? Both Indians and Afros are racists. Guyan is a racist society. In Guyana the balckman can call the Indian "coolie" and the Indian call the blackman "ni***r". Ther is no harsh feelings there. They have come to accept this type of "greeting".
Here is the deal. The PPP remains a "coolie party" as described by both Rohee and Jagdeo. Its campaigning is based solely on negating any claims by Nagamootoo on a portion of the Indian vote. It has no ties to any credible group which represent blacks. It will continue to be rejected by blacks.
Like it or not but Nagamootoo does have some Indian support. We can debate how much he has, but even you cannot deny that he has. Indeed we see the squeal about "dutty Indians voting PNC". The PNC remains a black and mixed party. However it has conceded 40% of its cabinet and about as many of its MPs to the AFC, whose support is likely to be more than 50% Indian.
The PNC is trying to attract more non black votes.
Can you tell me what the PPP is doing to attract non Indian votes? Who within the PPP can blacks rely on to protect their interests?